
Jujutsu Kaisen: Animatronics and cursed’s

Well, my third FF. For those who have seen my previous synopses, you already know how horrendous they are, but here it goes: A FNAF fanatic reincarnates in jjk as an animatronic curse, and Fadbear Entertainment exists in jjk, so you'll see a crazy crossover and a guy who knows only about the first season of jjk facing this world and the urge for revenge. Well, there's the synopsis *sigh* I just wanted to say and clarify that, so you won't complain about it while you read it. The protagonist is practically a child(mentally and physically. he have 13 years) and can alternate between their human form (is like the child golden Freddy from the movie) and their animatronic form (golden Freddy).

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

chapter eight: Better Call Saúl

A/N: This week I had to do many things such as taking care of my grandparents or my five year old sister, otherwise I would have uploaded more chapters, but consider it as my early Christmas gift for my readers.

~~~Start of the chapter~~~

The stress that Lucius has accumulated has been released in a healthy and common way, you know, fighting to the death with a lunatic (curse) while betting on an idea that comes to mind in the heat of the moment while feeling addicted to the sensation of improving in the midst of a battle, something very healthy and recommended by veterinarians and dentists.

Still, it could be said that Lucius is a great internal conflict. On hand, he has created a plan about what he has to do and will do while trying to act as rationally as possible. However, this is not quite the case as Lucius sees these plans as his mission guide, classifying some as secondary missions and others as main missions, with returning home being the final mission. On the other hand, despite how much he misses his home Lucius is fascinated by the animatronics and the cursed energy, asking himself questions like: Can remnant act as a battery? Can I inject cursed energy into cells to replace the function of food/nutrients, creating a fully self-sufficient being? Can I see William's research to create an army of robots? How does the mechanism of the animatronics work to provide such stability and movements? If I expose a living being to remnant during the pregnancy stage, will the offspring be affected? Can remnant affect brain functions? Does cursed energy have a limit on the concepts it can affect? Is it possible to create a machine capable of imitating how a body uses its cursed technique, and then control cursed energy in the same way to imitate its cursed technique? If theoretically a machine or robot capable of imitating cursed techniques is created, couldn't it modify the cursed technique in a way that allows us to do absurd things like controlling gravity or creating and destroying black holes?

And those would be your most normal and simple questions that you have thought about these weeks, Lucius has also been quite excited and although fatigue has overcome him, Lucius has genuinely enjoyed understanding and exploring his new abilities and powers to such an extent that one of the reasons why he forced himself to fight alone without letting them out, is to reach a point where he forces himself to improve, achieving "inspiration".

Anyway, going back to the forest and the place where Lucius is, we can see him lying on the ground without any wounds but he also has a distant look that shows the reflective state he is in. If we delve into his gaze, we could find it similar to that of people who have 10,000 hours in Fortnite, an empty and tired look that doesn't have a specific purpose, but also with a spark of crazy and senseless excitement.

"Now that I think about it... I really don't have a realistic plan... I also don't have true control over whatever I am now, and I literally live in constant fear and paranoia without even staying in the same area for more than a day" Lucius reflects as he watches the sunset alongside the trees and flowers that remain standing after his battle.

The breeze flows gently around as Lucius enjoys and feels the breeze running through his body and hair along with an empty feeling that starts to suffocate and sink him deeper into a well of release.

However, Lucius knows that this is only a break he cannot afford often and that he must train and make plans and train and make plans over and over AGAIN AND AGAIN until he can return home. So, would it really be wrong to take a break for a few moments and momentarily forget that he has just discovered some things about the remnant and therefore should conduct tests? The human answer would be no, it's not wrong. But Lucius's reasoning and logic tell him that doing nothing only makes you accustomed to doing nothing and stops you from moving forward, leaving you stagnant and wasting time. After all, Lucius is strict and tough on others, but even more so on himself, only allowing himself to truly rest when everything is ready, although the battles have been somewhat rewarding, except for the pain. He still resents the curse for the pain it caused him.

"I wonder if I can only improve by fighting? No, don't think that way, I've improved a lot without risking my life and I've only been in this place for a short time" murmurs Lucius to himself.

" *sigh* Well, I guess I'll take a break for today" says Lucius as he stands up and goes to look for his backpack with his belongings to settle down and sleep somewhere around here.

Finally, after an exhaustive search, Lucius managed to find his things and luckily everything seemed to be in good condition. "Finally some good news" he murmurs to himself as he goes to another part of the forest hoping to find a place that hasn't been affected by his battle.

After a twenty-minute walk, Lucius is finally satisfied with the place he has found, so he sets up his sleeping bag and uses his backpack as a pillow as he lies down to look at the sky.

'To be honest, I'd prefer to sleep in my old room, camping is not my thing' Lucius thinks as he lazily gazes at the sky and sees the sunset slowly approaching 'Although I definitely think it's the most comfortable place I've come across lately'

And without even realizing how much time has passed, Lucius falls asleep and for the first time in two weeks, manages to sleep for more than 5 hours.

