
Journey of the omni ruler

immortal13 · Fantasy
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Chapter 5 Crazy man

Shing, Marcus dodged a strike to the head albeit barely, The axe wielder was shocked

This boy was clearly weaker than him, Marcus initiated an attack with a punch to the axe wielder's chest but he simply blocked with the side of his blade making Marcus's hand go numb, "Ha", the axe wielder attacked again and Marcus barely dodged again but the man was clearly faster and hit Marcus's face with the handle. blood dripped from Marcus's face and he groaned in pain the boy was about to hit Marcus with the sharp side and sever his neck from his head but Marcus reacted faster and delivered a punch to the axe wielder's wrist, making the axe fall from his hands, Marcus quickly took the axe from the floor and threw it with all of his might outside the safe zone, Marcus was relieved, that weapon almost took his head a few times, but when he was about to look back, he felt a powerful force on his stomach, The guy had delivered a heavy punch to him, Marcus felt all the air in his lungs disappear and he skidded across the floor a few steps before he balanced himself, "Blergh", Marcus puked out blood, his internal organs shook from that impact of the punch.

"Bastard, you'll pay for that" ; Marcus said in anger.

*Bang*, the floor slightly shook as Marcus blasted off towards the the bulky guy with a savage smile on his face, he punched out at him with all his mouth but the boy simply caught his fist.

"It seems you're using your full strength now"; Marcus said after backing up as he seemed to have noticed that the boy wanted to bend his wrist.

"You are one good punching bag, come on and show me what you got" ; the boy said with a savage smile.



"Shit, at this rate I'm definitely going to die"; Marcus whispered to himself in fear and excitement.

His body was riddled with different injuries enough to kill a normal human being.

Strength, this world runs on strength. only someone with strength can rule a territory.

Marcus understood this a long time ago, but didn't know how much he needed it until now.

Only strength could teach him about his origins, only strength could make him the richest. He wanted strength more than anything. He loved fighting but hates getting beat up.

"I'll kill you, BASTARD !!!" ; Marcus yelled the last part in resolution.

"Hahahaha, good, good, let's see what you got" ; The bulky guy said with only a few minor injuries here and there,

He punched out at Marcus but contrast to his thoughts, Marcus did not dodge but recieved the punch, he then retaliated by punching at the guy's neck with all his strength cracking his neck in the process and also breaking his ribs, but everyone watching knew the one who would die soon if not attended to was the bulky guy.

Mr. Leo appeared in the arena in the blink of an eye and took the bulky guy out.

"Hmmm, sacrificing your body to deliver a vital blow to the opponent, this is a true warrior, this is a true soldier.THIS IS A CRAZY MAN"; Su yang pondered and smiled. His trip here wasn't a waste, he found a gem in the dirt.