
Journey through the ranks

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After one year of hard training i reached the lower tier of the first rank "i just need to master only 1 defense form" i said whit a satisfied look and went to the office of my father and knocked at the door "come in" he said i went in and asked him" father i reached the lower tier of the first rank. I wanted to ask if i could go hunting?" my father then looked me in the eyes and sayd" ok i let you go hunting but i have one condition"

i ask him "What is the condition?"

He says" i want you to fight one of my man it's just a spare so you don't need to worry" i sayd whit a exited look on my face" really i can fight one of your man! Ok i except this condition so when will the fight begin?"

he then says" now so go to the training ground" after the sentence ended i went straight to the training ground" Hello young master your father informed as that you reached the lower tier of the first rank congratulate but we aren't her for celebration am i correct? " he sayd whit a smile" yeas Philip i am her for a spare " Phillip is a tall man whit brown hair black eyes a long beard and feint wrinkles.

He is the leader of the second division and is a close friend of my father." So who am i going to fight?" i say whit a lust to fight" you are going to fight her" and pointed at a beautiful girl whit brown hair and green eyes and glasses she is round my age she looks towards Phillip and says" why should i fight a little nobel kid that is only four. And you now that i won't hold back!" before Philip could speak i sayd" good i don't won't to fight someone who is holding back" i said whit a little pissed off look " than let's beginn" Phillip Tried to say" wait i didn't say... " before he could finish his sentence we both rushed towards each other i slashed towards her neck but she blocked the attack whit her broadsword then she pouched my sper to the side and attacked me whit a horizontal slache i tried to block it but this was a fint she stoped with the slache and punched me in the face but i could dosh it by a hair. Then we Jumped back and sayed "for your age it isn't half bad" i sayd whit a pissed of look " we are just 2 years apart!" i stormed at her and attacked whit a lung she dodged the attacks to the side and countered whit her own attack and hit me on the shoulder but i could a bit to the side so it wasn't a vital blow. Then i slache towards her ribs but i could only break 4 of them but before we could attack again Philip jumped in to stop the fight and said " you two stop this is crossing the line this should only be a spare!" he sad whit a worried expiration.

After that event we became rivals and we would spare every day but before that could happen i went to fathers office and asked him if i completed the trail" yeas you completed my trail you are capable of rational most of the time" he giggled after the sentence ended.

I looked at the ground whit a embarrassed look in my face and said" thank you father i should better go training" i went to my room still embarrassed that i got so easily pissed of by saying that i am to weak because of my age. It's through i am just a rank one whit no dainten and no mentel-sphere.