
Chapter 2

"In the name of the dragon god Ba'mut I call upon windspirits waveslice!" Stor roared. The thunderstorm spirits waved their arms causing visible shimmering scythes to attack the giant insect. It's acidic blood dropped to the sand where it sizzled and smoked.

"Hear me my o master, with this strike, I honor you." Stormshadu leapt upon the chitinous back. Using his double katanas he decapitated the giant insect. Not pondering much else Stormshadu moved like a bladed cyclone into the thorax to the very heart of the dead creature. Bursting from the other side Stormshadu stood triumphant holding his smoking katanas and promptly died. The large black pearl rolled out of the carcass and bumped into his lifeless corpse.

"Again?!?" Stor asked as he began the ritual resurrection for the Nth time.