
Halloween draws near

October, the month in which the temperatures begin to drop and the air of festive spirits come into being. Hogwarts seemed especially infused with joy at the nearing of such a precious holiday. From my point of view, it felt like some were in solemn gloom about the nearing occassion. Harry specifically I could understand as his parents died on this day, protecting him from the noseless bastard himself, Voldemort. 'Maybe we should do something for Harry, or I could leave it as is' I thought to myself as the various decisions swimmed inside of my head on what to do. On one hand, I could be a good friend and comfort Harry, or I could just let the plot progress. Nevermind, screw the plot. 

'I have two days before halloween, so I may need to brush up on my skills' I muttered to myself as I looked at my progress board for Harutora, which is sitting at a 98%. I have been using their skills and abilities in order to practice them and this speeds up the assimilation time. I also found use of the room of requirement to practice the various charms and spells onmyodo has to offer. The fire mantra was particularly appealing as a destructive force but the chanting is a downside. 'Maybe I can practice preparing the spells in advance and seal them inside talismans' I thought to myself as I remembered something from Harutoras memories. It was his teacher Otomo that gave him the staff imbued with magic, and talismans are a core part of onmyodo so it should work. 

Today was a wednesday and that meant a free morning period. Transfiguration, potions, and DADA will be taught in the afternoon, herbology and other classes being tomorrow. I decided to head towards the Room of Requirement. I initially discovered it as I went looking for it during my first week as I wanted a place to practice my abilties without being watched, even If I was eventually gonna use them publically. I used it to train my more, eastern magic there without disturbing others. Also, I noticed another bonus on the assimilation of Harutora and that is the energy sensing capabilities. Granted, it is a technique from Yakou, but it was a good technique. 

Onmyoji could learn the ability to sense and detect reiki through meditation and conversion into spell power. With the training I did constantly before morning, and the training in the room of requirement, I have alot of spiritual energy and the control to sense and use it with precision. Spirit sight is one of the powers that accumulates this ability with Onmyoji like me. 

Using the free time I had, I headed towards the room of requirement and began trying out the method I have thought of earlier. 'First, lets set up a talisman' I said as I began constructing a talisman using good wood materials I found in the forbidden forest, creating one time use wood talismans reinforced with water magic to be able to hold the flames. I then begin reciting the mantra in a trance like state. "NamahSarvatathagatebyhasarva" I chanted over and over until I felt the spell begin to manifest. Then, I imbued the spell into the talisman with no reactions at first. Then, the fire began to try and devour the wood to feed it, but I left no room for that. Weaving hand signs in a fast motion, I reinforced the talisman with spells and seals to enforce its hold on the fire realm incantation.

After what felt like forever, I was able to make a talisman able to hold the fires. 'Next time, lets just use a more compatible material' I thought to myself as I retrieved the talisman and put it into my inventory. I then began practicing more of my magic to try out different techniques like energy absorbing wood like Hashirama. I didn't read the manga but I did read up on his abilities. In a world of creatures that can have magic of old infused into their flesh, any ability to interfere with energy is a god send. After what felt like an hour, I feel something click inside me, something new yet the feeling was similar to fully assimilating Kazuki. 

[Ding! You fully assimilated your second character, well done. For meeting this milestone you have been granted 5 points for object lottery and an extension of the template lottery. Congratulations user!]

'What?' I thought to myself as I then call up my system to examine the changes. The object lottery points were easy to understand, it was the extension to the template lottery I didn't understand. As I called up the template lottery, I noticed a new addition to the screen. the new option said [Choose World]. I was in confusion until the system pulled up another FAQ screen. 

[ The choose world option allows you to narrow down a world for the system to pick templates. It allows more chances on getting a character thats usefull]

'Ain't that a good one' I thought to myself as I immediately wanted to take the template for a spin, but I decided to hold it off until halloween is over so I have no immediate events to prepare for. I then turn my attention to the object lottery. I immediately press the spin button on the lottery and watch as the wheels begin to spin. As the wheel stopped, it landed on a somewhat familiar item.

[Ding! you have won the <White phial> from skyrim]

'Huh, what a good catch' I thought to myself as I begin to go over what effects the white phial had. Whatever potion was put into the white phial was purified and would refill itself every day, essentially a valuable item that would enhance health potions a few stages higher than normal. I press the button again, my count going down to three. When it stopped again on another item. 

[Ding! You won the < Runic Grimoire>, a magical book full of theory and applications of domestic and foreign runes of this world and another].

'Thats useful' I thought to myself as I spent the wheel again. 

[Ding! You won a <Cultivation manual>]

'Okay' I thought to myself as I spinned again. 

[Ding! You won <Magisteel Katana>]

'Ah thats the greatest thing so far' I though as I marveled that I got a magisteel weapon. Magisteel was perfect as it warped itself to grow and change with me, a weapon a warrior in Tensura would pay good gold for. I spinned the wheel a final time. 

[Ding! You won a superior <Philosiphers stone>]

'Well fuck!'