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Luo Chen traveled to a different world where magic flourished. – In this world, the strong can easily open up mountains and crack the earth, and even grasp the stars, and there are also terrifying gods aloof and in charge of everything in the world. As a traveler, Luo Chen got his golden finger, a unique skill [Wise Man]. Possesses abilities similar to Moe King [King of Wisdom] but far superior to it. Just when Luo Chen began to work hard to become a god, he suddenly learned that the player was coming? And he also joined Wanjie Chat**? Happy spoiler: “Here comes the newcomer! @All members are rough to welcome the newcomer! There are also newcomer photos!” Playboy: “Welcome to the newcomer, the newcomer is bursting with photos! Let me know if Kangkang is a girl!” Golden Retriever defeated dog: “Upstairs blame Shu Shu is thick, don’t scare the newcomer, by the way @really not a girl newcomer exploded photos!” Really not a girl: “…”

Raizen_3208 · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Chapter 16: Bollen Orphanage

The scroll in the hand of the thief boss turned into a little light and gradually disappeared into the air.

The surrounding guards were staring at the trio of thieves, beware of the powerful destructive magic that might strike.

Various defensive magics are arranged around, and the colors of different magics are gathered in this range.

Or water curtains, or stone walls, or wind screens...

It looks very gorgeous.


A gust of wind blew and nothing happened.

"Huh, boss, you said before that these soldiers wouldn't check people who cover their faces. We came in with such an open face covering our faces, and we were found out. Now we can't even steal dragon scales." The third complained.

"Cough, accident, isn't it okay, these soldiers can still find out that the seventh-order magic 'Shen Yin' can't be done?" The boss said embarrassedly.

The least timid second child said nervously: "Boss, is it really good for us to chat like this? We won't be heard by them, right?"

"Don't worry, this 'God Hidden' can not only hide the body's breath, but also the sound and smell, which cannot be found by non-seventh-order sages! And it lasts for up to half an hour! Now we can hear each other's voices because of this Magic is used on the three of us, so no one else can hear it!"

The boss said confidently in the sight of the guards, and even made an international gesture to the captain of the guard.

"But, boss, why do I think they are still watching us?"

"That's your illusion, you can't see it."

The eldest walked up to the captain with a step he didn't recognize, made a face at him, and turned around and patted his butt.

"Look, there's nothing wrong, just let it go..."


The sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh sounded.

The thief boss's face froze, showing the same frightened and disbelieving expression as Tokiomi who was stabbed in the back, and slowly turned his head to look behind him.

I saw that the captain of the guard stabbed the standard long sword in his hand into his delicate backyard with a dark face.

"Tick tock..."

It was the sound of bright red dew dripping on the ground, which was particularly clear in this suddenly quiet atmosphere.

"Attempting to steal valuables in Luotian City is a big crime! It's a crime to keep provoking law enforcement officers!"

The captain of the guard can see that these people are rookie thieves who came to laugh.

"Get me all three of them!" the captain of the guards shouted, pulling out his sword forcefully.


The sound of blood spurting continued from the backyard of the thief boss."Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

The screams like killing pigs resounded through the street.


"Tsk tsk tsk, I just wanted you to be arrested, but I didn't expect you to be stabbed in the back court. That thief boss, I would like to call you the strongest in terms of killing."

Luo Chen, who was standing nearby watching openly, was not called because he was wearing a hat to cover his face.

Because, these three thieves will be found out that Luo Chen made a ghost.

Use some simple hints to get the captain of the guards to stop the three, and then easily invalidate the seventh-order magic "Shen Yin".

No one noticed him the whole time.

Luo Chen didn't use any magic just now. For him, the two tricks just now were within the scope of his knowledge, and as long as it was within the scope of Luo Chen's knowledge, Luo Chen was an absolute god! Absolute omnipotence!

This is because of one of the abilities of the [Wise Man] - "Analytical Manipulation".

The knowledge Luo Chen acquires all the time with parallel consciousness is the knowledge after "analytical manipulation".

"Analytical manipulation" is not so much an ability as an absolute mastery of the knowledge that has been learned, completely mastering one's own knowledge and applying it perfectly, what Luo Chen has learned is this perfectly mastered knowledge!

Casting learned spells requires no preparation or chant, instant cast!

Magic of whatever effect you want, as long as you are within the scope of your knowledge, you can instantly construct one!

Magic or whatever can be combined with known knowledge in astronomically infinite combinations!

To create an item, you can directly perform material transformation within a known range, transforming two things that were not originally of the same category into the same thing as the one to be created, which is similar to directly manipulating the composition of molecules and atoms, but it is more advanced!

Etc., etc...

It's just one sentence - as long as Luo Chen is within the scope of Luo Chen's knowledge, Luo Chen is an absolute god! Absolute omnipotence!

Of course, this kind of disguised "all-knowing and omnipotent" Luo Chen generally doesn't use it. He only uses it when he wants to know, otherwise it would be too boring to know everything.

"It's over, go to the orphanage!"

Luo Chen left the crime scene and walked towards the orphanage.

It may be the reason why the city is changing so fast. The scenery he saw along the way made him a little novel, who only came here once a month.

Before I knew it, I came to the door number engraved with "Boren Orphanage".

This is a relatively remote place with no one around.

The house number hanging on it looks a bit new, because it was replaced last month. The previous one has been used for many years, and it is too old. If it falls and hits people, it will be bad, so I got it in Luo Chen. Recommend to replace.

