
Berserk Mode and Questioning

While everybody was going about their regular lives, a few heroes were being cautious today as their instincts were telling them something was going to happen.

On a street that leads on to the mountain two men are talking. One man has a suit, glasses and green hair and yellow tinges. "All might something is going to happen on the mountain but i don't know what it is but it will cause damage to the city if you do not keep it contained on the mountain."

The other man is a head taller than the other, in a hero costume that barely contains all his muscles with two tufts of hair going up like bunny ears. "Explain what you do again nighteye, it's still hard to believe."

"I saw a beam of darkness going into and a child destroying a portion of the city but after a few seconds he passed out. That's why you need to go up into the mountain and make sure he doesnt get into the city." explains nighteye is a serious tone of voice.

"How much longer do we have nighteye." all might ask with a serious look on his face that is no longer smiling.

Night eye looks at his watch then back to all might "five minutes left till it begins. All might make sure to smile a serious look on your face doesn't suit you."

All might then puts back his usual smile on his face "sorry it's just hard to believe a child can cause that much damage and night eye contact the hero agence and try to get as many people as you can out of here we don't know what his quirk is and if he can destroy a portion of the it's better to get everyone out of here just i case."

"Alright I believe in you all might, i call the hero agency now." night eye nodded at almight and took out his phone to call the hero agency to evacuate the surrounding area.

Five minutes later all might was heading up the mountain but nothing happened there was no darkness in the sky and no portion of the city was destroyed yet but on the mountain the protagonist was in pain from growing one extra heart at a time the only time he would be allowed away from the pain was when one heart stopped growing and for second there would be no pain then the next one would grow this continued until he had six extra hearts. Then the pain stopped, no pain only a nice calming feeling like he was whole, but then it felt like something was coming out of him and then darkness shot up into the sky but only lasted for a few seconds before it came crashing back down into where jayce stood.

Every hero on the scene who saw the darkness was shocked not because of how much there was but because if what nighteye said was true it was a kid who released all of that, all might who saw where the darkness was coming from rushed over there to see a kid with a destroyed shirt that looks like it could fall of at any second he also had darkness cover the right side of his body, he also had full black eyes. The second the kid saw all might he created a big blade of darkness out of the darkness on his right hand and swung it towards all might. All might who wasn't expecting the attack because the kid was so young only managed to jump back at the last second and get a cut along his chest.

When the kid saw the attack didn't work he retracted the darkness and made it go to the left hand as well and made big claws made out of darkness. And tried to get close to kill all might.

While all night was doing as he didn't want to hit a kid and one who didn't even look to be in control at the moment, he was thinking about this kid's quirk. 'He really is fast if i didn't see the darkness i would have thought it was a speed or physical enchantment quirk, his darkness is really versatile as well if he can keep his quirk under control in the future he will make a great hero.'

While all might was thinking that the kid suddenly stopped moving and got rid of the claws made of darkness but kept the darkness on his arms and pulled out a short sword and coated it in darkness and tried to slash towards all might who didn't know where the kid got the sword jumped but before he could he saw the same berserk kid but coming from the sides and and the back.

'Shit i'm surrounded' and jumped upwards to get away 'it looks like he is able to make clones as well but their not as strong or as fast as the original' just as he was thinking that the clones suddenly disappeared and and the real body passed out and fell to the ground and the shortsword he was holding disappeared as well as the darkness surrounding him.

"I guess what nighteye said was true it will only last for a few seconds but with this destruction if he wasn't focused on hitting me it's no wonder he could destroy a part of the city" all might said that when he lands on the ground from his previous jump and looks at destroyed surroundings. There were craters on and ground and all the trees in the one kilometer area were destroyed from the fight on the mountain.

"He will be a strong hero in the future, let's just hope he doesn't become a villain" as all might say that he walked over to Jayce and carried him back down the mountain.

(a few hours later in a hospital)

'Ugh… where am' as i was thinking that i open my eyes and see that i'm in a hospital 'eve what happened? How long was I knocked out for?'

(*you were out for five hours, but before you get nervous you only went berserk for about a minute and destroyed a good bit of a mountain with power. Oh you also fought all night although i'm not sure how he knew you were there if i had to guess i would say he is still working with nighteye and nighteye saw you in his foresight so he sent all might to stop you incase you caused damage*)

'I fought all might? Did I win? I know Meliodas would be stronger than him.'I ask , confused and excited as I have my powers now.

(*no you lost all might didn't even didn't hit he just dodged. The reason you are so weak right now is that you body is not used to the power so i doesnt know how to use it and you have never trained before so of course you would lose, although you managed to get a hit in at the start i think it was because he was distracted that you were so young so it was just a lucky hit.*)

I was disappointed that i didn't win but when she gave the reasons it's no wonder i lost, i kinda feel stupid for expecting to win when i havent even trained once in my life.

While I was thinking that a police officer walked in the hospital room and saw me awake.

He looked at me for a second but I didn't notice him as I was talking to Eve at the moment, seeing that I didn't notice him. He took a chair from the side of the room and brought it near the hospital bed and coughed loudly enough that I was able to finally notice him.

"Hello my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi. I'm a detective in the police force and i'm here to ask you a few questions, okay." he says in a kind voice as if I was a kid.

"Hello my name is Jayce, nice to meet you. Ask whatever you want. I will answer what i can." as i was saying that i couldn't help but think 'not like i can lie anyways or i will turn to stone.' As I got that thought in my mind I turned to the police officer and said "please dont lie in front of my detective, I have a power that will turn people into stone if they lie or go back on their word."

As i said in the last part his face turned serious "alright i will keep that in mind while i am asking questions let's start, do you have any other powers like the one you just mentioned and if so what are they? How do you know what you quirk is? Were you in control of your actions on the mountain and if not will you lose control like that again?"

"I have one more power like that power is that if Anyone who holds hatred in their heart will be unable to afflict harm on anyone else and that is im in the surrounding area the same for the other one as well. I choose what my powers are going to be as they are the easiest to control out of all the other powers. I was not in control on the mountain but I wont lose control like that unless I am trapped in an item or something similar." i really don't want to tell him but i just got my powers i'm dying just yet.

"I see that you didn't want to answer those questions so i suppose what you were saying is true just three more questions for now though i could have to ask you more in the future. Will you ever be able to control your quirk? Does your quirk affect you as well? And what was that darkness?" as he was questioning me he was writing what i said down while thinking that he has to tell the other before they go to the kid in case something happens.

"I can't control it and I never will be able to because it's just the way it works. My quirk does affect me as well though I'm sure you already knew that seeing as though I'm answering your questions now. And the darkness is a power that is enhanced by my other two powers though it's still strong on its own." While I was answering him I was thinking of my plan to get enough points sto that I buy the things that I need to buy from the shop so as to not be affected by my commandments.

��I see thank you for answering my questions. I'm going now though others might come in here make sure to warn them of quirk before they start talking just in case." as he says that he gets up to leave the room.

"Don't worry I will , I don't want to open a statue shop in the future." I say that with a chuckle as he walks out of the room.


Though some of you may not be happy that he told them everything but it's not like he could lie because of the [commandment of truth] although i have a way to get around that in the future so it won't affect him it will still affect other though i might just make it so if he gets a high enough control over them he can turn the commandment on and off.