
Journey Towards Paradise

In the vast universe, on a planet named Arcadia, a young boy named Ryder Night is born with striking blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Little does he know, he possesses an extraordinary talent that sets him apart from the rest - the ability to eat soul force! In this world, cultivation is the path to power and enlightenment. Through rigorous training and harnessing the energy of the soul, individuals can ascend to higher realms, gaining unimaginable strength and wisdom. Ryder's journey begins as he discovers his unique talent for eating soul force, a rare ability that no one has heard of before! Guided by his wise and experienced teachers at Apex Academy, Ryder embarks on a quest to unlock the true potential of his soul force. Along the way, he encounters numerous challenges and adversaries, testing his determination and resilience. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of cultivation! As Ryder's power grows, he becomes entangled in a web of political intrigue and power struggles. The ruling elite, fearful of his potential, seek to control and manipulate him for their own gain. Ryder must navigate treacherous alliances and betrayals, all while staying true to his own path and purpose. With each step, Ryder's soul force evolves, allowing him to tap into unimaginable power and wisdom. He learns to channel his energy into formidable martial arts techniques, mastering ancient techniques passed down through generations. Along the way, he forges deep friendships and finds love, but also faces heart-wrenching sacrifices and devastating losses. Driven by his unwavering determination, Ryder pushes himself to the limits of his abilities, striving to reach the pinnacle of cultivation. Ryder must confront his own inner demons and face the ultimate test of his soul force, battling against formidable enemies and ancient forces that threaten to plunge the planet into darkness. In this epic tale of self-discovery, power, and destiny, Ryder’s journey to cultivate his soul force becomes a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Will he rise above the challenges and fulfill his destiny as the savior of Arcadia, or will he succumb to the temptations and dangers that lie in wait? Only time will tell as Ryder’s extraordinary adventure unfolds on the planet of Arcadia. ——— No pictures I post belong to me unless otherwise stated. I usually use AI art for character pictures but if I can’t get one I am happy with I will find a picture online. If I can’t find the artist I will post the picture and if anyone knows please make a comment and I’ll give them credit. The power system is from Tales Of Demons And Gods just with my own changes here and there. I will change portions of it if I feel like the changes would fit better for my story instead. I hope you enjoy my book! Remember to vote and comment!

Killerspider · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Powerful Beast & Marking

"Who's Kaylee? Where can I meet them? Since you say we would be good friends I would love to see if that is true!"

Ryder felt that familiar compulsion soon take over as he looked away. His mental power had now been in full use resisting their technique more with each use.

It took a bit to get used to but eventually he was used to it as she continued to look into his eyes even when he tried to avoid her gaze.

He knew that she was very pushy and excited. It felt like she didn't have much control over her powers forcing them to activate based off her emotions.

However now that Ryder gained some resistance to it he didn't feel pressured anymore.

"I'm shocked you don't know about Kaylee. She's one of the princesses in the Cosmos Dynasty. She had saved my life in the past and I've been training with her family for a few years now…"

"Oh! You meant that Kaylee! I've heard of her but I have never met her in person. Would you be able to introduce me?"

He stopped to think for a moment as he examined her trying to understand her motive but just getting the blank innocent stare back he sighed in defeat.

"I could but I think it would be better to get to know you first. I can't just introduce anyone to her after all… we did just go through some problems a couple hours ago after all…"

"Problems? What could trouble a princess of one of the biggest territories on the continent?"

"Well… she was almost kidnapped a couple hours ago…"

"Huh? What level was her bodyguard? They must have been truly incompetent to allow someone so important to get kidnapped right in front of them!"

He chose to stay silent after she said those words. He felt a little awkward now but soon realization hit Elysia.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't realize… why? Why would they only give her a silver rank guard…? Do they not value her life?"

"No it's not like that. I told you earlier that we are here on a trip right? Well we are being tested and if she had a high level guard to protect her then the test would be easy… at least that's how I see it at least"

There talk had continued for hours, both of them had been sharing small bits of information about themselves or whatever they had been interested in about the other.

Eventually a change began to happen in the basin filled with soul liquid. Almost like the water had started to drain out of the basin a whirlpool appeared in the center of the lake sized basin swiftly draining large amounts of the liquid towards the bottom of the basin.

This scene amazed Ryder, he watched how each rune interacted with each other to work towards a specific goal.

Currently Ryder hadn't deciphered the runes to understand that purpose but he could tell it had many functions. One was to gather the energy from the mountain basin before creating the soul liquid.

"What's going on?"

He had gotten some what comfortable talking with Elysia after their talk. He felt like he had made a new friend on this trip which always made him happy.

"The Ether Fruit is consuming the energy. I don't know the specifics on how this all works but just think that the fruit is using all this energy just to become ripe"

His head turned to look her in the eyes, astonishment covered his face as he tried to calculate exactly how big this basin was.

After a few minutes he realized that the more he tried to do the math in his head he would just lose track having to start back from the beginning. Eventually he had stopped trying and instead began to ask his own questions.

