
Journeying through rwby along with Arc

In the very far future a young man known as the greatest swordsman and the wisest instructor in the whole world. Challenge by someone unknown he accepted and met his challenger. A NUKE! which exploded killing him. He then transmigrates to the world of one of his most guilty pleasures rwby. But unfortunately for him his soul did not transfer and take over the body but was instead trapped inside the mind of one of the characters he hated the most 'Jaune Arc'. Follow his journey teaching the disappointment and saving the world

Vulox_Lun28 · Others
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: An explosive end!

I have been called by many titles The undefeated swordman, Sword king, Sword emperor, and The sword devil these are but the many titles I carry but the one title I hold the most pride in having. Is the BEST SWORD INSTRUCTOR!

This Title holds a special place in my heart. It brings me joy seeing all my students pummel and beat to the edge of death those stuck-up entitled snobs who think they can beat my swordsman ship That I taught them.

Heh seeing those old stuck-ups faces when they see their so called talented students get rekt feels amazing!

Seeing as their pride shattered when the sword styles they invented and refined for more than thousands of years. Be out classed by my sword skills which were no older than 200 years put a small on my face.

( If anyone is mc is still young by future standards.)

???: Teacher did something good happen? Hearing a voice I turned towards said voice. Seeing a student of mine.

MC: No nothing happened. I just remembered something funny.

Student: Oh ok, anyways everyone is done with practice sir.

MC: Ok tell them they can go home and rest. The student nodded and left to inform the rest.




After everyone left. I closed down my school for the night. And returned home.

While returning home I can't help but be excited to resume my secret hobby.

I am a man of many things, a man of the sword. A man of combat, and a man of culture.

Everyone needs to relax and rest. Most masters relax by meditating but I a man of culture relax by indulging himself in questionable media. But this past time of mine is kept a secret. No one can know about this.

Especially my guilty pleasure of watching terribly plot driven shows with good action. For example Rwby.

Rwby has been one of my guilty pleasures. The story was meh but the action and fights were good.

The choreography of the fights was really good but only until volume 1 to 3.

Volume 4 to 8 was.... Disappointing to say the least, there were some decend to good fights atleast. But the more I watch the more I thought 'What happened!'.

Volume 4 to 8 was atrocious. It was so bad I nearly threw it in the trash.

But thankfully volume 9 to 11 redeemed itself. My god the fights and characters improve greatly in these volumes culminating into a satisfying end.

Anyways nearing my home. I suddenly got a message which read.


To: The greatest swordsman

I Challenge you to a duel to see what you are truly capable.

If you don't accept thats fine. There is alot of shame for chickening out with your titles.

If you do accept then meet me here later. I will wait for you there as I continue to bang your mother.

From the winner.


Reading the first text I couldn't help but be annoyed. This is not the first time someone challenge for such a reason. I sighed in annoyance as I continue reading.

I felt my annoyance reach an all time high. Chickening out me. I am alot of things but a chicken crosses the road.

But the text that pissed me off more was the part saying that he is banging my mother. Firstly my mother is dead.

I message back dispelling with his provocation.


To: The winner

My mother is dead. Nice try.

From: The greatest swordsman


After sending his reply. The challenger replied back, his reply though made him tick.


To: the greatest swordsman

When did I say I was banging it alive?

From: The winner


Ticked off and beyond, he accepted the challenge and went to the location.

I know he is probably lying but I would rather think it was. Instead for asking for proof. And being shown the deed.

Going to a portal station. I arrived at the location. What greeted me was a massive arena.

In the middle there was a man wearing a suit and tie standing there.

???: So you have arrived. Looking at me I answered back with a voice filled malice.

Mc: So your the one that wants to challenge me? The man nodded.

???: That is somewhat correct. But first let me introduce myself. My name is Garter black.

Looking at the mans build and body. I can tell his strong but not on my level.

Mc: Zain Calibur. Stating his name he asked why he challenge him.

Garter: Mr calibur. I won't be the challenge you also to be truthful.

*Press* pressing a button a large ball appeared. Seeing this he knew what this ball was. It was a cold fusion bomb

Zain: Hey how do you have this their creation was banned in all countries and the penalty for creating such a thing is death.

