
Journey of the Gods

In the land of Alderney there exists many wonders of man and nature, however none are more divine than the gods. Beings born with the ability to collect faith to perform miracles for the mortals. However life isn't as simple as it seems for a newborn god who wishes to be mortal.

Acid_Ash · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Crow's nest

After a spout of confusion Crow finally calmed down after finding out what happened and noticed the update to his status.

[Name: Crow]

[Age: <1]

[Race: Winged Human (God)]

[Bloodline: ??? (Progenitor)(common)] (please name your bloodline)

[Titles: {friend of a mortal}] (you have made friends with a mortal despite being of different realms, -10% divinity cost when performing small minor miracles for your friend.)

[Level: 2]

[Grade: minor Deity]

[Believers: 5/1000]

[2 Shallow believers, 2 Devout believers, 1 Priest, 0 High priests, 0 Bishops, 0 Archbishops, 0 Popes, 0 Saints]


[Health: 10/10] ((strength + endurance)*10)

[Mana: 150/150] (intelligence*10)

[Divinity: 23/100 (condensed purified faith)

[Faith: 616/100]

[Strength: <1]

[Perception: 12]

[Endurance: <1]

[Charisma: 11]

[Intelligence: 15]

[Agility: <1]

[Luck: 2]


[Basic battle tactics: lv1](you are able to understand the basics of war, when people follow your battle tactics strength, perception and agility +1%, +0.05 charisma for each person who follows your tactics)

[Poser: lv2](you are able to stand in the best lighting with the wind flowing in just the right direction, +1 charisma)

{Race skills}

{Observe: lv1} (Able to observe the mortal realm, current level only allowed to see empty areas 1 km around followers and a 10 meter radius around followers costs 10 mana per hour)

{Miracle: lv1}(Able to use divine energy to perform a miracle, cost of divine energy may vary between miracle depending on strength and type)

{Blessing: lv1}(Able to bless an individual giving them a small boost to all stats, currently can only bless 5 people costs 1 divine power)



[born for joy](You are born from the desires of many for someone to bring joy into their lives, +0.01 Charisma for every happy follower, you are more attractive to young lonely people)


Ignoring the kind of insulting skill name, Crow let out a flutter of joy, when he realised he now has enough faith to break through a minor realm. Although most gods make their first breakthrough after a few days they usually have close to 100 followers at this time. Crow with only 5 is really an oddity.

But Crow is an unusual god to begin with, I mean what irresponsible person almost dies because they are too busy playing with children's toys or gains the poser skill after just 2 days since their birth.

Well Crow can't help it if he thinks all his clothes look good on him. Besides no one told him to stop.


Now Crow feels lonely.

Looking down on Alderney Crow watches Jacob try to sneak out of his house before being caught and denied by his tutor.

At least he has Jacob for company.

Now it is time for Crow to breakthrough, Jacob did so why can't he.

As crow sits down on the bed, the faith in his body starts to condense into divinity, one after the other, when suddenly creaks started to appear in the divinity and liquid divinity poured out into his soul.

Crow then gathers the liquid into his centre and forms a small orb of divine liquid.

This divine liquid made from condensed faith is the foundation of Crows godhead.

After a few hours of gathering the divine liquid in his soul, Crow opens his system panel to see the new information.

[Name: Crow]

[Age: <1]

[Race: Winged Human (God)]

[Bloodline: ??? (Progenitor)(common)] (please name your bloodline)

[Titles: {friend of a mortal}] (you have made friends with a mortal despite being of different realms, -10% divinity cost when performing small minor miracles for your friend.)

[Level: 2]

[Grade: middle Deity]

[Believers: 9/1500]

[6 Shallow believers, 2 Devout believers, 1 Priest, 0 High priests, 0 Bishops, 0 Archbishops, 0 Popes, 0 Saints]


[Health: 50/50] ((strength + endurance)*10)

[Mana: 210/210] (intelligence*10)

[Divinity: 29/100 (condensed purified faith)

[Faith: 31/100]

[Strength: 2]

[Perception: 18]

[Endurance: 3]

[Charisma: 16]

[Intelligence: 21]

[Agility: 4]

[Luck: 2]


[Basic battle tactics: lv1](you are able to understand the basics of war, when people follow your battle tactics strength, perception and agility +1%, +0.05 charisma for each person who follows your tactics)

[Poser: lv2](you are able to stand in the best lighting with the wind flowing in just the right direction, +1 charisma)

{Race skills}

{Observe: lv1} (Able to observe the mortal realm, current level only allowed to see empty areas 1 km around followers and a 10 meter radius around followers costs 10 mana per hour)

{Miracle: lv1}(Able to use divine energy to perform a miracle, cost of divine energy may vary between miracle depending on strength and type)

{Blessing: lv2}(Able to bless an individual giving them a small boost to all stats, currently can only bless 10 people costs 1 divine power)



[born for joy](You are born from the desires of many for someone to bring joy into their lives, +0.01 Charisma for every happy follower, you are more attractive to young lonely people)


When Crow had a breakthrough to the middle deity the changes were as expected a small increase to his stats and one of his bloodline skills improved as his bloodline also improved slightly. Not enough to improve its grade but enough to level up a skill.

