
Jujutsu Kaisen: A Golden Experience

Waking up in a new world Takahashi finds himself inserted in the world of Sorcers and Curses and everything in between shortly after his arrival, follow how he'll navigate his way through with the powers of Giorno Giovanna's Golden Experience. The Mc will be someone righteous and will want to help save others but that doesn't mean he is an idealist and thinks that everything will go fine he will use cold logic to plan out his actions The book cover is not mine it's a random one I got online if it's yours please DM me if you want me to take it down. And of course, I don't own JJK or JJBA all rights go to Gege and Araki apart from my OC. That being said this is my first time writing so if you have any ideas or constructive criticisms then please don't hesitate to either comment or leave a review they will be appreciated!!

Newironfist · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Renewed dreams

"Leave it to me, my dear student!" And with that, Gojo throws Itadori over his shoulder and starts walking towards me "And you, don't think I didn't notice you're little stunt. Hand It over" he commands staring me dead In the eyes. I groan and roll my eyes before reaching Into my pocket, handing over his mochi. 'Goddamn It, when did he notice?', "Also start packing If you plan on bringing any personal belongings, I'll send someone to pick you up tomorrow at 9 AM so don't be late... or I'm leaving you behind heh." My face scrunched In annoyance once again after witnessing him doubting me and for his stupid toothy grin 'I'll make you suffer one day, pray to god that you die before It happens'.

With everything sorted, I headed home after Megumi assured me they were going to take Sasaki and Iguchi to get treatment, leaving me to wonder on my merry way back home In the dark. I sigh tired of today's events and the changes they'll bring about, 'Curses, monsters trying to consume humans and sorcerers, people with unimaginable powers fighting to protect the unknowing people of society.' My jaw tightens as my teeth grind each other 'I can't go back to a normal life after this. I'm too weak to live In leisure, we struggled so hard to fight those curses just to be told that they were among some of the weakest. The same beasts that nearly killed me and my friends... I have to get stronger If not then I may as well be put on the chopping board and wait to die when another "weakling" attacks me or god forbid If It's strong.'

 'Either way, I need to start preparing I do not doubt that Gojo will have not much time to train me so I'll need to train myself for the majority of the time. first I'll gain knowledge about what curses and sorcerers are and see where that takes me, hopefully, they have a library of some sort where all this information can be accessed as higher-tier knowledge can wait for later and I have no doubt It'll be locked behind a rank wall after all why should the weak learn something that doesn't Involve them In the first place. However, as of now most important thing I have to do is build a strong foundation for myself as well as get physically stronger.'

I eventually arrived home and with a quick utterance of my arrival, I checked the time on my phone seeing as it was only 8 PM. Having a quick shower to wash off all the dust and sweat built up from earlier and dry myself quickly before making my way towards the fridge. Feeling a pang of hunger and a growl from my stomach I grab some Ingredients and get to making some much-needed sustenance. I start by boiling some rice and preparing some chicken and vegetables dicing both into finely sized cube pieces before grabbing a wok and throwing It all together with a splash of oil, and water right after adding frozen mixed vegetables with a generous amount of seasonings and spices being lathered on.

"Itadakimasu!" I dig In, consuming the plate In a flash with my eyes widening over the taste of deliciousness and god forbid making my toes curl before eventually heading off to bed after a quick brush of my teeth. I set an alarm for 6 AM, making sure I had time to pack and get ready then let the Z's consume me Yet the moment I do so I find myself In the middle of a vast dune, surrounded by nothing but sand as far as my eyes could see. 

In a panic, I try to think of a different landscape assuming that I was lucid dreaming but for naught as nothing happens. 'Where the hell am I? Did I transmigrate again?' I look down thinking I have perhaps changed bodies yet see I'm still Takahashi, a wail echoes throughout the vast desert but I can hear the general direction of It. Thinking carefully I decide whether or not I should go towards the noise or stay here and hope my alarm wakes me up. 'There's no other option I'm not sure If this really Is a dream or reality, I can't take that chance and end up dying from a stroke or hunger and dehydration. I guess I'll be moving towards the noise then, haahh... better get to It, the sooner this Is over the better.'

