
Chapter 3

"My katanas." cried Stormshadu. The blades lost the usual luster were warped and deeply pitted. The blackened tsuba of each blade cracked before falling off. These were from his great grandparents time. Their family crest embossed on the red saya sheathes of each.

"When we return to the ship have Qu to restore them. She must have a ton of weapons and armor made by now." Stor replied. Thinking of her made Stor recall the steel spider silk she wove into his kimono. Soft and flexible it could prevent an crossbow bolt from penetrating but was light as air.

"So what do we do with the the spirit core and gold dragon egg you pulled out of that sandlobster?"

Stormshadu looked at his brother. "How do you know it's a egg?"

"While praying to Ba'mut for your resurrection I also used a Identify Spell. It turns out this black dragon egg is actually a gold dragon egg."


"Possession" and with that Stormshadu nicked his thumb to affix a bloody thumb print on the dragon egg. It stayed for a moment before being absorbed by the dragon egg just as the lights had.


"Better than new since I forged in evolving metal and the spirit core to both katanas. Now those blades can resist acid and grow in strength as you level up." Qu quipped.

"I love this Qu. You are so awesome."

Stormshadu admired the new blades but something was off. No guards. The katanas were made without guards.

"Um Qu, where's the guards?" Stormshadu inquired.

"The guards will naturally form from the blades. As you use your weapons the guards will evolve based on your movements. It's a property of the evolving metal. " Qu said. "As for you, Stor, I reforged your hammer with those beast cores you gave me. Now on your command phase you can activate it's flame. What command phrase will you use?"

Stor thought for something catchy while holding his battle hammer. He gave a quick prayer to Ba'mut to bless this work. "Flame On!"

The head of the hammer glowed briefly before bursting into a golden flame.

Stormshadu looked on and asked if this magic flame help hatch the dragon egg. "Flame Off" and the flame winked out. The battle hammer head was cold to touch. Laying the dragon egg on the head. Stor thought the command phrase and the flame enveloped the black dragon egg.


Torjen wearing a fresh suit of dwarven chain mail strode out from the ship's galley. "I'll have it over easy." He said with a faint brogue. He had come up behind the brothers looking at the black orb. For a brief moment the egg quivered before cracking open. The shell was six inches thick. Inside there was a tiny wet yellow quail chick with four legs. It's head rolled around before looking at Stormshadu. "Mama" it peeped as it struggled to get closer. Stor looked at his brother " Looks like it impressed upon Stormshadu. Congratulations on becoming its parent."

A very small and petite elfin girl came out of the ship. Qu followed her. Upon seeing the newly hatched creature Qu turned to her companion. "Adrianneliese looks like they found another one." And chuckled.

Adrianneliese noticed at a glance. "Hmm. A hybrid. Looks like a cross of two or more dragons. The gold sun dragon is obvious from the plumage and it emanates a strong negative shadow energy not found in any other except the frost and ice breeds."

Stormshadu picked up the tiny wet chick and placed it on his head. "I'm naming it John."

"Hungry" peeped the tiny chick though only Stormshadu could understand. Extracting from his ring of holding Stormshadu fed John ten horned rabbit carcasses as well as all the goblin ears. The little dragon ate all with great gusto, then slept and doubled its size after every meal.