
Journey to high wire

Alicia is a funny and bubbly girl who goes to Delux High school.She gets good grades and has a caring heart. Max is the most popular and cute boy in the whole school.He is caring and lots of girls want to be with him.He is a football and basketball star. What will happen when they cross paths??

poppzie · Teen
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15 Chs

Friends for life

Alicia turned off her alarm and after an hour she was done.She headed to school and found Amalia and Kira waiting for her.They hugged each other and went to class.They first headed to their lockers to get some books and the bell rang.Everyone was now running across the hallways.The lesson began and their teacher was awesome.Alicia loved and enjoyed English so much and it was her favorite subject.The lessons went by smoothly and it was time for recess.From a mile away,you could hear their stomachs grumbling. They ran towards the cafeteria and took their food.The middle tables were congested and Alicia wondered why."That's the popular table,for all the rich and bratty kids of Delux."Kira told Alicia after seeing she was in deep thought.They went to their table and other kids joined them.Alicia was happy that people be were accepting her enjoying her company.They laughed and had fun but it looks like time was against them.They all headed to class and the lessons progressed.After an hour,they were called by the principal to the auditorium for a special announcement.They all took their seats and the principal arrived and stood in front of them with a wide smile.All the students wondered because the principal was a grumpy man and the chances of him smiling were one in a million."Hello students,I have a special announcement to make.I talked to all your parents and guardians and they all agreed to bring you to boarding."The principal said with the same smile on his face.People started groaning and murmuring.We figured out why the principal was happy, because our parents will add him more money.He left and gave us permission to go home and pack."Amalia and Kira looked ok with the idea but a million questions criss_crossed Alicia's mind.She was still new to the environment so what's in for her.She was brought back to reality when Kira squeezed her shoulder."Are you ok?"Kira asked worriedly."I'm fine."Alicia said but Kira doubted her."Guys,no matter what we will be friends for life and that will never change.We will always have each other's back,I love you guys."Kira said.They hugged each other and it was truly an emotional time.They wiped their tears and headed out outside.Kira and Amalia's drivers were waiting for them,they bade each other good bye and left.Alicia knew that after today,she will never tell them good bye until holidays.Her mother picked her up and they went home.She went to her room and started packing while enjoying the few days she has at home with her family.The weekend went by so fast and finally it was Monday.Her whole family took her to school and she was happy that they left their jobs to bring her here.Kira and Amalia were just arriving and they went to the office together.The parents were getting along just fine and the friends were happy.After an hour everything was done and their parents were leaving.They bade them then left."Today is the start of something new."Amalia said and they headed inside.They were given their dorm numbers and it looked like Kira and Alicia will be sharing a room and Amalia will be next door.They went in and freshened up then started unpacking.The bell rang and they went for dinner.They entered the cafeteria then Alicia realized that she had left her phone and she went back for it.At first,she couldn't find it but she found it and the end.When she entered,she bumbed into someone.