
Journey to Yesterday

Elizabeth Anderson was just 11 when she was first Abused. it was her father's friend. then as she grows up,...the chain continues, making it hard for her to trust people and shaping her into becoming an heartless spinster who never believes in love or has the ability to trust anyone, earning her the nickname the Ice queen. Joshua Davis is a successful visual artist who suffers from amnesia as a result of an accident he got into some years back. One accidental encounter with the queen of Ice would change everything. Can he change her heart and make her live?. its all about sacrifices, love, rejection, betrayal, Adulthood, trust and the fact that PEOPLE always leave....

itz_beembz29 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 15- Lunch


I got to the restaurant 10 minutes early. I can't believe I'm here. I am seating at the same table we sat three days ago, the box of dress on the empty chair beside me. I kept checking the time and praying she won't bail on me.

"Will you like to order now? A waiter said sweetly.

" Oh..not yet..waiting for my date..thanks. " I replied curtly.

"Alright sir" she said with a little now and walked away.

At exactly 2 o'clock, she walked iñto the restaurant dressed in a blue gown and white blazers, her hair in a ponytail. She looks so beautiful I can help but marvel at how elegantly she carried herself as she walked to the table. I rose to give her a brief hug which she was uncomfortable with obviously. She took her seat opposite me, setting her bag and phone on the table.

"Thank you for coming Elizabeth" I said with a sweet smile.

"I have just 45minutes for Lunch"

"Oh right...that is more than enough" I said, still smilling. "Oh and here's your dress" I picked the boss and handed placed it on the table in front of her.

"Thank you, I hope it's not some imitation off some cheap shelf" she said without any hint of excitement as she picked the box and tossed it on the chair beside her.

"Ouch!!! " I held my heart in fake hurt. " That's too harsh babe...."

"Babe? "

"O .ohh..I..I'm sorry..I just got carried away" I quickly apologized.

I signalled to a waitress not far from our table and we made our orders. While I orders for steak frites, she ordered for Chicken Confit. I also ordered for a bottle of white wine and in no time..our orders are ready and we both digged in.

I can't help but steal glances at her as she eats. I feel so contented just looking at her face. She evokes some kind of feelings in me that I can't explain.

"You can take a picture...it lasts longer" she said without looking up from her food.

I smiled at being caught staring, just as she said, I picked my phone to click a picture, as she looked up with a questioning gaze, I took the most beautiful picture.

"Thank you for the picture " I said with a smile. She just kept staring at me like I have two heads.

"I don't do all those things" she said gently

" Well..I have the picture already..so thanks again for the shot"

She finished up her food and picked up the tall wine glass to sip her wine.

I watch with keen interest as she takes the wine , looking casually through her phone.

"I hope we can do this again Elizabeth... I really want to get to know you"

She looked at me briefly before turning her attention back to her phone.

"Don't get too comfortable with me Joshua... and..I have to take my leave now, thank you for lunch" she suddenly said some minutes later as she packs her stuffs.

"Thank you for coming Elizabeth"

Without another word, she picked up the box her handbag and walked towards the exit.

I stood and watched as she exited the restaurant and walked up to her car parked a few metres away come the front door.

I sat down on the chair and picked up the glass of wine. I couldn't control all emotions Iam feeling. Shes doing a lot of things to me without even knowing it. I have never felt something as strong as this for anyone before, I couldn't understand where all the feelings were coming from.

I picked up my phone to call her but then decided to send a text message instead.


Thanks again for coming to Lunch with me, it meant a whole lot to me and like I said, I hope we can do this again....of course when you are ready.

And I really wanna get comfortable with you Elizabeth, I really want to get to know you more.

I hope we can do that sometime soon.

Have a safe drive.


I pressed the send button and dropped my phone on the table.

"Is someone in love?

I heard Xavier's voice behind me as I turned suddenly to see him right there, smilling sheepishly.

"Xav!.. what the fuck!!" I cursed in anger as he walked round the table to the chair Elizabeth just exited.

"Calm down man .I can't help but follow you here. ....." He said with a grin. He picked the bottle of wine and poured himself some in Elizabeth's cup.

As he made to drink it, I snatched the cup from him and pushed my own cup to him instead.

" You can't drink from this cup..use mine instead"

"My guy is love whipped finally!" Xav exclaimed, laughing loudly.

" We are in a public place Xav....bring down your voice ..will you?

" This is interesting Josh ..I can't believe I will live to see a day like this"

"A day like what exactly?"

"Man..I read the message you just sent her..I think you are forgetting her reputation"

"That's bad manners Xav, you have no right to sneak in on me and read my messages"

" But I did...so..."he said non-challantly.

" You will be the death of me Xav.... I just can't deal with you anymore" I said in frustration, picking up my phone and car key, I made to leave.

" Don't even dare Josh,..don't you dare try to walk out on me. Sit your ass down and let's talk like men!". Xavier barked at me with all seriousness.

I looked at him in frustration and took my seat.

"Now what?"

"Tell me everything right now"

"There's nothing to tell Xav. We just had Lunch .that's all"

"And the text?"

"It's just as you saw ..nothing more"

"Do you love her?" He asked in a much calmer tone, leaning on the table towards me.

"I don't know man..I really can't explain how she makes me feel...it's like the whole world stands still whenever Iam with her, I just feel complete kind of"

" Do you think she's the right person to feel all these things for?"

"Xav...there's no right or wrong person....it all depends on if we are both willing to give it a try"

" Do you think she feels the same way?

"Well...she came to lunch..despite her 'reputation'...she even allowed me take a picture of her...."

" Oh wow...the Ice queen allowed that?" Xav asked in surprise

"Yeaaa man. So it's all just somehow...I guess I just have to wait and see how things play out"

"Yeaà..I guess so...you are my man and you know I gat your back anytime "

"Yeaà..I know..even though you are more of a pain in my butt"

"Oh really..." He said and bursts into laughter.

We both sipped our drinks and I can't help smilling as I dipped form her cup.

It's just a matter of time, I have a feeling everything will work out fine eventually.


There you go!!!!

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