
Pitaya Village

The ship docked at the harbour. The place was a marketing hub and both pirate and marine ships would usually come here. But still everyone looked at it with wonder, for the ship had no flag nor any signs of crew.

But then, stairs dropped down from the side of the ship and a person descended.

Such a big ship but only a single person coming out. It was a strange scene.

There were different kinds of questions among the spectators.

Did the crew suffer a huge loss? If yes, why are there no signs of a heavy battle?

Is it a rich man's ship owned by someone reputed? Then why is it so dull looking?

Or is it that no one but that man alone was left alive? Then just what happened with them?

But Seth who arrived on a land after so long didn't care the reactions in the surroundings. In his mind was one thing, the job he has to carry out and enjoy the first place he arrived in his adventures.

Some time ago, when they were about to reach the village, Francis had proposed that he leaves for the village while Seth stays looking after the ship but Seth was so strongly against it that Francis had to switch the roles. Instead, he advised Seth to avoid anything troublesome and not jump into fights. Also, his job was to buy some supplies including the popular fruit of the village and most importantly, gather news of what all had happened in the surrounding waters.

(Francis is too serious about all this. Can't he just relax sometimes?)

Seth thought, walking, looking around the market.

(I just don't understand why they still call it a village. It is more like a town with this many people.)

Though it was called like that, it was by no means a village. It once was, like a decade ago but now it had grown large enough to be called a town. And no one bothered to change the name.

Seth stood near fruit stall and watched at the different kinds of fruits lined up in sections, each containing a variety.

(The Pitaya, it really is the pitaya from my world. And so are the other fruits.)

He held it trying to feel the texture and the colour, "What's the cost of this fruit?"

-:- Scene Change -:-

Francis was sitting on a chair, studying through the different documents belonging to the previous captain.

As there were only two of them on the ship, they had to do all the chores, from cleaning, cooking to navigating and planning, to checking the ship and studying. Francis would mostly do the household chores while Seth took up all the studying, navigating and other stuffs. This was another reason why Francis wanted to recruit pirates. At least then, there won't be so much pressure on the two of them.

Francis had some free time now. Hence was going through the previous captain's documents.

"Seriously, this is too much information. Even if I don't like it, I have to accept that captain had great knowledge about trade routes and places."

There was detailed sketches of towns, corresponding merchant firms, recent news, etc. He was cruel and inhumane, there is no doubt about that but he sure took his work seriously.

Tok! Tok!

Francis stopped.

(Someone's coming. Seth shouldn't be back so fast. It hasn't been even an hour since he left.)

He stood up, picking up the dagger that was beside him, and cautiously walked to the door of the cabin.

(Two, no three.)

Judging by the footsteps, there seemed to be multiple people on the ship. But they didn't seem to be moving here and there like an intruder rather they were approaching the cabin.

Francis, at first thought of ambushing them but if the other party wasn't here for a fight then he should not be creating unnecessary problems and confront them directly.

He opened the door. His deduction was correct, there were only three of them and from the looks of it, it didn't seem like anyone was hiding.

"Who are you and why are you on my ship?"

Even if Francis was alone, the men didn't make any move. They simply answered "We are the people of Babon and we are here to collect the tax."


"Yes. Since you have docked the ship, you need to pay 5000 beli to us."

Francis was confused. He hadn't heard of this. From what he knew, Pitaya village was tax free and that was one of the reasons why it became such a booming commercial point.

These goons coming here and asking tax, didn't seem quite right.

"But if my memory serves right, this place should not have tax for docking."

"Not anymore. It has been more than a year since the tax was imposed. If you are a sailor, you should have better known this."

Francis was taken aback by the comment. He had arrived here once nearly two years ago while on one of expeditions but seemed like things have changed since then.

There is a famous saying: When in Rome, do as Romans do.

Francis gave away 5000 beli to the men, who returned after getting what they wanted.

(The village doesn't seem like what it used to be. I just hope Seth doesn't do anything unnecessary.)

-:- Scene Change -:-

Seth was currently sitting in a chair with his belongings at his side. A man approached him bringing a plate of chicken salad and a cup of grape wine.

Seth tossed two coins towards the man, "Tell me what you know about the village?"

Roaming, searching, buying around in the market, Seth was able to figure out that things were a lot different from what he had heard. It appeared the same from above but somehow there was something different.

The residents looked scared for some reason. Like they were living in fear. They wouldn't display it out but those subtle expressions didn't miss Seth's eyes. He was convinced that something was not right with this town.

The bartender gulped looking at the coins, "It is not a secret, but I can't say anything openly."

He picked up the coins and hastily put it in his pocket.

"All I can say is that the place is no longer a free town anymore. It is now controlled by Babon."