~~~ 12 hours later~~~

"After all the sleep he had, Lucius was able rest his mind properly and wake up with plenty of energy and a desire to do something.

As he opens his eyes, Lucius feels how the light of nature penetrates his eyes, revealing the beauty and climate of this untouched place by human hands. "Can't there be a damn day when the damn sun doesn't wake me up?" Lucius says with a fairly justified anger towards the sun, after all, who wouldn't be angry at the one who has woken him up for two weeks?

' *sigh* I should relax and return to society. After all, I have already taken a break' Lucius thinks as he begins to pack his things and prepares for a long walk back to the society that wants to hunt him.

'But before I go, I'm going to try to transform myself back into an animatronic without the mask' Lucius thinks before imitating what he had done in his battle, except this time the remnant refuses to enter his body for some reason and he only feels pain without any results. However, Lucius ignores this and keeps trying several times, only to have the same outcome.

"This won't get me anywhere" he says with some regret in his voice as he takes out the mask from his backpack, "but maybe I can figure something out if I focus on the changes the mask causes when I put it on" Lucius ponders as he carefully takes the mask and slowly but surely puts it on.

Unlike the previous time, Lucius was able to concentrate enough to feel how the mask works, and that's when he feels it: the mask doesn't have any real power, it's simply how he reacts to it. In an instant, he transforms back into Golden Freddy. "T-This doesn't make sense... haha, who would've thought that I had the answer literally inside me all this time" Lucius exclaims as he touches and grabs his face, somewhat annoyed that he didn't do this earlier when he had so many opportunities.

You see, what Lucius just experienced was not something miraculous or the key to getting a power-up, but rather he just witnessed the personification, the embodiment, or rather the cost of all the talents he possesses. In this moment, Lucius has just observed how his "shadow" or "soul" whatever it may be, reacts to the mask as if the mask awakens it for a moment, and in that same instant, what appears to be a third entity awakens only to immediately fall back asleep. This entity seems to be the original Golden Freddy, as his body and remnant immediately transform him into Golden Freddy, not because it is his power or something like that, but because the body adapts to the soul.

This seems to show that the soul is connected to the remnant, which would explain why he transformed into Golden Freddy when his body filled with remnant. But obviously, this is not necessarily a good thing. There is an unknown entity resting within him, and he has no idea what its will is. It could very well be using him to gain power. After all, until today, Lucius has not trusted even a bit of what he has been told.

"There's not much I can do, and this just I have to learn to deal with a, and maybe then can "set myself free" or have full control over these powers since that soul was surely the one who killed those people when I fell asleep" Lucius thinks as he reaches another conclusion about his abilities, although he's not entirely correct about some things, at least he's taken a step closer to uncovering what happened.

And so, Lucius continues his journey and walks towards society. After two more hours of walking, Lucius manages to return to the city where he has been staying. It's one of the wonders of the world. "I hate Tokyo" says Lucius as he wanders around this city with nothing new to do. 'But I love the passive healing of the remnant' Lucius thinks because if he had taken the trip with his normal body, his legs would be trembling from all the running and walking.

