
Journey In One Piece World

Mysteriously stranded in a world he thinks is the world of One Piece, a world where all living beings can use all kinds of magical powers that come from devil fruit. Witness the journey of Sasaki, a genius from Earth who transmigrated to the One Piece world. A story about a man who will overcame his own fate and make his own legends.

RyuSakurai · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Ch.2 - Evernight Den

In a small boat afloat on the sea. Sat a person wearing a black robe, a white mask, and a bowler hat.

Several days had passed after Sasaki fled from Logue Town, and chaos had spread worldwide. Whether it was East Blue, North Blue, West Blue, South Blue, Paradise, or even New World, it had fallen into turmoil that signaled the beginning of a new era.

From behind his mask, Sasaki breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, I still had time to leave Logue Town, otherwise..." Thinking about how big and chaotic the battle in Logue Town was, Sasaki could already imagine that it would be troublesome to escape from that place.

He remembered how difficult it was to escape from the Logue Town Chaotic Battle in his first life. Battles continued to occur throughout the city. Fortunately, Sasaki was able to escape by boarding a group of pirates.

Sasaki turned his gaze forward. While rowing a boat, the movement is neither fast nor slow. For the last few days, he had been sailing non-stop on the ocean to quickly reach the Evernight Den, the epicenter of the East Blue underworld.

Luckily, the distance between Logue Town and Evernight Den was not that far, so he could sail to Evernight Den even if he only had an ordinary boat.

A few days later, Evernight Island.

Boats and large ships are pulled by an invisible force that comes from wooden magnets, one of Evernight Den's best products.

Sasaki's boat was also pulled towards the port of Evernight Island, directed by an invisible force towards where the boats were parked. He went through several inspection processes first before being allowed to enter Evernight Island.

The entrance to the Evernight Den is a gigantic gate shaped like a hexagon, and there is a crescent moon in the middle of it. Sasaki and the crowd waited outside the gate for some time, and soon the gate slowly opened.


With a loud creaking sound and a pulling sensation, the wind seemed to rush from behind towards the gate that slowly opened, blowing the bodies of everyone in that place, including Sasaki. Some people who experience this for the first time show pale, shocked, or scared expressions. On the other hand, Sasaki and the other experts who were used to it calmly stepped towards the giant gate.

Behind the giant gate, Sasaki walked through a long hallway before arriving at the Evernight Den. Sasaki looked at the underground city from above the entrance of the Evernight Den, then turned his gaze to the moon hanging high in the sky of the Evernight Den.

"Imperfect Full Moon, one of the masterpieces of Star Path and Light Path." Sasaki muttered softly, feeling again how vast and mysterious this world is. Even if he knows the future, there are still many things he doesn't know the profundity.

Soon, a robotic voice echoed throughout the Evernight Den, "Welcome to the center of the East Blue underworld, the Evernight Den." Welcoming all visitors from all parts of East Blue and other regions.

Sasaki walked down the giant stairs toward Evernight Den City. The surrounding area was busy with people of all kinds. Sasaki slipped between the crowds, occasionally looking at the shops lining the main roads. Various things were traded here, ranging from weapons, resources, information, even slaves, and other things.

He continued walking until he arrived at the center of Evernight Den City, in front of which stood a skyscraper that almost reached the Imperfect Full Moon, Seven Night Tower.

Sasaki entered the first floor of the Seven Night Tower and was immediately greeted by employees from the Seven Night Tower.

"Is there anything I can help you with, sir?"

"Where is your floor guard? I have important business to attend to." Sasaki asked while looking at the badge on the employee's uniform, the crescent moon badge, which was the lowest position in the Seven Night Tower. The employee respectfully bowed his head and then led Sasaki toward a secret passage to the deepest part of the first floor. The employee only took Sasaki to the end of the path before leaving.

Sasaki continued walking, and not long after, he arrived in front of a giant door guarded by a line of armed men on the right and left. They all wore grayish-white uniforms. He was stopped by two guards and went through strict inspections before being allowed to pass, fortunately, he did not need to tell his identity or expose his face due to the Evernight Den's policy to protect the privacy of its customers.

The giant door opened, and then Sasaki stepped in. There, he was immediately greeted with a smile from a middle-aged man with fairly revealing clothes and rabbit ears. The rabbit-eared man laughed softly before saying, "Please take a seat, Mr. Masked. I have heard about you from the reports of the floor guardians. What business has brought you here?" Sasaki looked around as he walked towards the chair facing the rabbit-eared man before sitting elegantly.

"Your name is Bun Bun, right?" Sasaki said while looking into the rabbit-eared man's eyes, and the rabbit-eared man stared back at Sasaki intensely. The two fell into an awkward silence until it was broken by the rabbit-eared man's laughter, "You're something, Mr. Masked." He smiled broadly then nodded, "That's right, my name is Bun Bun...How do you know?" Sasaki waved his hand slowly, "It is not important, I have information about the location of several important resource points that are not yet controlled by any force... Interested in trading it?" Sasaki smiled from behind his mask.

Several weeks later.

Sasaki sailed back to the open seas with more thorough preparation and adequate ships. He was also equipped with weapons such as swords and firearms. He had exchanged some resource point information for various things a few days ago. After the information he provided had been confirmed.

"Knowledge from my previous life is so useful, would take a long time to accumulate the wealth I have now if I had done it any other way." He took a deep breath before looking north, "Time to act." With that, Sasaki headed toward the north.

English is not my main language, sorry for the grammar mistakes. I'll try to learn and fix it next time.

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