
Joined The Chat Group dimensional

Luo Chen traveled to a different world where magic flourished. – In this world, the strong can easily open up mountains and crack the earth, and even grasp the stars, and there are also terrifying gods aloof and in charge of everything in the world. As a traveler, Luo Chen got his golden finger, a unique skill [Wise Man]. Possesses abilities similar to Moe King [King of Wisdom] but far superior to it. Just when Luo Chen began to work hard to become a god, he suddenly learned that the player was coming? And he also joined Wanjie Chat**? Happy spoiler: “Here comes the newcomer! @All members are rough to welcome the newcomer! There are also newcomer photos!” Playboy: “Welcome to the newcomer, the newcomer is bursting with photos! Let me know if Kangkang is a girl!” Golden Retriever defeated dog: “Upstairs blame Shu Shu is thick, don’t scare the newcomer, by the way @really not a girl newcomer exploded photos!” Really not a girl: “…”

Raizen_3208 · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Chapter 15: The spider who was drawn in the book, Luo Chen who was beaten in the face.

Spider: "That's it! Connect to the chat group of the heavens! I didn't expect that I would join such a powerful place! So happy!"

Really not a girl: "Hmm, have you read the documents about you?"

Spider: "I browsed it in a moment!"

Spider: "I didn't expect that I would become a god in the future! I'm so lucky... a ghost!!!"

Spider: "It turns out that I'm really just a spider! That bastard evil god D! Chengshen was also influenced by her to eat the bomb! What if I die!"

Happy spoiler: "This cross talk is indeed a spider!"

Spider: "Cough, I got a little excited accidentally..."

It's not really a girl: "Speaking of which, you are very open in the group! I remember that when you talk to others, you are probably from an old club."

Spider: "Ahaha... this, probably because I can't see each other."

The spoiler is really happy: "That's right! Just like those netizens, it's normal in real life. As soon as they get online, they start to let go of themselves and become the Key Emperor!"

Spider: "Uh, almost right? Anyway, I don't feel embarrassed to talk in the group."

The spoiler is really happy: "Don't talk about this! I just remembered that Xiaobai's human figure is also white hair and red eyes!"

Spider: "Ah? Humanoid? What's wrong with white hair and red eyes? Isn't it good-looking?"

Spider asked a little nervously, she thinks her human form is pretty good-looking! Does it look bad in the eyes of others?

Happy spoiler: "Super! Class! Good! Look!"

Spider: "Eh? This, is that so? Ahaha, I'm a little embarrassed to praise..."

It's really not a girl: "@Spider Zi rookie run! Otherwise, it will be too late!"

Spider: "Ah? Run? Why?"

Happy spoiler: "White hair and red pupils! Chinese special attack! I can lick it!"

Spider : "Lick, lick!?"

Happy Spoiler: "@Golden Retriever Lost Dog Kashiwagi Eri!"

Golden Retriever: "Why? Let me watch the show!"

Happy spoiler: "I want a new book!"

Golden Retriever: "Huh? Newcomer's book?"

Does this newcomer look good in human form?

Eri Ri wondered what the little spider looked like when she was just born when she watched Fan Fan.

Curious, she couldn't help but go to the file for a "momentary browse", and then...

Golden Retriever: "OK! The second book has been included in the plan list! I'll start painting when I go back!"

Spider: "Ben, Ben!!!"

Spider: "Wait! Wait! Wait!"

Spider: "It's not good to discuss and draw people's books in front of others!?"

Spider: "And @spoiler is really happy, you are a girl! Why do you want my book!?"

It's really not a girl: "Because our group leader is a pervert, your human figure has poked her ecstasy."

Spider: "X, X addiction???"

Happy Spoiler: "Hehehehe..."

Spider : "Hey hey, you are tall! @Golden Retriever don't draw my book!!!"

Golden Retriever: "Hehehehe..."

Spider: "Ahhhhh!!!"

It's really not a girl: "Don't struggle with the newcomer. I told you to run or not before, but now it's too late."

Spider : "Woooooo~, will my peerless beauty finally be imagined by others? How sad this is!"

Really not a girl: "It always feels like you are narcissistic..."

Spider : "Hey~, the group owner is a girl anyway, I'm not at a loss!"

It's really not a girl: "Tsk, as expected of you, the mood changes so fast, and you are not at a loss, but I am at a loss."

Spider: "Huh?"

It's really not a girl: "Have you seen the second book that @Golden Retriever Lost Dog said?"

Spider: "I see, what's wrong?"

Really not a girl: "The first order is me."

Spider : "?? Shouldn't you be a man? Is it actually a woman? Or are you drawing that kind of bl?"

Happy Spoiler: "Achen is a beautiful boy~[Picture jpg]"

Spider : "Hey~, this, this is a man? I feel more than the humanoid me in the drama..."

Not really a girl: "I knew this would be the reaction."

Luo Chen was originally very neutral in appearance. After continuous optimization of "analytical manipulation" by [Wise Men], the current Luo Chen looks very "beautiful".

After exiting the group chat, Luo Chen felt the time, it was already noon.

"Since joining the chat group, I feel that time has passed faster than before, and the water has passed by accidentally."

Luo Chen sighed and got up to go out.

Today is the day when Luo Chen will go to the orphanage. Since Luo Chen came out of the orphanage, if there is nothing to do, he will return to the orphanage every other month. After all, it is his earliest "home" in this world. .