And right at that moment, Lucius feels his instincts screaming at him, and a growing sense of terror runs through him. He prepares himself and looks around with great fear. But using all his willpower, he manages to avoid making any sudden movements or showing any signs of change while discreetly scanning the surroundings for the threat.

"Oh wow, I see I scared you~" says playful voice behind Lucius, causing him to jump in fear and surprise as he turns around and takes a fighting stance. What he sees sends chills down his spine because the second being he least wanted to encounter is standing in front of him, Satoru Gojo, the strongest sorcerer and an albino with a sweet tooth, fond of jokes, extravagant comments, and a pride and arrogance proportional to his strength.

"Wow, we've got ourselves a fighter here" says Gojo, curiously observing Lucius. 'His cursed energy production and quantity are quite high, although not at my level, but still significant. What's truly interesting is that I sense something strange in this kid and his cursed energy, but I can't fully identify it with my six eyes. How fascinating! Maybe he possesses some sort of hidden cursed technique?' Gojo thinks with amusement as he watches Lucius.

"I suppose you know what a sorcerer is" Gojo tells Lucius, finding amusement in his reactions.

Lucius doesn't bother to respond and looks around, noticing that many people are present. He also notices a woman looking worriedly in their direction. Taking advantage of this, he gives her a panicked look, hoping she will ask for help.

"I'll take your reaction as a yes, but I wonder how old you are and where you come from?" Gojo asks Lucius, a bit more serious, and he "returns the gaze" something difficult to do with his bandages, but he still does and responds.

"Well, if you want to know my age, let's play a game, shall we?" Lucius says, smiling, and a plan begins to form in his mind to escape from Gojo without having to fight.

"Oh, that's what I was talking about. Alright, tell me what we're going to play" Gojo says with a smile, observing Lucius with a little more curiosity. 'Seems like more than just a bored kid' Gojo thinks.

"Alright, give me a number" Lucius says.

"Hmm, I'll choose the number nine" Gojo says.

"Now add ten to it. What do you get?" Lucius says.

"Now I have nineteen" Gojo says.

"Now subtract six" Lucius says.

"And now I have thirteen" Gojo says.

"Alright, now tell me why I should trust you?" Lucius says, surprising Gojo as he gets confused.

"Huh? Wait, ohhhh I see, clever little brat" Gojo says with a smile, observing the newcomer.

"If you're a smart kid, now sir, I would like to ask what relationship you have with this child" says a rookie police officer who just arrived after a lady alerted him about a suspect.

"Calm down, officer. I am just a teacher, and as a teacher, I understand children quite well, and this child had me worried. Just imagine if someone takes advantage of him. It makes me want to cry just thinking about it" says Gojo dramatically.

"Yes, you don't need to worry anymore. I will take care of the situation from now on" says the police officer dryly while being protective towards Lucius.

Gojo "gives up" and calmly leaves the area with several thoughts racing through his mind. 'I didn't plan on seeing or investigating much about that child, but he was so scared and acting so reserved and clever that I have to admit he caught a bit of my attention. What could he be involved in to make me so afraid?' Gojo thinks as he leaves, curious but happy to have something interesting to see today.

"Well, kid, are you lost?" the police officer asks Lucius with a friendly smile.

"I'm fine, thank you, and I'm sorry you had to get involved in this, but I seriously recommend forgetting about me, although I know you will find these words strange" says Lucius, not wanting to involve another police officer in his problems.

The police officer looks at him puzzled and bends down to speak but in that moment he feels the child's presence change and drops of sweat start to fall from his forehead as he feels an absolute terror just by looking at the child but as soon as that fear arrived, it vanished.

"I told you to leave" Lucius says with a smile and the police officer tries to compose himself as he stands up and walks away trembling from the recent experience.

'It seems that the residue does indeed have a good fear effect, although I should control it better or it could leave lasting effects on people' Lucius thinks to himself as he walks away and notices someone following him.