Bolun, this is the name of the old dean. This orphanage was established by the old dean and used his own name.

The old dean once said that when the name was first started, he wanted to name it "Sunshine Orphanage", which means that the children can have a bright future.

But it was rejected by his own daughter, saying that it was too old-fashioned, and he might as well use his own name, so the old dean changed his name to "Bolen Orphanage".

Luo Chen put down his hat and walked into the door. What caught his eye were two larger and somewhat old houses. There were also 13 children playing in the open space of the houses. The youngest was only 5 years old and the oldest was only 8 years old.

All aspects of Luotian City are developing very well, so there will not be so many orphans.

"Ah! It's Brother Chen!"

A little girl saw Luo Chen and cried out in surprise.

"What? Brother Chen is here?"

"Look at me! Ah! It's really Brother Chen!"

"Brother Chen, hug!"


A group of little kids ran towards Luo Chen, Luo Chen squatted down with a smile, and opened his arms to greet the children.

"Haha! I'm first!"

"So cunning!"

"I hug Brother Chen!"


Luo Chen was surrounded and hugged by a group of little kids, two of them in each of his left and right hands, one on each side of his neck, and a few others hugging his legs, back, and waist. If there was no room to hug him, he pulled him. His clothes, those who didn't even pull the clothes were standing aside with an unhappy face.

"Have you been obedient this month?" Luo Chen asked the children with a smile.


The children answered in unison.

"I have practiced the magic taught by Brother Chen this month!"

The little girl hanging around Luo Chen's neck said as if taking credit, her beautiful big eyes blinked, it was really cute.

"Well, really good!" Luo Chen praised with a smile.

The little girl smiled and was very happy when she heard it.

"I also practice magic well!"

"Me too!"


The children stared at Luo Chen as if asking for credit, wanting to get his compliments.

"Alright, alright, you are all good children."

The children were very happy when they heard Luo Chen's compliment.

"Xiaochen, you are here."

A middle-aged woman with a charming charm walked towards Luo Chen.

Luo Chen put the children down, stood up and said to the middle-aged woman, "Well, good afternoon, Aunt Nia."

This Auntie Nia was an employee invited by the old dean. Luo Chen was hugged by her when she was a child.

At that time, it was difficult for the old courtyard to take care of the children, so an employee was hired to help.

After the death of the old dean, Aunt Nia did not leave, but to continue to take care of the children, the salary was paid by the daughter of the old dean.

Aunt Niya looked Luo Chen up and down and said with a smile, "Xiao Chen is really getting more and more beautiful. I think you were just an ordinary child when you were two or three years old, but now many girls are still beautiful. ."

"Aunt Nia, stop making fun of me." Luo Chen scratched his cheek with his fingers embarrassedly.

Facing this Aunt Nia, who has been taking care of him since he was a baby, just like a mother, Luo Chen can't show that shameless narcissism.


Aunt Nia laughed again when she heard it.

After laughing, Aunt Niya said to Luo Chen, "Come in and come in the house, the food is ready, the master, wife and young lady are waiting for you."


Luo Chen nodded, then said to the children, surrounded by the children, walked into the house on the right.

The house has two floors. The second floor is for the bedrooms. The first floor is the cafeteria. Several large tables are filled with meals. There is a small round table in the center. There are already three figures sitting beside the table.

A handsome middle-aged uncle who looks very strong, a beautiful blond woman with a hot body who looks only in her thirties, and a beautiful blond girl who looks 80% similar to the beautiful woman and whose figure is enough to look down on her peers. .

"Hey! Xiaochen is here!"

The handsome uncle waved to Luo Chen: "Come here, sit down, sit down!"

The children obediently went to their seats and sat down, Luo Chen skillfully walked over to the beautiful blonde girl and sat down.

"Brother Qi, Sister Weila and Weini, long time no see." Luo Chen greeted.

These three are the son-in-law, daughter and granddaughter of the old dean.

Speaking of which, this Winnie is still Luo Chen's childhood playmate.

Well, Luo Chen is unilaterally entangled in this and that.

As for why they are called brother and sister, it is because Luo Chen is a transmigrator, and his mind is an adult. When he met these two people when he was a child, they were only a few years older than him in his previous life. It is impossible to call him uncle or aunt. !

"Long time no see! I've been waiting to death this month!"

Qila laughed loudly: "The magic knowledge you teach to those children every month has benefited us all a lot, and now we can finally listen to it again!"

Brother Qi, whose real name is Qila, is called "Brother Qi" just because Luo Chen thought the name "Brother Qi" was strange, so he simply called him Brother Qi, and Qila was quite satisfied with the title.

"That's right, Xiaochen, you are estimated to have an eighth-order, right? I have heard a seventh-order venerable explain the knowledge of magic, and he is not as powerful as you."

Wei La looked at Luo Chen with satisfaction, her eyes were exactly the same as when she looked at her son-in-law.

"It's just a demigod, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." Luo Chen waved his hand and said "humbly".

"Bragging, demigods don't necessarily exist for hundreds of thousands of years. You are only 16 years old, ghosts believe."

Wei Ni on the side curled her lips, her childhood playmate was good at everything and strong, but she liked to brag.

The last time I said that I could create a ninth-order holy artifact out of thin air, the last time I said that I knew the goddess of death, and this time I said that I was a demigod.

Oh, I believe you a ghost!

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