Moreover, Lao Yuanzi entrusted the orphanage to his daughter and son-in-law before his death, but he was a little worried about his daughter and son-in-law who had been away for many years, so he asked Luo Chen to take care of him before he died.

Take out a relatively simple outfit for going out from the closet and put it on, and put on the hood behind the clothes.

Luo Chen doesn't care much about what he wears, as long as it's not too strange. As for the hat, that's because Luo Chen doesn't want to be stared at with those eyes that make him hurt.

Walking out of the wooden house, it was directly teleported to Luotian City, where the orphanage was located.


The noisy voice of the city reached Luo Chen's ears.

Walking out of the inconspicuous alley, the line of sight brightened, and a scene of heavy traffic came into view.

"The newly built second-order great sword! It has the effect of flame enchantment! Buy it quickly!"

"Look at it! Look at it! The fresh spiritual fruit collected from the Sarano Mountains! There are all tiers one to three!"

"The Pharmacy is on sale today! Buy 3 get 1 free! If you want to buy it, hurry up!"


The shouts of various merchants and the chatting voices of some people seemed to be very lively.

Why wasn't it teleported directly to the orphanage?

That's because Luo Chen, who has lived in an uninhabited forest cabin all the year round, wanted to experience the feeling of entering the world again, so as not to make him feel isolated from the world.

For Luo Chen, who is trying to become a god, there is no problem with this kind of state of mind. In "The Twelve Realms of Gods", everything before becoming a god will affect himself after becoming a god.

Just like the other laws of theology are subject to chaos, and they can only continue to improve their own laws to become gods.

Luo Chen didn't want to become a "god" isolated from the world after becoming a god.

What he wanted was that familiar, nasty, lsp's, or even "sand sculpture" self.

Luo Chen strolled in the city, and because he blocked his long silver hair and face with his hat, he did not attract any strange eyes.

As for wearing hats to cover their faces, there are many cases like this. Luo Chen can see three people wearing hats to cover their faces just like him.

Those city guards wouldn't rush to see a person covering their face, and they would rush over to suspect this and that. How could the person covering their face not necessarily be a bad person, or it might be because of various reasons that they didn't want to show their face.

For example, girls with scars on their faces who love beauty, those who are too pretty and don't want to attract other people's strange eyes (Luo Chen: Me too, but I'm a man.), and some big people have private interviews and so on.

In the past, there was a leader who covered his face to make a private visit, but was pointed at by an elder guard with a gun and told him not to take off his hat. It turned out that it was his own city lord, making a big joke.

So, don't look at others with the mentality of doubting that person has a problem with the wrong dress!

"Hey, big brother, we really won't be found out like this?"

"Don't worry, we've all put on our hats to cover our faces. What's the use of not being able to see the faces of the wanted warrants?""But big brother, we should be suspected like this, right?"

"Second brother, don't worry, this guard in Luotian City used to point a gun at the city lord who was covering his face and making a private visit, making a big joke, so now those guards won't be suspicious when they see someone covering their face."


Luo Chen's mouth twitched, and his face felt a little sore. The one who just spoke was the other three people he saw with hats covering their faces.

As a demigod, the sound-isolating magic that the three quietly deployed naturally couldn't stop him.

"The third brother is right. We will sneak into the City Lord's Mansion at night and steal the eighth-order dragon scale. Although the City Lord Luotian is a sixth-order emperor, our three brothers are not vegetarians!"

"The seventh-order 'Shenyin' magic scroll we got from a ruin last time, once used, even the sixth-order emperor will not want to find us! There is also this sixth-order 'destruction' magic scroll, No matter what defensive warning magic he has, he can't stop it!"

"After tonight, we will sell the eighth-order dragon scale we stole to the black market, and then our three brothers can use the money to buy more cultivation resources!"

The three brothers negotiated very vigorously, and even the one who stole something was finished.

"Hey! Those guys over there! What are you sneaking about, take off your hats!"

At this time, a captain of the guards patrolled by with a team of guards, and when he saw the three, he immediately shouted.

"f**k, the guards are coming to us!"

"Brother, didn't you say it's alright?"

"How the hell do you know that these guards will suddenly come over! It's okay for us to pass by other guards before!"

The three of them looked like something was going wrong, and they were discussing nervously.

"You three still haven't taken off your hats!?"

The captain of the guards frowned when he saw that the three of them had not taken off their hats. He felt that there was something wrong with the three of them, so he took the guards behind him to the trio of thieves.

"What should I do? These guards are all Tier 2 professionals. The leader is Tier 3. My second brother and I are both Tier 2, but if you are Tier 3, I'm sure you won't be able to beat it!"

The second eldest of the three was the most timid, and he was extremely frightened at this time.

"Fight? You still want to fight? This is Luotian City! Even if you can beat these guards, other guards will come right away! If you really fight, you won't be able to leave!"

The boss glared at the second child, thinking about countermeasures crazily in his mind.

"Brother, why don't we use that 'Shenyin' scroll now? If it goes on like this, it will definitely be exposed!" said the third child hurriedly.

The boss hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Gan! There's no other way, just do as the third one said!"

The boss snapped out an ornate scroll and unfolded it.

"Not good! It's the enemy!"

The captain of the guard saw that the situation was wrong and hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, pay attention, that scroll may be some powerful lethal magic! Soldiers who are able to protect the citizens, if they are not able, take care of themselves for me!"

Afterwards, the guards were very nervous, and they deployed various defensive magics one after another, and used speed-increasing magic to run to the surrounding citizens to protect the citizens.

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