
Jujutsu Kaisen: A Golden Experience

Waking up in a new world Takahashi finds himself inserted in the world of Sorcers and Curses and everything in between shortly after his arrival, follow how he'll navigate his way through with the powers of Giorno Giovanna's Golden Experience. The Mc will be someone righteous and will want to help save others but that doesn't mean he is an idealist and thinks that everything will go fine he will use cold logic to plan out his actions The book cover is not mine it's a random one I got online if it's yours please DM me if you want me to take it down. And of course, I don't own JJK or JJBA all rights go to Gege and Araki apart from my OC. That being said this is my first time writing so if you have any ideas or constructive criticisms then please don't hesitate to either comment or leave a review they will be appreciated!!

Newironfist · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The aftermath

With a low roar, Sukuna twists around propelling his fists forward and initiating combat. Yet, Gojo weaves the first fist then swiftly clasps his palms together, teleporting away before any punches land. Sukuna In a fit of rage chases, paying no mind to any consequences, and lunges directly at Gojo releasing a combination of nimble jabs that get negated simply by the latter teleporting around him In a pattern eventually ending the sequence by appearing behind Sukuna.

He lays his head on Sukuna's shoulder, whispering In his ear, "Since my student and his plus-one are watching I'm going to start trying Mhmk?". Being caught by surprise, Sukuna lets out a grunt shortly after throwing his fist In a backhanded motion which Gojo ducks under and teleports behind him, he then proceeds to grab Sukuna's right arm and flings him around before teleporting yet again In front of Sukuna this time and returning the favour by backhanding Sukuna across his jaw launching him upwards following It up by winding his clenched fist back and clobbering Sukuna directly in his chest, casting him towards the edge of the school roof and colliding with the fence cushioning him from a fall.

'Woah, this is so cool!' 'It's like watching anime but in real life'. I look down and clench my fists 'I wonder If I can be strong like that someday...' I turn over to look at Megumi and see him staring at the fight with a blank face and no real enthusiasm towards the spectacle before us, "Are you seriously bored whilst we get to watch them fight with this close of a view?" I say with a deadpan, after all, It's not every day you get to see someone who claims to be the strongest and someone who was called the strongest long ago duke It outright, with front-row tickets to boot.

Megumi, without bothering to at least look at me, replied with an aloof tone, "I've seen better things. You've been living In a normal setting so It's obvious why you'd think this fight is cool or whatnot." I blush In embarrassment but before I can reply, out of my peripheral vision I could see Sukuna charging toward's Gojo and leaping high Into the sky with his fist cocked back, and dark energy whirling around his clenched appendages. Following his fall, Sukuna builds up Inertia undoubtedly intending to make his blow stronger, and smashes right In front of Gojo alongside us. 

I bring my arms up to block whatever I can and clench my eyes shut right after Sukuna crashes onto us creating an explosion that destroys the roof and builds a strong shockwave kicking up a torrent of dust that engulfs us all. I open my eyes slowly, realising I'm not feeling any pain whatsoever, and flinch In shock to see a trench created from the blow that ends right In front of Gojo with pieces of debris floating around him.

I sigh in unison with Megumi after grasping that we're safe, just In time for Gojo to end his ten-second countdown releasing whatever hold he had on the floating debris and witness Itadori's body changing, with his tattoos and extra eyes disappearing bringing a mutual understanding that Itadori is back In control.

"How did It go?" asks Itadori nonchalantly... although he was fighting someone else It's still the same body... at least be worried dude... "Well would you look at that, you really can control that guy" Gojo replies with a smirk, Itadori walks over to us whilst smacking his head. "Yeah but he's still annoying you know, I can still hear his voice Inside my head." "You're lucky that's all he's doing, It's a miracle to be completely true" Gojo reveals with a slightly playful tone, right before tapping Itadori on the head and knocking him out.

"Hey! What did you do to him?!" I Interrogate him about his suspicious actions, surprisingly even Megumi chimes up and asks the same, "Relax I only knocked him out, If he doesn't get possessed by Sukuna by the time he wakes up then he might have potential as his sole vessel, a one in a thousand-year talent so to speak." "Now then a question for you Megumi. What do you think we should do with the both of them?"

I stare at Megumi whilst he thinks of his answer hoping It Isn't one I'd disagree with, "Hm... even as a vessel, jujutsu regulations state that he still has to be executed." I open my mouth about to retort how he could say such a thing after all that's happened, yet stop as I hear his reply. "But.. I don't want him to die... It's personal I suppose." "And the other kid what about him" Gojo replies with another cheeky grin plastered across his face despite me being right In front of him, "If he can and wants to, he should come back with us to Jujutsu Tech, I'm sure you've noticed his abnormally large reserves he could be of help to us In our endeavors" he side glances me whilst saying so.

I ponder over what he said after all depending on my decision It'll change my life forever, whether for the better or not I'm not too sure yet. But thinking about how powerless I was, and that If Itadori or Megumi hadn't been there, the three of us would've died(Him, Sasaki, and Iguchi). So taking a deep breath I lock eyes? With Gojo and give my answer "If possible I would truly appreciate it If I could join you, today has been a real eye-opener for me about how weak and helpless I am. If something like this happens again I want to be prepared and not cower In fear, hoping that either another stroke of luck occurs or wait for someone to save me. And If Megumi Is saying that I have a chance to become stronger then I'm all for it." Megumu speaks up after I finish, "So can you get it done?"

"Hehehe.... a special request from my favourite (his only) student? Leave it to me!"

*A/N: And with that, we are about to enter the first growth phase for not only our MC but for our other characters too. I had thought I said what my plans were towards the original cast but I guess not, anyways, I'm planning on actually using them to their fullest potential (YES POTENTIAL MAN TOO!! CRAZY IKR?!?!?) so It'll lead to some pretty heavy changes to the plot so don't expect everything to be same alright! Now peace out, chapter 5 will be out tomorrow :)