What he is happy about though is the increase in followers while his breakthrough. Although most of the rumours about him had been hushed, there are a few people piecing things together believing I have the ability to improve ones task grade.

Crow wasn't going to say anything about that as more faith for him, tee hee.

but what Crow was most excited about wasn't his stats, skills or his surprise followers, but the glow the divine liquid brings to his skin and feathers. Crows eyes now have a faint sparkle and his skin now glistens under the light brought by an imaginary sun.

His feathers became sharper around the stalk giving him a more prominent look but somehow a soft comfy feel.

For Crow the warmth of his blood is enough to bring him to bliss.

The divine kingdom has grown slightly, now instead of looking like a small bedroom, it looks like a small hall.

He decorated the walls with large stone pillars in a style similar to what Jacobs manor looks like. as they rise to the ceiling thick fluffy clouds cover the walls allowing a smooth translation to the infinite illusion of a clear sky depicting the sky above Jacobs house.

at the moment he can feel the simulated warmth of daybreak on his skin.

Shaking out of his self admiration Crow takes a look at Jacobs stats.

[Name: Jacob Flicks]

[Age: 6]

[Race: Human]

[Bloodline: Human 81%(common) impure 11%]

[Titles: {son of a baron}{Priest of crow}{Platinum carpenter] (you are a child of a lesser noble, +1% extra exp, title non-inheritable)(you are a priest that follows the beliefs of crow, +4 charisma, increased likability from devout followers of crow)(you are a talented carpenter, increased affinity with wood, increased ability of woodwork related skills, +20% exp minimum from a successful woodwork of iron rank or higher, +2 endurance, +3 agility, +1 perception)

[Level: 7]

[Grade: 1]

[Exp 25/250]


[Health: 120/120] ((strength + endurance)*10)

[Mana: 80/80] (intelligence*10)

[Attack: 11-17] (strength + agility ± endurance/2)

[Strength: 6]

[Perception: 11]

[Endurance: 6]

[Charisma: 7]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Agility: 8]

[Luck: 3]


[Basic swordsmanship: lv2](have a basic understanding of the sword, at current level can win against kids first time touching a sword)

[Basic battle tactics: lv1](you are able to understand the basics of war, when people follow your battle tactics strength, perception and agility +1%, +0.05 charisma for each person who follows your tactics)

[Etiquette: lv1](able to speak an act in a unique way, charisma +1, at current level you might be able to last passing a noble on the street)

[beginner woodwork lv1](able to craft items out of wood, at current level you can craft Items of platinum grade or below)

{Race skills}

{common language: lv 3}(Able to speak the common language of most humanoid races, at your level can understand Canto and common derelicts across the kingdom as well as basic Lyrica)



[eye of the beholder](born with high perception, able to notice things before others, with each level up +0.5 perception)



[Blessing of Crow](boosts intelligence by 2)

When did Jacob get so beefy?

He's already halfway to the peak of his race. When entities reach the peak of their racial talent, it becomes extremely difficult to level up. With each level up more exp is required until not even the system knows how much exp is required to level up.

However it is achievable but neither Jacob nor Crow knows how, what they do know is that ones grade is likely to increase. However ones grade can not increase past grade 10, making it so no matter how hard a low potential race works they can never beat a high potential race.

For example; the human race generally caps out at lv 15 for grade 1, while elves first grade cap is at lv 25; dragons with monstrous potential cap at lv 100-200, depending on the dragon.

This is what makes heroes so special as their grade is able to surpass the natural limit becoming an existence similar to a god. This is why many heroes have god like abilities such as near true immortality becoming holy spirits after they die.

With each level up the stats will increase and it becomes easier to improve low level skills. When a grade increases the effects are multiple times better with an improvement of bloodline and talent.

Sorry for a stat heavy chapter!



I would appreciate if you can comment on mistakes or plotholes in the story for me too find.



Acid_Ashcreators' thoughts