
Maui Pigeons

Piper was only a few fingers taller than Mady. They both had very beautiful and built physics. Mady had smooth brown hair. Her hair was up to her shoulder. A flower tattoo was visible on the side of her neck.

Piper had short hair. She had blonde and short hair. Her hair was just above her ears. Also, her hair was fluffy and twisted. Piper's lips were thicker than Mady's. There was only one-year age between them. Piper was older. Piper was a somewhat nerdy personality. She was a bookworm. But she had never read a novel in her life. She had just read scientific books.

Mady, on the contrary, had never read scientific books in her life, except for schoolbooks. It could not be said that the education she received as a project manager was very scientific. She had received training on creative ideas and business development to guide the company according to marketing and competition.

Although they seem different from each other, they were very compatible with each other. Because both were American. Since they were brought up with the same traditions and lived in the same society, they did not take actions that would seem strange to each other. So, there was a certain vibe between them.

Misunderstanding the peasant's thoughts, the duo learned from him that the place where the hunters usually stopped was the governor's mansion, and they headed there. While they were on the way, Mady was making her criticism by blowing her hair. "All men are the same. Whatever planet, galaxy or something you go"

Piper did not want to comment on this. But she thought of that retarded reporter. "They're all like a nasty sticky leech. I hate them all."

"Hey, not that much. I have a very smart brother. You won't hate him. Would you like me to introduce you?"

"What does this have to do with your brother?"

"You said you hate all men. I was just angry that they all acquired prejudice by observing women before they listened. You were totally against the men. I thought you might have run into the wrong men."

"How old is your brother?"


"Hey! I am one year older than you. "

"Ohhh. So you prefer men older than you. You know you just hated them all?"

"So — look at these!"

As Piper struggled to change the subject, she noticed a group of hunters on the way. It was exactly seven people. Two women and five men. One of the men had five small knives on the sides of both legs from the kneecap to the waist. Apart from this variant, the other six had spears on their backs.

As Piper made an attempt by intercepting the moving group, Mady snorted the men and looked away. She was confident that the men of the group would look at her as usual. She nodded at the other two women.

"Hi. Are you guys involved in hunting?"

"Yes. What happened?"

"I'm Piper, this is Mady. We were going to stop by the governor's mansion and ask for a job related to hunting."

One of the women of the group came up to Piper with a smile. "I'm Paola. Nice to meet you. We were going out of town to do the exact new mission."

Paola continued after taking a glance at the people next to her. "It's okay to join us. As long as you contribute to hunting, we can share it equally among us. How would you like to join us?"

Other members of the group gave immediate support.

"Paola, you are very thoughtful."

"Yes, Paola is right, I think you should participate. We've never seen you around here before."

"Hmm. If you are a stranger here, it will be to your advantage to go hunting with us. You don't have to go too far and fight with dangerous demons."

"Maui Pigeons are a difficult prey with two or three people. But we can hunt very easily with 9 people."

"Come on join us."

Mady quickly got rid of the cold person profile as she could not ignore the talkative and helpfulness of the group. "Thank you very much. You're so good. Come on Piper, let's join them."

"Hmm OK. Thank you for taking us. Shall we meet on the way? I don't want to spend the night outside."

The people in the group did not care much about their conversation. Mady's Grade-2 bow looked remarkably interesting. They could really come in handy when hunting birds, and the sooner they hunted, the sooner they could get out of it. They would make some money. They would be able to return to their happy and calm lives again.

Mady and Piper learned that there was a group of Maui Pigeons outside of town and that these pigeons were plowing into fields where mana-containing vegetables were produced.

The town's governor gave 1000 gold per pigeon. He also gave 20 mana crystals to the pigeon corpse. The group was 7 people, they went up to 9 with Piper and Mady. They all had level 3 or 4 energy harvesting levels. They had opened around 21 to 34 acupoints.

As they drove down the road, Piper talked about her water-force energy. When they talked more, they learned that the four members of the group had weapon-force energy. When they said they could sell the conversion method for 10 mana crystals, Mady nodded, but she didn't accept the deal yet. Of the four people with weapon-force energy, three were men and one woman. All except from one were using spears. Only one of them had awakened the wind element and was using small flying blades.

After about half an hour of walking, they reached the agricultural areas. The fields were built on the slope of the mountain. The mountain was too big and from the entrance of the field the group couldn't see the other end of the mountain. It was all blue as far as the eye could see. Big blue spike grains emitting bluish mana energy made a very interesting sight.

At the entrance to the fields was a building made of an old tree. The agricultural workers had rounded up and set out to leave the building with some 50 soldiers guarding them. On the way, they came across this group of about 200 people who would harvest. The leader of the group was a man named Bridger, shorter than Mady. This man's spear was too long for his height. Mady thought Bridger was a funny guy. Bridger knew how to speak.

After Bridger saluted the farmers, he spoke for a minute or two with the sergeant in charge of the soldiers. Then he came back and shared with the group in which direction they were going to hunt. With Bridger leading the way, the team accelerated and reached the area they had carefully planned.

When they reached the fields, they saw energy wheat haunted by pigeons. The pigeons had wings 3 meters in longitude and looked very large. In addition, these pigeons were not traveling in groups. By staying away from each other, they almost declared their own territory. Mady started attacking with her arrow within their hunting plans as soon as they entered the field.

When Mady attacked with her energy arrow, the birds thought the group was an easy bite because they were not injured by the low-level energy, and they responded furiously. As a result, they killed 20 pigeons in a few hours. After putting the pigeons' bodies in giant sacks, they carried them by dragging them. Everyone had agreed to deliver the bodies of 2 pigeons and Bridger to deliver 4 bodies and they returned to town without any problem.

When the town governor paid the corpses, Mady and Piper earned 4000 gold and 80 mana crystals. After everyone left the town governor, only Mady remained. The Governor looked at Mady with interest. "Hey pretty lady, if you're after my fortune, unfortunately. I have a wife and she is very jealous. I can never look sideways at another woman. Since my wife is at the soul formation level, I can't say two to what she said one."

Although the governor was at the gathering-energy level, his wife had reached soul formation level. Mady laughed when she heard what the governor said. "Hey, I didn't have such a thing in mind. I need the weapon-force energy conversion method. Who can I buy from?"

Looking curiously, Mady listened to the Governor's advice. "You are an archer. You can't find the archer method from this town. But in this area, you can easily find methods with 63 or even 72 acupuncture points from the spearman and swordsman."

Mady nodded unhappily. She thought 'I guess I have no chance with bow and arrow.' As Mady left the room, the Governor called again "There is a man at this address. Sebastian. He is the only archer in the town. Go see him if you can learn you will learn. Good luck with. Also, we still need pigeon hunters."

When Mady came back, looking at Piper, ignoring the curious gaze of the others in the group "I could learn the archery weapon-force method from Sebastian here. Shall we go?" she asked.

Three of the people in the group said "We live on that side too. Let's take you." They started to walk there after breaking up with the others.