
Jojo Bizarre Hunter

A man named Jonah Joestar woke up in the world of Hunter X Hunter after an attack from his greatest rival's requiem Stand at the Battle of the Pinnacles in 2042. He escaped his predetermined death. But can another world handle a Joestar?

DigitalSignal · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Meeting a new friend

Jonah glanced around the room quickly, before stomping on the man under his feet twice, just to make sure.

"Uh.. h"

The woman struggled to find words at the moment. She wanted to thank the man who dropped in and saved her, but her mouth wouldn't move correctly. She was at the moment of her death, feeling despair and helplessness, only to be brought back from the brink of that death at the last moment. Such an extreme change brought her mind to a halt and she was still processing the situation.

Jonah sucked in a breath of air and stuck out his hand for a handshake, as if nothing had happened, and introduced himself.

"Good morning, My name is Jonah Joestar. I'm new in town. I couldn't help but meddle in this strange situation you got yourself in. I hope you don't mind." Jonah said.

"Mind? I don't mind," The woman replied dumbly.

"Ooh, that's great." Jonah smiled, freeing her from her position and helping her stand up.

"I would invite you for breakfast, but I already ate, we can get lunch I suppose," Jonah said, blinking innocently at her.

The woman's brain started to work again and the first thing she couldn't help doing was give herself a look over. She realized her clothes were all dirty and she looked filthy. She probably exuded a smell as well. She felt uncomfortable at the thought of Jonah thinking she was an ugly, smelly woman from the streets. Her eyes sneaked a few glances at Jonah, trying to see if he had any strange expressions. She didn't know why she was doing this, but she felt like her impression mattered to this man.

"So, what is your name?" Jonah said, looking boldly into the her eyes.

"My-y name is Clara Rosewoe," Clara answered, nervously.

"Nice to meet you, Clara." Jonah smiled before his face became serious.

"Miss Clara, I followed you because I noticed you making a scene earlier in front of the Grandarium," Jonah explained, motioning with his hands while he spoke.

"Is there something wrong with the show in the afternoon?" Jonah questioned seriously.

Clara gulped down her saliva before tearing her gaze away from Jonah's beautiful blue eyes. She unconsciously moved her hair behind her ear while organizing an answer.

"Yes, well, no. I don't know for sure. I... I've always had a strong sense of danger since I was a little girl. I always know when something bad will happen to me. I can tell if something bad will happen even if I don't know what! I don't know if you can believe that."

Clara took a couple of glances at Jonah to check his expression, but his face didn't show any signs of disbelief. Clara felt the corner of her mouth unconsciously curl upwards because Jonah believed her. She felt herself relax and continued explaining.

"So when I was walking passed the Grandarium last Thursday with my mother, I felt danger from today's concert poster. I can just feel that a disaster is about to happen! But nobody has ever believed me before and I am known as a weird woman." Clara's drifted downwards unconsciously and her shoulders drooped.

Jonah nodded after Clara finished her story. He could believe in such extraordinary things as Clara's danger sense. He was used to such a bizarre adventure with Stands of odd powers and abilities. He actually felt himself get more excited at the thought of there still being extraordinary powers here. Could there be Stands like his hometown as well? Or just vague abilities like Clara's?

"I believe you," Jonah responded, smiling.

"Miss Clara, why don't we investigate this danger together?" Jonah asked, posing handsomely with his hand out, palm facing up.

Clara felt a rush of blood go to her head in excitement after Jonah's words of 'I believe you' and she immediately agreed.

"I agree!! Yes!" Clara placed her hand on top of Jonah's.

"Hahaha, I knew you wouldn't let me down! Any woman crazy enough to warn strangers and die for it is crazy enough for an adventure." Jonah laughed brightly.

"So now what?" Clara asked with a smile on her lips.

Her smile was so bright her cheeks showed her natural dimples. Clara was actually a fairly beautiful woman, she wasn't stunning, but she was slightly above an average beauty in many respects. She had brown curly hair, hazel eyes, and long eyelashes. She wasn't the tallest, standing at 5'8, but that didn't look like it mattered to her.

Jonah turned to leave the building they were in through the back exit, waving her to follow as he left.

"First? Well, let's leave this place. As for the rest, I'll make it up as we go." Jonah said.

Jonah left the building with Clara following behind him. They made their way to a small hotdog stand at the edge of a street corner. The Grandarium was just a mile away from them and they could get there within 15 minutes of walking. They sat on a picnic bench provided at a hotdog stand and ate lunch quickly. It was already 12:45 pm and the show would start at 1:30 pm. They would have to plan something quickly. While Jonah ate his Supreme Delux DogDog, his Stand, Boldly Go, was exploring the layout of the Grandarium covertly. Boldly Go was a good Stand for scouting due to its long range. Many times, Jonah used this exact strategy for dealing with unknown supernatural abilities.

With Jonah occasionally closing his eyes and concentrating, Clara of course noticed his abnormality. She paid much more attention to Jonah than she should be, but she didn't understand why. She didn't speak up or question him when he did close his eyes, she wasn't a nosy woman unless her danger senses were warning her about something. And she felt that she was enjoying herself quite a lot right now.

Jonah opened his eyes, looked at Clara, and smiled.

"Can you get me a pen? I'm going to draw a map of the Grandarium layout for us." Jonah asked.

"Okay. I'll ask the stand owner if he has one." Clara replied, walking over to the hotdog stand owner to ask.

Within a minute, she returned with a pen in hand. Jonah nodded at her and took the pen and a napkin to start drawing. The drawing was an extremely good, professionally drawn map and layout of the building. Perhaps, the best it could be while someone would draw on a napkin.

"Wow! Your drawing is really good!" Clara exclaimed.

"Of course, I am a professional after all. I'm a cartographer." Jonah responded.

After 5 minutes of work, Jonah mapped the layout of the Grandarium from the information that Boldly Go fed back to him. He took a second to admire his work, then passed the napkin to Clara.

"It really is good," Clara muttered to herself.

"I wanted to ask, do you feel any specific sense of danger from any of these rooms on the map?" Jonah questioned curiously.

"Mmm, no I don't feel it," Clara shook her head.

"Hmm, then it must not be the building. Is there something within the music like you mentioned during your shouting?" Jonah pondered aloud.

"I don't know, I just guessed that it was the music. It could also be the performer at the 1:30 pm show." Clara shook her head again.

"Well, let's do this then. We need to attend the show. When your sense of danger appears, you can let me know and we can make a move." Jonah suggested.

"Okay. I'll follow you." Clara said, smiling.

"Great! *Clap*" Jonah shouted and clapped loudly, disturbing the surroundings. Clara also jumped at Jonah's outburst.

"Well, let's hurry. It's 1 pm now. By the time we get there, the show will be closing its entry." Jonah's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"O-okay!" Clara stuttered, trying to keep pace with this man's excitement. But she could feel her danger sense flaring at the thought of attending the concert. She glanced at Jonah's confident face and pushed the feeling down. She had already been saved by him before, he can surely keep her safe despite her danger-senses. At that thought, she smiled and followed behind Jonah, while he swaggered towards the Grandarium a mile away.


Author's Note:

I have no idea what I am going to do with Clara yet.

What do you think of her?

Do the characters feel real?

No Harem, I hate harem novels.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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