
Journey From Attack On Titan

[Evil MC] [No Romance] [Weak to Strong] [Growth] [World Hopping] P.S: Updates will be very slow, writing just for fun. --- Transformation of a calm and rational individual into an unstoppable force driven by an insatiable thirst for power and relentless ambition. Morality holds no sway over him as he embraces a mindset where sacrifices are mere stepping stones to his ultimate growth. With each passing day, his power and ruthlessness grow, turning him into a skilled strategist who navigates a world stained with the blood of conquest. He crushes his enemies, conquers lands, and rises through the ranks with unwavering determination. No obstacle or life spared will hinder his ascent to an unimaginable height of strength.

Preying_Devil · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


In his previous life, he was just an ordinary person, a nobody who went through different jobs and spent his days behind a computer screen. His life was average and unremarkable.

But everything changed when he died in that world, and a new life began.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

At first, he thought it was all just a dream, something fake.

But he quickly realized that reality wasn't as pleasant as he had hoped. It became clear that this was not a dream.

Usually, when someone experiences what he just did, they would think they were the protagonist, destined for a great adventure and an amazing life.

They would imagine having special abilities, cheats, and the path to ruling the world laid out before them. The idea of controlling their own destiny was thrilling.

But it was all just wishful thinking. Instead of having the luck and abilities of a typical protagonist, he was lucky enough to be adopted by Dr. Grisha, who provided him with a home, food, and shelter.

That was the extent of his luck.

There were no special abilities or cheats waiting for him. He knew that the man who helped him, Dr. Grisha, was not just an ordinary person.

He was Grisha Yeager, the father of Eren Yeager and Zeke Yeager, future titans. He also knew that this man wasn't necessarily bad, but he could be ruthless if needed. Maybe adopting him was just a whim, or perhaps it was to have a loyal ally for his son. It was unknown. Since he couldn't know for sure, he decided to act ignorant and love this family that was in front of him. This would also help him adjust to this new reality faster.

Compared to his past life, in this new life, he was actually a handsome boy with black hair and violet eyes. However, he was scrawny, lacking muscles, and rather thin. Despite that, he was considerably taller than Eren. According to his limited understanding, he thought he might be smaller than Bertholdt.

This was his everyday life in this world, where there wasn't much entertainment. There were a few games that kids played, but overall, it was lacking in entertainment. But considering the nature of this world, it was to be expected. So, his everyday life was a bit boring. He trained and exercised every day, but that couldn't occupy him the entire day. So, during the rest of the day, aside from his daily routine, he spent time thinking about his future, the future of this world, and what he wanted to achieve in this new life of his.

Where most people ponder the future without certainty, he finds himself in a peculiar position. Unlike others, he possesses knowledge of what lies ahead, though the source of this knowledge remains a mystery.

As soon as he opened his eyes in this new world, he found his mind flooded with knowledge of future events. With nobody around to provide answers, he couldn't help but believe that this was exactly like the worlds he had read about in novels.

Goldenfinger, cheat, system, ability, hidden power...

But he understands that relying solely on the concept of being a chosen one or having special abilities may not be enough to achieve something significant in this new world.

Reflecting on his past life, he recognizes his limitations. He was a regular person with a nerdy background, lacking any specific skills or physical prowess. He was not involved in sports or martial arts, and his instinct and reaction time was average at best. Given these circumstances, he realizes that he cannot rely on his past experiences to help him excel in this world.

So, what should he do? He contemplates the idea of aligning himself with the protagonist or hugging his thigh, as it often seems like the best course of action in such stories. However, he is aware that this protagonist is destined to bring destruction to the world or at least attempt to. In such a situation, do you wish to become his close friend, help him, try to awaken some will of fire in his heart, and brainwash him into believing in the common good and humanity?

Eren's desire to free his birthplace and ensure the survival and thriving of its people, even after his death, is driven by a deep-rooted hatred and a complex set of circumstances. The existence of long-standing animosity and the perception of the people inside the wall as devils by powerful countries make the task of achieving peace and liberation extremely challenging.

In this world, tragedy is everywhere. Poor social norms prevail, and the constant presence of titans outside the wall reminds the people inside that they are like caged animals. The powerful exploit the vulnerable, and the future holds even more chaos.

It is understandable that Eren, with the limited lifespan of a titan and the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, may choose a path that he believes will lead to the desired outcome, even if there are potentially better alternatives.

In this new life, he has chosen to distance himself from emotional attachments. Having experienced loss and tragedy in his previous life. he seeks to focus solely on his goals. His foremost objective is to grow strong, enough to resist any dominating forces in this world.

Thinking deeply and pondering over different choices has become a daily habit for him, something he enjoys.

He understands his true nature and capabilities. He can manipulate, deceive, submit, or display kindness and ruthlessness at will. He has many sides to him, but his own identity and goals never waver.

He understands that he's naturally selfish, but he doesn't dwell on why or what happened in his past to make him that way. He simply accepts it and embraces his self-centered nature. No matter what happens, he stays true to himself, unapologetically cold-hearted and determined.

He refuses to be passive in this world, determined not to let fate control him. However, he's aware that the future he knows relies heavily on luck favoring the protagonist. Without that luck, things could deviate from his knowledge. He also recognizes that he himself might play a significant role, triggering a butterfly effect.

Experiencing the undesired death in his previous life made him value this new life even more. It taught him that death is just an end, and there's no guarantee of waking up in another stranger's body with future knowledge. However, this realization doesn't mean he'll hide away and waste his life. He refuses to squander his opportunities, even if it involves taking risks.

He acknowledges that his thoughts may contradict each other at times, but that's the nature of thoughts. Humans aren't machines programmed to follow a strict set of instructions. We grow, evolve, learn, and change. And so will he.