
Journey of Ápeires Epilogés

This is my first book that I am taking seriously, so don't be harsh when criticizing. But some constructive criticism would be helpful.

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Cain appears in a office and starts to look around the office in confusion when a ball of light appears. "Wh-..." Cain starts to sputter when he turns and sees the being of radiant light. He begins to apologize for searching the office, as he realizes what is happening to him.

The being stops him while sitting down in the office chair and says, "It is fine Cain your current race is known for its curiosity. Now, let's get down to business."

Cain stumbles over to the desk while looking at the being, clearly confused, " So am I being reincarnated or sent to the afterlife? A-and what should I call you, assuming yo-you are god right."

"Your assumption is corre- well partially. I am what you would call a major god because I govern over three domains which are Reincarnation, Power, and Bargains/Deals instead of one like a minor god. But, you can just call me Adonis." The being now known as Adonis states while answering Cain's questions.

"Well, um Adonis, why am I here? I should not have been just sent to a different body without my memories assuming that is how normal reincarnations work." Cain says trying to grasp the situation he is in.

"That would be your situation but you are very interesting to the other gods so I came to offer you a deal. The deal is I give you a good head start with some "abilities" and a system and when you become powerful enough, you aid me with some problematic obstacles in some worlds I have made deals, because my last aid abandoned his job while saying, "I want to have my own journey." Or some other BS. Anyways, what's the answer?"

Cain's eyes widen as the glowing god speaks, "Ye-yes please that would be great."

"Alright, well I will create your system and you will get to choose our 3 extra abilities and 1 item as well."

"Are you sure? I did not do anything that would warrant this kind of treatment, I-I mean I am not complaining bu-", Cain begins to question why he is being given these things for basically free.

"Stop, I am giving you this mainly because I am bored and need entertainment as well as the other gods but they all have multiple people they like to watch so I decided I will make you the person I watch." Adonis snaps his fingers and a crack appears in the air seemingly ripping a hole in space. Cain is sucked through the space rupture.

*Flashback Over*

*1st POV*

Yeah, pretty gruesome end but considering almost everyone in my family was clinically crazy it somewhat makes sense. Now I am in what I assume is either a coma or the womb, hopefully, the former. Being a baby while being conscious would be horrible, but I have only been in this abyss-like darkness for what seems like a few hours. I should probably try and check my systems. 'Status' (A/N ' means talking to the system, speaking telepathically, or speaking to self mentally)

*Command 'Status' Recognized*

*System Initializing*

*System Loading*







*System Initiation Complete*


Name: Cain Unfergun

Race: Human

Character Assimilation:

Fully Assimilated:

Innate Traits: Stored Luck, Tainted Soul


Equipped Items:


*-Hello Cain, I am your Guide for your understanding of your new system-*