
Pitaya Village 2

"This is a serious mess" Seth thought to himself.

After obtaining the information from the bartender, he knew what was going on in the town. A basic trope of One Piece arcs. A powerful figure controlling a land or trying to control it.

Arlong in Cocoyasi.

Crocodile in Alabasta.

Doflamingo in Dressrosa.

And the latest, Kaidou in Wano.

Seth could smell a very similar set up here. (Guess, every powerful figure at last starts annexing to create his domain.)

(Meaning this Babon guy is the big boss.)

Now, that he was aware of it, Seth could understand the fear in the general people.

(I don't know how strong this Babon really is but he will not be able to rule a commercial centre like this town by himself without anyone's support. What are the Marines doing? Or are they involved in this mess?)

From all he knew, Babon was supposed to be the assistant to the previous leader of the town. Then the town was run by a council made by powerful merchants until a year ago, when Babon led a coup and revolted against the council. Overnight, the town was turned upside down and Babon became the ruler. The previous leader was killed and the council was dissolved. And the World Government which should have intervened, easily accepted the new ruler. It is strange, truly strange, like they were aware that a revolution would occur in the town and prepared for a new leader.

And then there was another name that comes up in the story: Dark Shadow.

The bartender didn't give any information on him or anything more than that but Seth was quite satisfied by whatever he got.

(If Marines are really involved then starting a fire here could earn me a good bounty)

Seth smiled as he looked around. The crowd would want the same. With the high taxes and this oppressive environment, people living here are opposed to Babon but can't say this aloud. For the Dark Shadow may come to their house.

"No, I will think about that after I find some friends. There is a limit to what a single person can do. And Francis is still too new to combat" he rejected the idea as the risks were too high.

Don't bite off more than you can chew.

He was confident he could defeat Babon or Dark Shadow or whoever comes near him but changing the town, he cannot do it alone.

His luck had saved him multiple times now, but that doesn't mean he should gamble on it.

Seth had completed what he had come here for. He had collected the information and had all the supplies - ?

"What the hell, where is my bag? Where did I lose it?"

He looked around, but it was nowhere.

"Calm down, lemme think. I had it when I bought all the food supplies, then I went to the clothes store. Yup, I still had it. From there, I went to the exchange. From there to tavern to collect info, and from there! Oh yeah, there. I left it in the tavern!!!" Seth calmly analysed and cursed himself "That's what you get for being too engrossed in your thoughts."

"Hope, it is still there" he ran full force to the tavern, pushed the door, flinging it open. But?

"It is not!!!!"

Seth ran to the bartender, asked "I had left my bag here on that chair. It is basically a blue coloured sack. Have you seen it?"

The bartender thought for a while before answering "Oh yes, I saw two persons carrying something like that but I can't say for sure if it was really yours."

"Thanks, can you recall how they looked it what they were wearing?"

"I don't know. I didn't pay too much attention. But it seemed like both were wearing black clothes and they had contrasting sizes. One was tall and the other short."

"Do you know where they went?"

"How can I say that? I was inside the tavern, they could have gone anywhere."

Seth felt stupid asking such a silly question. Nevertheless he thanked the bartender again and ran to outside.

Now, to find the duo. It was impossible to find them running all around, so Seth unleashed his two wings and flew to the sky, and started searching from the sky.

(They can't have run far. It hasn't been that long. They should be somewhere around here)

He flew around, searching for the thieves who stole his supplies.

Meanwhile, inside the tavern, the bartender had an apologetic expression. He looked straight at the door, from which Seth had exited, and said in a low voice "I am sorry, young man. But you have been marked."

-:- Scene Change -:-

In the dimlight alleys of the town, away from the human eyes, a man, a single person, walked silently. Dressed in green robes that covered his entire face and body, he treaded towards to the scheduled place.

Strong.... Super strong, he was. Like none in the entire town or in all of East Blue. Even if the entire town fights him, there is doubt there will even be a scratch on his face.

In the past, the town had witnessed the powers of marine captains who were talked like legends and pirates strong enough to earn their names on the bounty list, but none even came close to this man. Such a monster was he.

Why was he here was in itself a million dollar question.

He bore no expression, not a frown nor a smile. He had a job to do and that was all that was on his mind. Change.

The spark was lit.

The town may see yet another turmoil, may be something far greater than the previous one, which will the change the gears of this land once again.

The revolution that brew in the farthest seas had its fangs set in the calm seas of the East Blue.

There was no turning back from what was about to happen.