
Journey through the ranks

Seyed · Action
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4 Chs


<p>I stand before the gate of my residence besides me was a guard "are you ready young lord" I looked at him "of course i am" after that short conversation we went to the white forest. <br/><br/>After 10 minutes we meet the first pack of monster the leader was a rank two and the other three were rank one. they were snow monkey's two meters tall and they can control ice to there fullest potential. <br/><br/>The guard killed the rank two and he went and killed 1 rank one but I stopped him after he killed one of the monkey's so there were only two left I went up and took my spear out of my ring that I got from my father and ran towards the laft and dodge the two Ice spears flying towards my head when I was 5m away from the monkey I poured my "Halitus" in to my spear and pierce through his heart and killed him in a instend at that moment the second monkey jumped towards me. <br/><br/>His body was covered in a ice armor that was thicker than steel I couldn't dodged in time so I could only block his attack at the moment of the impact I felt and heard my bones cracking the solid ground breaking and my spear bend <br/>when I hadn't poured "Halitus" in to my arms and legs I wouldn't stand a chance. <br/><br/> After the impact I jump back and commanded my guard to not interfere as I saw him take a stand to attack. <br/>I roar and rushed towards the monky whit his ice-armor That didn't cover his whole neck when we where 5m apart I used a simple but effective technique the lung and aimed at his neck the monkey punched in my face but my spear was longer than his arm so my spear reached his neck first and pierced right through and cut his neck in half I saw the light in the i of the beast fade away as he dropped on the ground and at the same time I fell on my knees and felt my whole body shaking and my arms and lags bleeding because of the bones that are barely stable and break at any time but I didn't cry but laugh crazy at the semi-victory of my first real battle. <br/><br/>The guard ran up to me and gave me a pill that will speed up my recovery decline because I want to grow stronger by myself but he forced me to take the pill and sayed" when you don't take this pill your father will never allow you to go hunting" after that I took the pill and focus on absorbing the pill. <br/><br/>"so where do we go next" I asked energetic and whit battle-intend in my eyes the guard sayed while he was massaging his temples<br/>"young master I don't won't to disappoint you but we better leaf you didn't even fully recover from your injuries we can go when you're broken bones are fully healed" <br/>I sayed whit a disappointed look" you are right" after we looted the corpses of the best we found two beast corse one level two and a level one from the highly intelligent beast white the ice-armor. <br/><br/>At my father's office I knock" come in" my father sayed me and my guard went in and knelt " so how was hunting" he asked knowingly " it was good training and we got to beast core one is level two and the other is a level one" I sayed coldly but whit a hint of excitement " I hope you learned a lot my son" <br/>"of course i did I should be more careful when I'm hunting and I would like to hunt alone" my father and the guard where stand by the last sentence "wy do you want to hunt alone I hope you don't think you are strong enough" <br/><br/>" of course not father I'm not stupid but you can only grow stronger when you are in a dangerous situation and need to push your limits" after the sentence there was silence then my father laughed madly and said "good good it is correct what you sayed Akku but you are not only a cultivater but also my beloved son and the hire of the family head but when you have your Dainte I will allow you to hunt alone" <br/><br/>"Okey father when I have Dainte I will hunt alone but I have a question could I have this rank one core?" <br/>"of course you can you killed it now go I have work" he said whit a smile after that I went eating and went to my room to train my mantel-sphere. <br/><br/></p>