
Pitaya Village 4

Francis checked through the peephole counting the number of intruders and to his surprise, there were more than twenty of them. There may be more than that. That number was what he could see and count.

And their aura was completely different than the last time.

They had equiped their weapons and were approaching the main cabin. Francis could clearly feel the murderous intent in the air.

(Don't tell me that stupid captain did something? I told him to be cautious and not start a trouble, but he doesn't listen, now does he?)

Francis cursed in his mind thinking how he had suggested that he would go while the captain remained on the ship but the latter was too stubborn, so he had to give in. And now, he went ahead and brought this trouble with him.

(But where is he? Did he get captured?)

It was hard to imagine given how powerful he was. The last few days, he would spar with the captain and so he knew how great his battle prowess were. A person like that wouldn't be defeated easily but it doesn't explain why he was so late?

The pirate world is vast. No matter how much strong one is, there is always someone stronger somewhere. So, the chances that Seth was defeated weren't nil.

But Francis didn't have time to think about the well being of the captain. At first he needs to save himself from this crisis.

(But what should I do?)

The intruders stood before the door. They had already scouted, they knew there was only one person on this ship. The other person was being taken care of in the town.

The one who seemed like the leader of the group signalled one of the honcho who quietly opened the door.

But the scene was awkward.

The door was opened but they couldn't enter the room. They couldn't even see the room. Just behind the door stood a wall.

"What the hell?" the grunt who opened the door touched the wall to check what it was. It was hard solid. He knocked it a few times and the clear metallic sound reverberated.

"It is iron" he replied.

The crowd was confused. Why was there an iron wall behind a door? And wasn't it supposed to the captain's room?

The last time they came for the tax, they clearly remember a person walking out of that room, then how come a wall suddenly popped up here in the last few hours.

But poof!!!!

As if one surprise was not enough the iron wall suddenly disappeared, leaving a small metallic ball which fell down on the wooden floor.

There weren't out of shock when-


An iron sword drifted towards the crowd, piercing through some while slashing, cutting some intruders.

Francis stood behind the iron wall which he had created, and waited for the thirty seconds time limit. Just as the time was up, he touched his dagger and make! The blade grew large, unfit for his small hilt, piercing and lacerating whoever came in its path.

Without giving any opportunity to his opponents, Francis jumped at the bodies of the intruders pierced by the sword, mowing anyone near him.

The crowd fell apart. The opponents couldn't even understand what was happening.

But Francis was determined. He won't get captured a second time. The last time it couldn't be helped as he had to protect Sera but this time, he can take his time. Only it shouldn't drag too long and the enemies reinforcements arrive.


His bare right toe clicked the air, generating a force, launching him forward as a torpedo.

Escaping wasn't in his plans. After all, where could he escape? The land belonged to the very enemies he was fighting. As long as he survives and his captain returns, they can make a run. He needs to take care of the ones on the ship. That was his job.

With the momentum of the launch, he held the mast of the ship, and started rotating around it.

The centrifugal force that hit his hand was painful and it felt as if his bones would break but he endured while launching another attack.

With his other hand, he touched another dagger pulled from his pocket.


The blade enlarged like before and with the force of rotation, the blade rotated around the mast.

The blade moved slicing through everything that came near it. The ship was also not safe from the attack. The chains were cut, the railings were broken. Enemies ducked to evade the onslaught but many fell victim and lost their lives, someone's head fell rolling while others had their trunk separated from their legs.

Francis couldn't hold on to the sword and it fell into the sea before killing a few others.

Only five enemies remained.

He didn't know from where a sudden burst of confidence filled him and he knew he could do it.

He leaped onto to the remaining enemies with his dagger.

The opponent defended the attack with his sword but Francis wasn't so easy.


The dagger changed shape, the blade changing directions pierced the enemy's heart. Killed.

Seeing that they couldn't even defend against the attack, the opponents tried to run away.

But leaving them off would mean nothing. They will just come back again, this time with greater numbers.

Make!! Make!! Make!! Make!!

He held the daggers out and propelled them towards the running enemies, stabbing them and probably killing them. They fell into the sea listless. If they weren't killed by the dagger, they would die from drowning or from blood loss.

Francis sat down. This was his first victory. The first one he acheived by himself.

He smiled.

He could see himself growing stronger.

(Yes, I can do it)

He could now feel himself moving closer to his dream.

Someday, he will take revenge with his own two hands.


Francis felt a strange sensation from his neck. He checked to find a strange metal sticking into his neck.


Francis fell down unconscious.

Probably his first victory was still far away.