
Journey to high wire

Alicia is a funny and bubbly girl who goes to Delux High school.She gets good grades and has a caring heart. Max is the most popular and cute boy in the whole school.He is caring and lots of girls want to be with him.He is a football and basketball star. What will happen when they cross paths??

poppzie · Teen
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15 Chs

First day

"Alicia wake up."Alicia's mum said while preparing breakfast.Alicia woke up and took a bath then wore her new uniform.She looked at herself in the mirror ,then sighed and hoped to have a good first day.She went downstairs and kissed her mum and her little sister Skylar good morning.Her watch beebed and she realized it was really late.She took a piece of toast and then left.Alicia took a cab and after thirty minutes it stopped and she got out.

Alicia was welcomed by a big sign written Delux High.She entered and her heart rate was really high, but she gathered courage and entered in.Alicia was now lost because she never knew where the office was or anyone to be presise."Looking for something?"a soft voice said.Alicia turned around and saw a beautiful girl and she looked popular to."Yeah I'm looking for the principal office". The girl gave her directions and she was happy."I am Kira Lucas,nice to meet you."The girl said.""I am Alicia Snow.""See you around,Alicia."Kira said while leaving.Alicia found the office and got admitted.She took her schedule and it looks like she was in class 2B.She walked around and saw her class.She knocked and a soft voice welcomed her.She opened the door and entered and stood at the front."Hi,I am Alicia Snow and I would like to be your friends ."The teacher welcomed her and she sat down next to Kira which was a huge relief.The lesson was boring because she wasn't good at math but her grades were fair.

The bell rang and everyone headed out.

Alicia and Kira headed to their next class and it was quite interesting because the teacher made them laugh so hard.The bell rang and it was time for recess."Hi Kira who's the newbee."another girl asked Kira."This is Alicia,Alicia this is Amalia.""Hi."Amalia said.

They all headed to the cafeteria and ordered their lunch.The cafeteria was packed and it was very noisy. They ate then went back to class.After an hour the day was over and everyone was happy.Amalia and Kira went home and Alicia took a cab back home."Hi honey how was your first day"Alicia's mum asked her."It was awesome mum.""Happy to hear that."Alicia's dad said as he kept his briefcase down.She went to her room and she immediately fell asleep.