
Plans For The Future and Adoption?

Naomasa Tsukauchi walked out of the room and made his way down the hallway where Kenji Tsuragamae the chief of police, all might and nighteye were talking together, when they saw that he was back the chief of police asked some questions to naomasa. "So is he awake?"

"Yeah he is awake sir." he answered in a respectful way as he was above him postin in the police force. "I have asked him some questions and I think I should tell you before you go to him as though he doesn't mean that his quirk could possibly hurt you."

"Are you saying he has no control over his quirk, I thought his quirk was that darkness as long as he doesn't it should be fine right?" this time it was nighteye turn to as a question.

"Yeah that is one of his abilities, i will tell you all of his abilities that he told me about as he could be hiding more," as he says that he takes out his notepad to make sure he gets all his abilities right "if anybody lies in his presence they will turn to stone, and if anybody holes hatred in their hearts they won't be able to inflict harm on anybody else his quirk affects him as well and they enhance his darkness quirk he also said that he can't control it. He also wont go berserk as long as he is not in an item or something similar."

When they heard that they all got serious although none of them believed that the child would try to hurt them on purpose it was still a dangerous quirk and they had to be carefull.

While everyone was thinking about what to do all might suddenly have an idea "why don't we see what the kid wants to do and while we are at it we can see what he plans to do for the future."

A few minutes back when naomasa left the room with jayce.

'Eve what I should do for the future. I know that I want to be a hero and I know i have to train in the future. Oh, even how long until my body gets used to my power?'

(*Your body will get used to powers when midoriya goes to U.A. that if you don't train if you do it depends on the amount of effort you put in. But i would also focus on doing quests as well because when you reach the age of fifteen the other people in the game and you can change worlds, and i am thinking even if they come here after they got control of their power their probably coming here to get some of the girls in this world, although some of them could be good most of them would probably be evil.*)

'I suppose i should start training when i get out of here. As for the people from another world I will deal with that when they get here. I suppose i should check out my stats as well as the quests.'


[name = jayce anderson]

[age = 4]

[race = demon]

[bloodline = demon king bloodline]


Constitution:5(stamina, endurance, vitality, recovery)

Dexterity:1(agility, reflexes, quickness)

Intelligence:30(smart, mana recovery, mana pool, memory)

Perception:1(alertness awareness cautiousness)

Soul tier: 1 (mortal tier) (how strong the soul is tier four soul would be the soul of a god)

Skills: [Darkness Control:A], [Commandment of Love:A], [Commandment of Truth:A], [Full Counter: Full:F]

'Eve in the future can you not show the numbers on my stats they might show how strong I am but they can be enhanced by items and stuff and the god said something similar to that so in my opinion there is no reason for that to be there can you do that eve?'

(*yeah i agree with you in the future you will probably have lots of skills that enhance your strength so yeah i will get rid of it for you jayce.*)


[Get into U.A.

Rewards: 10,000 SP,Random Bloodline and Race]

[train midoriya to have a stronger body to inherit one for all

Rewards: 5,000 SP, Random skill]

'Hey even why are the rewards so specific for them to quest and dont they seem too easy with too good rewards?' he was genuinely confused as to why such quests that looked so easy yet had such good rewards.

(*the system takes into account what you want and tries to give you and besides it could be a terrible race or bloodline. The system also takes into account what you want to do like if you wanted to be a villain it would say join the league of villains and kill midoriya. It could also be because you had to wait so long to get your powers that the system is making it up to you because in another world people are probably training with their skills and doing quests as soon as they can. You on the other hand had to wait five years.*)

'I suppose that makes sense, but still… you know what nevermind if the system wants to give me good rewards go right ahead i'm not stopping you!' i was thinking that while smiling.

While I was talking with Eve the heroes and police came into the room.

"I AM HERE!!" All might come in doing a pose because I am a kid and probably think I am confused as to why I am in a hospital or something.

"What are you doing here all might?!" I had to sound excited and confused, although I was genuinely confused as to why the number 1 hero would be here. I thought he would have left a long time ago so I wasn't lying when I asked my question.

"HAHAHAHA, even if you don't remember it young jayce we got into a fight when you awakened your quirk, but fear not young jayce i did not get any serious injuries when we were fighting, why? BECAUSE I AM ALL MIGHT!!!" When he said that last bit he flexed his muscles. "The reason I am here young Jayce is because even if you don't intend to use it that way your quirk could hurt people and we are here to ask you what you want to do now and in the future."