Garter: We simply created it in secret for you Mr Calibur. Looking at the man I gave him a glare.

Zain: What do you mean it was created for me. I asked the man drawing my sword.

Garter: Like I said Mr Calibur this is not a challenge this is an execution. Execution? What does he mean by that?

Garter: Mr Calibur you will be executed for the threat of being an enemy by order of all the nations your life ends here. As he said I can help but curse. Of course how can they create something like this without catching the attention of those fucks.

Understanding the situation I'm in I begin to create an escape plan. But before I can come up with a plan. The bomb exploded.

I thought they would let me curse out loud first before blowing it up. Guess their not taking chances.

As the surroundings got engulfed in a white light. A single thought cross my mind 'Fuck you all atleast I didn' t chicken out like you wimps'. I felt my entire body being torn apart. Closing my eyes accepting death. Before my conscious disappears and darkness spread a bright pure light shone brightly engulfing his view.

Did another Bomb explode? He thought. As the light soon lessen revealing his surroundings.

A white infinite like space. In this space he can see an empty throne facing a large screen.

Walking to the throne he sits on it. 'huh comfy' and looks at the screen. What he saw was a man with blonde short hair. And blue eyes.

The a young teen on the screen for some reason looks familiar. Trying to find out why. The teen on the screen begins posing while saying something that shocked him.

???: Come on jaune arc show those hard earned pecs.

Hearing what the teen just said he finally understood who the person on the screen is. 'Jaune Arc' one of the most prominent characters in RWBY and one of the most disappointing character in my eyes. Why am I here? Did I get transported to this world, how did I get transported into this world, why am I trapped inside here. Trying to think I can't help but look at the disappointing sight infront of me. Jaune flexing his almost non-existing muscles. Seeing the display I couldn't help but shout out loud.

Zain: {Oh please stop showing such humiliating display please!}

Jaune: Huh?


Jaune: I thought I heard something, must be mistaken.

Wait can he hear me? Trying to see if he can really hear I try to say something but stopped.

If he can really hear me then I should.... Oooohohoho this gonna be fun. Coming up with a brilliant Idea I begin my 'test'.

Zain: { Jaaaaune Jaaaaaunne }

Jaune: Eeeeeeek!! Hearing my eerie voice Jaune jumped in fright.

Jaune: Wh.... Who... Whose there? Stuttering in fright I couldn't help preventing myself from from laughing.

Zain: { Jaune how could you show something so humiliating I am ashamed Jaune.}

Jaune: Wh... Wha... What!!!

Zain: { Jaaaaaune your grandfather is very disappointed with you. }

Jaune: Gra... Grandpa!!! Is... Is that you?!

Pffff.... Ha.. ha... ha this too fun.

Zain: { Yes jaune it is I. I have come back from the dead to see your progress. Let me just say that you have disgrace me! Jaune! }

Jaune: Gran... Grandpa? Hearing my heards as if all his dreams have been shattered.

I kinda feel bad... Not really.

Zain: { Don't Grandpa me you disgrace! I hoped that you will follow my legacy! But look at you right now a weak and pathetic failure. }

Hearing those words his eyes filled shocked was soon over flooded with tears.


Jaune cried with sorrow as if everything he worked hard on was just destroyed.

Pffffff..... Seeing this I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the pathetic display.

Zain:{ Hahahahahahaha! } these kinds of people are too much fun to test.

Hearing my laughter jaune stopped crying for a moment. And looked around confused. But was shocked when he heard another voice.

Zain:{ Heeeeeey why you looking so down for disgrace.}

Jaune: Huh? Looking beyond confused jaune looks for the source of the voice.

Zain:{ Hey stop looking around your not gonna find inside the room.}

Jaune looking even more confused jaune asked me.

Jaune: Where are you?

Zain:{ I'm inside your mind fool.}

Jaune: Inside my mind?

Zain:{ Yep thats right. Nice to meet you my disappointing new apparent host.}

Jaune: Huh?

And so begins a beautiful meeting.


Hello author here. I am writing another one of my ideas. Enjoy and please comment helpful advice.