"What is an Ether Fruit? It must be pretty powerful to need so much soul force just to make it ripe…"

"Powerful doesn't even begin to describe it! A single one of these fruits if eaten without proper preparation would cause your soul realm to collapse and your body to detonate in a massive explosion releasing all that energy at once!"

He couldn't even imagine how big an explosion like that would be. However the more questions that was answered the more questions came to mind! It was like an endless loop but he didn't really mind spending time with Elysia though he did worry about finishing his test.

"Even just touching the fruit is risky! If you don't use specific tools made out of Aetherforged Alloy! Let me tell you, that is the real good stuff! If you had a weapon made of it you would be able to cut through a legend ranks barrier and skin as if it was paper! However this alloy is extremely hard to craft making it really rare"

'Maybe I should start looking into metals? Eventually I'll need to upgrade my weapons or I'll be forced to fight with my bare hands…'

After hearing about this alloy he began to think about upgrading his equipment as the lake completely drains the only thing inside the basin was a floating vibrant blue orb raising into the air at the peak of the basin.

At this moment howls could be heard all around the mountain. Earlier there had only been a couple strong beasts that Ryder had avoided, now however the entire mountain had been surrounded by powerful beasts.

What surprised Ryder was the lack of bugs climbing the mountain. Earlier it felt like endless waves of insects and arachnids formed a flowing river up the mountain out of their bodies but now there was no sight of the bugs.

This was confusing but after feeling a sudden pressure way down on the peak of the mountain from all four sides he understood. The bugs had given up on their pursuit for the fruit, as soon as the four beast kings that ruled this area showed up many beasts gave up on getting the fruit.

North of the mountain a large Drake covered in light green scales with a constant powerful air surrounding it could be seen.

"Tempest Scale Storm Heart Drake…"

Ryder had made sure to read up on every beast that was recorded to be present in Star Light Mountains. He wanted to be fully prepared for any situation, though knowing the name wouldn't help him in this case.

In the South there was a large lion like creature with a mane of flames giving off a very powerful heat. This beast made Ryder feel like he was looking at the embodiment of the sun that took the form of a lion!

"Aurazor Sunfire Lion…"

In the East a horse like creature as big as the lion and drake stepped forward. It's body looked similar to the stars. The patterns made constellations all over its body with a pair of wings made out of pure star power as well as a halo hovering over its head.

"Celestallion Star Heart!"

This surprised Ryder greatly! This beast was the image used for the Cosmos Dynasty's Flag! Though their royal symbol was different this one beast had been thought of as the embodiment of the stars on their planet!

Unconsciously when he looked at the beast his mouth watered. He could feel the hunger build up as Cain let's put a soft laugh.

'That's it boy, you don't need to hold back those cravings anymore! You felt it I know you did! After you ate that man you have been craving powerful soul force!'

Ryder wanted to refuse Cain but he decided to turn away from the beast now looking west towards the last beast.

What he saw was a massive snake like creature. It's entire body couldn't even be seen at this moment. All he could see was it's long body heading for a smaller mountain close by before he realized it had completely wrapped up the mountain with its body only to have the next closest one be met with the same fate.

This snake was as dark as the nights sky. If Ryder hadn't looked into it's golden predator eyes he never would have noticed it's presence.

"I… actually don't know this one… is this beast just not recorded…? Or, is it not from here?"

He was confused about this however Elysia soon stepped forward with a small giggle.

"That is possibly the most dangerous beast here right now~ it's name is Soul Shattering Serpent. This beast is especially dangerous because it can bypass defenses and attack your soul realm directly!"

The thought of being attacked by this beast was terrifying. If it could truly attack the soul directly then it must be a high priority target for extinction. At least this was Ryder's thought as Sebastian finally made a move.

In his hand a blue blade appeared, it looked like a rapier made of a translucent blue material but the moment he raised it up above his head all four of the beasts backed up weary of the blade.

"Looks like they haven't lost their intelligence at least. Elysia put the fruit into the Jade box and let's head back"

She sighed to herself as she pulled out a glowing green box before heading towards the edge of the basin closest to the fruit.

"But I don't want to go home yet! I just made a new friend… can't you at least let me stay a bit longer?"

"You know I can't do that. I was planning on bringing him with us but after realizing he was involved with the dynasty that ruled this part of the continent I decided to just lead him out of this area before we leave"

Elysia was still saddened about having to leave but then an idea came to mind! She quickly used her energy to guide the fruit into the box without directly touching it before placing it inside her spatial ring.

Instantly she turned around before pouncing onto Ryder! He was confused as to why she would suddenly act like this when he felt a small prick of pain on his neck that was soon followed by a rush of pleasure and comfort.

He didn't understand what was happening but his body wasn't listening to him! No matter how much he tried to escape her grasp his body would just go stiff letting the girl do whatever she wants.

"There you go! Now you have my mark! When I can I'll come back to pick you up Ryder~ I had a lot of fun today talking to you, do try not to pick up too many girls before I come back to take you for myself!"

This girl was now sitting up on his chest licking her lips. The once purple eyes turned red as her fangs were revealed to the boy leaving him with one thought.