I pretend to think for a few seconds and then I give my answer "I want to be a hero in the future and for now I have to train so I can get into U.A."

"HAHAHAHA i'm sure you can be a great hero in the future young jayce" while he was saying that he was also thinking "it's good that he wants to be a hero lets just hope nothing changes that and hope that all for one doesn't get his quirk or worse kill him."

After all might said the room went silent not because what he said was awkward or anything its just no one knew what to say next, after a few more seconds of silence jayce couldn't handle it and spoke out. "Um, but what am I going to do now? I could go back to the orphanage but the other kids might lie when I'm nearby and turn into stone and I don't want that to happen." I tried to say the last part sadly even though I'm not really friends with them. I know grandma cares for them so I will do this for her.

When i said that it got everyone, other than me, in the room thinking for a solution. Kenji, the other police officer, thought that they could just get him an apartment to live in and bring him food and clothes and get someone to clean his apartment but when he thought about it again he shook the thought from his head as that would be too cruel on a child. While nighteye had no idea how to take care of a kid so he had no idea. Even though Naomasa had a sister he had no idea how to take care of a kid though he did try his best to think of an idea none of his ideas were sustainable in the long term. All might on the other hand had someone who, although probably wouldn't like the idea, could take care of the child, help him, train and get him ready to go to U.A. although he thought of this person he had no idea how to make him agree to it.

All might then let out a long sigh then said "i know a person that could take care of young jayce although i have no idea how i am going to get him to agree to it."

Although nighteye wasn't 100% sure he was pretty confident he knew who all might was talking about, took out his phone and handed it to all might.

"Thank you sasaki" he then typed in his number to call him. When the call got through all might looked kind of nervous "hello sensei. It's me Toshinori. What do I want, well see, it's kinda complicated. Alright I want you to take care of a kid. No sensei don't hang up please! We'll see he has a unique quirk that's dangerous, so i want to give him to you. Oh, didn't I tell you his quirk turns people that lie into stone and it is constantly effective even affecting him as well. Eh you want to talk to him sure." all might was almost constantly shaking during the phone call, and when he paced the phone to jayce it looked like he was relieved of some great burden however when he gave me the phone he also said "everyone my master said he wants to speak to young jayce privately so let's go."

"Hello who is this?" this was the first thing i said on the phone because although i think i know who he is i can't remember his real name only his hero name gran torino.

"My name is Torino Sorahiko and all might be master, I want you to tell me what your quirk is why you want to be a hero. And tell me your name. I almost forgot."

"My name is jayce anderson, i suppose i posses multiple quirks because i have a quirk that can turn anyone if they lie into stone including myself, then theres the one where if Anyone who holds hatred in their heart will be unable to afflict harm on anyone else, i can control darkness and can repel physical damage and peoples quirk at more than double the strength of the original, the reason i want to be a hero is that if i get my hero license i can use my powers freely and it's a good way to get strong without people stopping you."

"I see they are interesting powers and suppose as you said that is a good way to get strong without anyone stopping you. Let me ask you a question, if you could have all might's power and have to be the symbol of peace, would you?"

'Hmm, is this old man asking me to be the successor for one for all?' "no i wouldn't be a good symbol of peace, not only is my power darkness which people would usually associated with villains even if i had all mights power added onto that people would just fear me, i mean not that i mind that as that would stop villains but it wouldn't be nice just walking down the streets and people just looking at you in fear."

"Hahaha, i suppose but with how powerful your quirks are not to mention that you have multiple people would probably always fear you, is what you expect me to say but so long as people have a hero around no matter what their quirks are or their personalities are people wouldn't look at them in fear, i mean look at endeavor, so knowing people wouldnt be scared of you would you choose to be the symbol of peace?"

*SIGH* 'i tried to no that way but it didn't work, i mean of course i'm going to be feared i don't care for what the public think of me as i probably won't stay that long in this world and besides the other people in this game will look at me in fear for how strong i'm going to be so why would i be affected by powerless people.' "No, I still wouldn't. I'm not like all might be going to be there everyday and that is what the symbol of peace is: somebody who is ready to save the day everyday, and I won't be able to do that."

"I see at least you're being honest, okay i will take care of you, i will help train as well since you have an interesting quirk. Bye make sure to hand the phone back to toshinori."

And he hung up the phone like that. I honestly have no idea what happened. He just asked me a question and then decided to take care of me like that.


Sorry for not uploading a chapter the other day. I was tired and couldn't be bothered to write it.