
Pitaya Village 5

In a dark alley, somewhere in the small town called the Pitaya Village, two figures stood facing each other. Both wore similar dress, moss green coloured robes that hid everything apart for around their mouth. But the atmosphere they both gave off was starkly different.

The first one who had a slimmer constitution had a little aloof air about him and one glance was enough to say that the sneaky robes didn't suit him at all. Whereas the other person had a larger bulkier figure and had a mysterious aura.

The slimmer guy spoke "Are~ Are~ Who would have thought that the support sent by the HQ would be you. Man, I am surprised."

The large man asked dodging the remark directed at him, "What about the mission?"

The slimmer person seemed a little depressed by not receiving an answer but job is job, he answered "Well~ the negotiations went well, but they are suspicious."

The large man nodded. This was within expectations, more like it would have been strange if it went too well.

"Nothing can be done about that. They wouldn't just believe an outsider telling them that they will help them achieve their goal."

The slimmer man looked mockingly "But, they are ready to accept our help."

The man looked at his partner, smiling "Still I can't believe you would come here in East Blue for a small mission like this. Aren't there any competent agent left at HQ?"

The large man kept silent.

"Are~ Are~ You have a different reason, don't you?"

The large man glared at his partner.

"Ok~ Ok~ I won't pry anymore. Still, I wonder why you came" the man chuckled.

"Just focus on the mission" the large man said as he walked away "Where is the meeting?"

"Jake's Muffins. There is still time" the slimmer guy answered "Say, are you seriously fighting?"

The large man looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"Won't it be finished in minutes if you fight? And~ we will be doing nothing" the partner said half-joking half-serious.

"If situation calls, I will fight"

"O-Oh, Great~ Now you can witness my abilities. Or maybe we fight together like comrade-in-arms."

The large man didn't answer and walked away.

The slimmer guy ran behind, said, "Are~ Are~ With you here, the mission will definitely be a success."

The two figures walked into the darkness, disappearing in the shadows.

-:- Scene Change -:-

Seth unleashed his wings and flew straight towards the harbour. He was worried about Francis. Though he had improved over the last few days, he was still a novice. A few enemies, sure he will be able to handle it. But he still lacked battle sense.

Moreover he was the only crewmate he had, the only person he could chat with in his journeys and what more, he had planned how his powers may help him in the future. He had promised Francis to help him acquire his revenge, his dream. He can't lose him now.


He passed the bullet but it grazed his left wing. He was so lost in his thoughts that he forgot that he could be attacked too. Maybe it was because his eyesight was good that he had perceived the approaching bullet and escaped a lethal blow.

(Damn, more enemies)

The entire town was the enemy's playground. Who knows where an attack may come from and flying made him stand out making him an easy target. But this is urgent. He can't take his time with escaping. With every second, Francis may be in more danger.


Seth didn't stop for the attacker and flew straight ahead.

He could see the sea and the ships. Just a few more seconds.


He landed on the harbour and looked for his ship but it wasn't there.

"What happened? Where is the ship?"

He looked at the ships lined up but his was nowhere to find.

(I am pretty sure it was here. But where did it go?)

No matter how many times he searched, he couldn't find it. It was a ship. It wouldn't simply disappear or be misplaced.

"Don't tell me!?"

But running footsteps could be heard in the background. There was an army of marines equiped with guns and swords, focusing at Seth.

"What is this?" He whispered.

First the Babon's goons and now marines.

One of the Marines announced "You are being arrested under the crimes of attacking civilians and creating unrest in this peaceful town. Surrender or your crimes will only increase."

Listening to the announcement, the townsfolk looked at the scene with pitiful eyes. For an outsider, it would seem like an act of justice but the people of the town who have been through this multiple times now knew it was just a facade to punish those who oppose Babon.

"So, Marines are in cahoots with them."

He clenched his fist. There was no way he would submit. And he has to save Francis too.

He doesn't care if his opponents are pirates or marines, he will fight them all.

His wings flapped and he was about to charge when-!

A torrent of water circled around Seth creating a wall between him and the marines.

(Sea water?)

Suddenly the sea water captured Seth and pulled him into the sea.


Seth didn't understand what happened. Sea water nullified his powers, weakening him.

He was practically drowning.

(Damn, am I going to die?)

He was now meters below the water surface and water was entering his wind pipe.

Was this really his end?

The marines on the surface couldn't understand the phenomena either. No matter how long they stood, the person wasn't coming up.

Don't devil fruit users lose the ability to swim?

So, is the boy dead?

Hi guys..... As many of you must have already guessed..... I haven't come up with any name for the crew..... Any suggestions you have.... I open for it.... The best I like, I will use it...... And don't make it too grand.... Keep it simple like the Red Hairs or Heart Pirates...... Thank you....

PSKnightcreators' thoughts