
Journeying through rwby along with Arc

In the very far future a young man known as the greatest swordsman and the wisest instructor in the whole world. Challenge by someone unknown he accepted and met his challenger. A NUKE! which exploded killing him. He then transmigrates to the world of one of his most guilty pleasures rwby. But unfortunately for him his soul did not transfer and take over the body but was instead trapped inside the mind of one of the characters he hated the most 'Jaune Arc'. Follow his journey teaching the disappointment and saving the world

Vulox_Lun28 · Others
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Chapter 2: Tenant


Jaune Pov

Huh? Host? What does he mean his inside my mind? Confused I asked the voice.

Jaune: What do you mean inside my mind exactly?

Zain:{ It means exactly that. I am inside your mind, well actually I'm more of trapped here.} The voice in my head explained.

Jaune: How did you get trapped inside my mind? I asked the voice in my head who simply answered.

Zain:{ Don't know beats me.} feeling unsatisfied with its answer I began to ask more questions.

Jaune: What are you? Who are you? And what is you goal?

Zain:{ Well firstly I think I'm a soul, for who I am. I'm the one impersonated your grandfather and called you a disgrace making you cry like a bitch. And lastly don't have one yet. }

Hearing its answer I couldn't help but be angry at the part where he impersonated my grandfather.

Jaune: Hey! tell me why did you impersonate my grandpa. I asked in a angry tone.

Zain:{ Simply put, it was a funny idea and seeing you cry was a amazing.}

Hearing this I can't help but get angrier.

Jaune: Does almost breaking ones dreams to the point of crying make you happy!? I roared at the voice with fury.

Zain:{ Yes.}

What!? Is this voice serious!

Jaune: what is wrong-

Zain:{ Hey, you already asked me a ton of questions. Its my turn to ask somethings capisce.}

Jaune: Huh?


Zain pov

Cutting jaune off I begin asking my questions.

Zain:{ Ok first whats your name.} I already know his name but I just want to confirm.

Jaune: It... Its Jaune Arc. With hesitation jaune answered my question.

Zain:{ Second question, do you know what grimm are?} I am asking this to see if this world is what I think it is.

Jaune: Well... Yes I know of them but only on books and what my dad told me.

Well atleast he's truthful.

Zain:{ Ok next question, how old are you?} I want to see where in the events am I right now.

Jaune: Huh? um... I'm 16 right now soon to be 17. Answered jaune truthfully.

Wow this guy is kind of a blabber mouth.

Zain:{ Ok I'm done with the questions. Anyways my name is Zain.}

Jaune: Zain.... Wait a minute what are doing in my mind!?

Is this guy stupid?

Zain:{ Like I said I'm trapped here.}

Jaune: How did you end up trapped? Jaune asked somehow forgetting that I already answered this question.

Zain:{ Did you forget? I said I don't know. I just ended up being trapped here after dying.} hearing my answer jaune can't help but be embarrassed at forgetting what I said earlier.

Jaune: Um... Sorry... Can I ask a different question though.

Zain:{ *Sigh* sure go ahead.}

Jaune: How did you die and what were you before you died?

Jaune asked curious about my death and my previous occupation.

Zain:{ I was the greatest swordsman in the world before. And I died A MAN going against a powerful foe with explosive strength that can end a entire continent.}

Jaune hearing this couldn't help but shiver at the thought that something can hold that much power. And was also shocked at my past profession.

Jaune still slightly dumbfounded asked.

Jaune: Um Mr Zain what exactly did you fight that can hold that much power? Jaune asked nervously.

Zain:{ It was a bomb.}

Jaune: Eh?

Jaune was beyond dumbfounded at my answer. A bomb? What? Is he serious?

Jaune tried to process my words couldn't help but look really dumb trying figure oit my words.

Jaune: Did I hear correct? Jaune asked seemingly not believing my words.

Zain:{ Yes.}

Jaune: Your serious? Still believing my words I got annoyed at repeating myself.

Zain:{ Yes, whats so hard to understand.} I asked annoyed at his stupidity.

Jaune: Sorry... its just hard to believe someone who claims to be the greatest swordsman in the world to be done in by a bomb. Hearing what jaune just said I was dumbfounded.

What kind of logic does this moron believe in?

Zain:{ Jaune let me ask you something.}

Jaune: Sure. Answered confused on what I will ask.

Zain:{ Jaune, in what way can a sword fight against the explosion of a bomb that holds enough power to wipe a continent of the world?} Hearing this Jaunes mind can't help but feel more embarrass than ever realizing he asked a very stupid question.

Jaune: I... I'm sorry for asking something dumb. Jaune apologies for what he said while hanging is head.

Sighing deeply, I look at jaunes dejected figure slump to the ground.

Zain:{ *Sigh* your forgiven.} hearing me jaune lifts his head.

Jaune: So... What are you going to do now? Jaune asked while scratching the back of his head.

Zain:{ Simply relax in your mind and watch your every move.} Hearing this jaune was dumbfounded.

Jaune: Wait your not leaving?! Jaune asked surprise with me staying.

Zain:{ Did you really forget about the part that I am trapped here?}

Jaune: Oh forgot about that. Scratching his head in embarrassment, jaune laughed awkwardly.

Zain:{ *Siiiiiiigh* anyways I am tired of this shit I am taking a nap.}

Jaune: What? How long will you be trapped in my mind?

Zain:{ Don't know, can't care, to done with this bullshit for now. Just think of me as a tenant for now okay, Land lord. Good night.}

Jaune: Hey wai-

Not letting jaune finish I fell asleep. Hopefully ones I wake this situation can be sorted out. For now sweet dreams for me.

Tomorrow talk. Kinda long

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