I choose to walk In order to conserve energy, unsure If the source of the voice Is far away or not, or even If It's a friend or foe. The walk was excruciatingly long and unbearable, with the scorching sun high above and the soft sand below, requiring more vigorous and energy-consuming efforts to walk across. I carried on forward In hopes of leaving this place soon otherwise I'm not sure what will happen to me and In no mood to start hallucinating from lack of hydration.

Hearing the cry once more, albeit much louder this time, brings my hopes up as I think 'Must be getting closer I shouldn't be too far now' I carry on dragging my worn-out body, punished by lashes of the sun fiery whips, and stop before a humongous pitfall. "What the? This hole is huge!" I exclaim In shock, wondering who or what could've possibly made It. 

I look down and see a pitch-black bottomless pit. "I wonder what would happen If someone fell down the-" As if to mock me, the sand under my feet suddenly gave loose breaking my balance and stumbling forward, unfortunately too late to regain what I had lost, I tripped and fell head first Into the maws of the abyss.

"WOAH WOAH WOAHHHHHH" Whilst free falling, I could feel myself pass through some sort of thin membrane soon after smashing Into the floor. Strangely enough though, I felt no pain whatsoever despite the height of the fall, 'How the hell am I still alive? There's no pain at all and what's stranger is that the pit looked deeper than It really was albeit falling for a couple of minutes. "Did the lack of water really make me hallucinate? Is any of this even real?" I ask myself, falling Into a state of urgency.

"Grrrrr..." I get up as fast as I can dispelling any thought for now and put my arms up, tensing to the sound of that snarl. I quickly turn my body around In a 360, scanning the dead scenery around me eventually stopping on a humanoid creature. It was pretty tall standing at about 5'8 with dark messy hair, azure eyes, and soft pale skin... 

The monster was a perfect replica of Takahashi albeit being rabid and mindless moving around In a daze. "What the actual fuck Is going on right now. First, I wake up In some shitty scolding desert then, fall Into what looked like a bottomless abyss and smash Into the ground with no damage or Injuries whatsoever and now there's a mindless clone In front of me". The creature rushes at me whilst I'm still monologing, catching me off guard and driving a heavy fist straight Into my abdomen blowing me away. "Oof", I fly back landing on the ground yet again with the wind knocked out of my lungs spitting some of the food from earlier and spittle dribbling out of my mouth. I choke trying to breathe and struggle to do so, hearing footsteps coming towards me I panic with my stomach heaving up and down trying to swallow whatever mouthfuls of oxygen I can. "Mo..ther fuc..ker you'll pa..y for tha..t" I utter, still trying to catch my breath.

I get up and prepare, putting my fists up again with anger and fear threatening to consume me. I feel the cursed energy building up Inside me again, grasping that emotions play a key role In the activation and use of the strange force within me. I try to control It, commanding It to coat my body, hoping to reinforce myself and Increase my fists' damage output. Regardless, I failed and felt my little control slip up losing the energy just In time for my doppelganger to rush toward me with another fist cocked back looking to finish off what It started. 

In a panic, I bring up whatever bad memory I could remember, the feeling of fear from the night of the school, the feeling of rage from now, and the feeling of sorrow and acceptance I had when realising my transmigration and coming to terms that we two are one. The emotions overwhelm me, and a familiar feeling of energy rises up from within my guts, filling me with an abundance of strength.

I maintain my thoughts to keep any semblance of control over my cursed energy yet it proves to be difficult. To try and concentrate while maintaining a negative emotional state attests to the difficulty of being a sorcerer.

With my doppelganger right In front of me, I squat down contracting the muscles In my thighs and legs, hoping to build up as much of my natural strength before trying to command the cursed energy Into my legs and push off the ground like a springboard, launching towards my evil twin. With my fist clenched tight and my arm cocked back, I muse thinking that I had already won, but If there Is one thing that I should've expected, It's to never celebrate an early victory before achieving It.

I watch In confidence as my fist is about to collide with my revenant counterpart and expect the fighting to end with my victory, yet reality Is never kind as he weaves the punch by tilting his head by a minuscule amount, If I had moved my fist a couple of Inches to the side my blow would've connected with his face. But I didn't, watching In fear as he replied with a jab as fast as lightning and as unforgiving as thunder.

The fight comes to an end, with me falling to my knees or I should say attempting to, as the reason for my defeat Is his fist through my stomach holding an iron grip around my spine...