
Journey Of A Legend

[ON HIATUS!] Please read my new book Cultivation Through Artifacts! ----------------------------------------------- "Would you make a deal with a Soul for power and glory? To become the best? The Supreme? But with huge consequences and struggle? After knowing that death is all the time behind you or that no one will remember of you after you succeed? After knowing what terrible things awaits you, would accept the offer?" ----------------------------------------------- "One day Altars with strange stones in it appeared all around the world. After humans realized the roles of these stones, people with unique powers started to appear one after another and the world started to change in a rapid pace. To make it worse dimension zones appeared out of nowhere on different points of earth with creatures like demons, devils, fairys, spirits, sacred animals or monsters in it. Slaying these creatures humans started to gain bigger and bigger power until Godhood and Immortality was not a dream anymore. However as time went by, strangly, no one could become a god nor an immortal..." ----------------------------------------------- This is a story, where a boy named Greg, whose life was always at the bottom and was filled with struggle and loneliness, suddenly changes, because of an unknown fate. "If God comes to stop me, I will surpass God! If heaven is about to collapse, I will be the one to support it and if my destiny is set in stone, I will change my fate! That's how I think it should be and that's how you should too." Come and follow our legend on his journey as he surpasses everything and anything on his way! Come and watch as he steadily reaches the top and uncover the unknown mystery behind his destiny! -----------------------------------‐----------- If you like Gods, Demons, Monsters and different kinds of creatures, with a main character, which breaks through every obstacle, then I think this is your book. However, this is not the common face slapping, super genius MC as you always read. No. This is something much more special, so you need patience:) _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Author's thought This is very first novel that I try to build up to be great, so if you have anything that you don't like please feel free and write me on discord. Also, after every 500 ps, I will post an extra chapter!! My discord server: https://discord.gg/p226Y6vQ -------------------------------------------- *The Book Cover is not mine. Credit goes to the owner and if its needed I will take it down!*

Gery_ · Fantasy
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289 Chs

Ranking System

Hi there Author here!

In this Auxiliary chap I will write down the different ranks, how many energy crystals one need for the next rank, the soul stones levels, Soul Creatures and etc.

So I hope everything with this will be easier to understand things in the future :)


1. Rank Levels:

• Awakened Rank

(needs 100 energy crystal for the next rank)

• Manifester Rank

(needs 500 energy crystal for the next rank)

• Soul Collecter Rank

(needs 1.000 energy crystal for the next rank)

• Creator Rank

(needs 5.000 energy crystal for the next rank)

• Calamity Rank

(need 10.000 energy crystal for the next rank)

• Ascender Rank

(Need a special crystal and special object, with again 10.000 energy crystals for the next rank)

• God Rank

(This is just the normal ranking, as for the other one I don't wanna spoil things, so I will wait to write it.)

2. Energy Crystal Levels

• Low-class energy crystal

• Middle-class energy crystal

• High-class energy crystal

(Each of them has different amount in different ranks. So for example if an Awakened rank monster drops one Low-class one it only just gives 1. But if its the same, but in the Awakened rank, then it's 2.)

3. Soul Stone levels in colors

(Black is trash, while white is the best in potential, power and Guardian.)

• Black

• Yellow

• Green

• Blue

• Red

• White

(Also here will be a plus thing as in the rankings, but as again I don't wanna spoiler things.)

4. Soul Creatures

• In the novel, you will see sometime when I write not Soul Creatures, but Soul Monsters, Soul Devils or Soul Spirits. It's because Soul Creatures are sum concept. And the other's are the real name's depending on what Creature did Greg slay. If it's a monster then it's a Soul Monster. If it's a Spirit the it's a Soul Spirit.

• They have also the same ranking as the Guardian's or the humans, but here will be also different things as the story goes on, so I don't wann spoil things.

5. Five Great Family names.

• Alchemist Family

• Scepter Family

• Dia Family

• Voodoo Family

• Charon Family

6. Dimensional Zones

• They have the similar ranking as Soul Creatures or Guardian's, however there are sometimes when a mutation occurs and no matter if there are someone inside the monster's get to rank up.

• Each zone has a dimensional core, which after taking it gives a Soul Creature.


So this is for now. When we get more into the story I will upload more if necessary!