'Tch, how annoying. I didn't think someone would notice me so soon' Lucius thinks, somewhat annoyed, as he devises a plan to gather more information about the people who want to capture him.

~~~Six minutes ago, General POV~~~

Higuruma was having a day like any other, you know, working as a lawyer, and after his exhausting day at work, he witnessed a peculiar scene in which a child and a tall albino were having a quite strange conversation. 'Well, here comes the police officer, I better go' Higuruma thinks, relieved not to have to intervene, but before leaving, he decides to wait and make sure everything is alright, knowing well that justice or law enforcement doesn't always do what is right.

Slowly, Higuruma starts feeling the atmosphere growing tenser and observes with curiosity how the place seems to become increasingly empty, with only the child and that desperate police officer remaining, though attempting to act calmly.

This sets off several alarms in Higuruma's mind, making him understand that something definitely strange is happening here. Against his instincts, he decides to follow the child, not only out of curiosity but also because he wonders if this child is alright.

'I wonder if that white haired man knows something' Higuruma wonders as he continues to follow Lucius, who becomes increasingly difficult to track due to how easily he blends in with the crowd.

"Excuse me, sorry, excuse me" says Higuruma as he starts to move more quickly among the people because he is losing track of Lucius.

"Where did he go?" Higuruma wonders to himself as he looks around for Lucius only to catch a glimpse of his back before he disappears into an alley.

Fearing he has lost his trail, Higuruma enters the alley in a bit of a hurry, scanning his surroundings hoping to see Lucius, only to find nothing.

' *Sigh* I hope I'm just imagining things and nothing bad is happening. Wait, did I really think I saw something strange? I think I've been working too hard' Higuruma thinks with some frustration at losing track of Lucius. But when he turns around, Lucius hits him in the legs, forcing him to bend down, and puts a knife to his neck.

"Now you'll tell me who you work for and how many of them there are, and their abilities" Lucius says coldly with a strong murderous intent, while Higuruma feels a danger and fear he has never felt before in his life.

"I-it's a misunderstanding, I'm just a simple lawyer" Higuruma exclaims as he tries to calm himself and think about what kind of situation he has gotten himself into.

"Yeah, sure, and I'm Batman. Now tell me the truth, and I'll consider letting you live" Lucius says, pressing the knife against Higuruma's neck, drawing a drop of blood.

Higuruma watches the situation with horror and although he has tried to struggle, for reasons he does not understand, Lucius is much stronger than him, not allowing him to do anything.

"I'm telling you, I'm just a normal lawyer" says Higuruma, unsure of what to say or how to handle this situation.

"Well, if that's how things are, don't blame me for what will happen" says Lucius as he forces the remnant to "awaken."

The strong presence that Lucius begins to emit, thanks to the effect of the remnant, starts to cause an abnormal increase in the feeling of fear in Higuruma, to the point where his body and mind only have one thought: I am dead.

This extreme state that Lucius provoked in Higuruma, along with the fact that he is exposing him to the remnant, is causing a phenomenon of which Lucius is not fully aware or understands completely.

Lucius is forcefully awakening Higuruma's cursed energy because by exposing Higuruma to so much remnant, his body reflexively started to awaken his power, and the nearness to death that Higuruma feels brought him even closer to this state of awakening.

'Wait, something strange is happening. Was he telling the truth? No, it would be too convenient, and I can't take the risk' thinks Lucius before releasing Higuruma and kicking him towards a wall. "This is your last chance. Tell me who you work for, or my voice will be the last thing you hear" says Lucius, still coldly staring at Higuruma.

"I see, you're more afraid than I am, that's why you're acting this way. Isn't it ironic?" says Higuruma as he reaches his own conclusions, and a hammer appears in his right hand, surprising both of them.


~~~End of chapter~~~

A/N: "Well, to clarify some things, Lucius may be more paranoid than usual, but that is because meeting Gojo cannot be a mere coincidence for him. Therefore, Higuruma has seen and been aware of it from the beginning, only amplifying Lucius's suspicions.

Putting that aside, thank you to those who gave me stones, even though I haven't been updating frequently. I hope the writing quality remains good because I have had less time to write, so I can afford to rewrite the five times until I am like I did with the chapter. It would me two weeks to a chapter.

Also *Cough* *Cough* I would appreciate you could leave reviews or stones as a Christmas gift *Cough* *Cough*.

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