
Joh-El, a Kryptonian in the Marvel World.

www.patreon.com/Nunuxd Joh-El, the firstborn son of Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van, and Kal-El's older brother, after sending his younger brother to a distant planet on the only escape ship the family had, found an ancient chant with instructions to open a portal to somewhere. Unfortunately, due to some complications, this portal became unstable and sucked Joh-El and his dog Krypto, to an unknown place, a strange planet called Earth, but that planet was in the Marvel universe. [A Superman and Marvel fanfic.]

NunuXD · Movies
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16 Chs

11 - Talk

"So this Scientists Guild is a guild of men who seek human perfection, and for that, they don't care about the means, just seeking the results, even if they have to sacrifice innocent people like that boy?" I asked him with my voice getting colder by the second.

"You summed it up better than I expected." Remy answered after a slight laugh.

I sighed to relieve some stress and looked at my shirtless body. My muscles were now smooth as if nothing had hurt me in the first place. The only problem was the bloodstains on the shirt, which I'm sure wouldn't escape a certain mother's eyes. "Let's go, I have to solve this problem." I told Remy while I was pointing at the shirt.

He laughed at my situation and we started to get out of there after I changed my clothes and closed my leather jacket which now had two holes in it.

On the bus going home, Remy turned to me and said in a very low voice. "You can really hear me at this volume, right? I don't want anyone else to hear what I'm going to say." He said and waited for confirmation. I answered with a slight nod of my head.

"You didn't know what you were doing in that battle, right? I noticed that all your moves were amateurish, it would be very difficult for you to beat someone with a superior technique and a strength slightly below yours. Since I was a kid, I've been trained at the Thieves Guild to fight. Not to brag, but I've won against almost all the most experienced thieves in the Guild. If you want, we can train together and I'll teach you a thing or two". He said as he looked at me.

Hearing what he said, I couldn't help but agree. I grew up in a house of scientists so I never learned how to fight. Seeing that he was willing to teach me some things that he learned in the Guild made me feel that I was right when I decided to become his friend.

"I saw it in your eyes and you know I feel the same thing about Scientists Guild. We can try to stop them, but if you fight like you did in the alley, it will be very difficult to do any real damage even with your superior strength. In their search for the perfect human being, they kidnapped several mutants. I have no doubt that they have an army of them at their headquarters." Remy said.

That was true. Even if I am strong now, it does not mean that I am immortal and that I can fight an army alone. At least not now, maybe after a few years of absorbing sunlight this will be possible, but before that, I can't even get some shots before being incapacitated.

Speaking of gunshots, I remembered what the little boy had said. "What do you think that little boy meant by Superboy?" I asked Remy.

He didn't say anything and just pointed at something on my chest. When I looked down, I saw the "S" shaped brooch my father had made... again I was someone's hope, and apparently, the boy thought the "S" meant "Super" hahaha. But I gotta admit, that name sounds good: "Superboy."

I said goodbye to Remy and got off the bus at the stop near my parents' farm. The dirt road home was almost 2 kilometers, but for a Kryptonian, it was a short distance since I didn't get tired from doing simple physical exercises like these.

Taking advantage of the sunlight on my skin, I ignored the rest of the universe while walking and just enjoyed the sensation of my skin doing photosynthesis. Next thing I knew, a huge white figure appeared in my vision and knocked me down into a nearby bush. "Hahaha, easy boy, I'm back! Mother will berate us if she sees you knock me down and I get dusty." I said as I laughed at Krypto who was licking my face.

Hearing that their mother would get mad, Krypto quickly got off my back and walked around me to see if I wasn't too dirty. Looking good??? he noticed the bullet holes in my jacket and licked me, slightly worried about me. "It's okay buddy, those were just little scratches. Tell me, how did you do on the mission I assigned you?" I said as we walked side by side towards our house.

Krypto was apparently calmer when I said I was okay, and upon hearing about the mission, his chest puffed up and he lifted his proud muzzle and let out a little howl. *Awwwoooooh!*

"All right! I'm proud of you." I said as I stroked the long, soft white fur of his head, making his great tail swing, demonstrating the happiness he was feeling.

When we got home, I saw my mother looking at me with a huge smile, wanting to know how my day went, but as easy as turning a lever, her facial expression went from excitement to worry when she saw the bullet holes in my shirt.

"Explain yourself." She said with a solemn look on her face.

I knew that look, so I sighed and told her everything.

"So you saw three armed people and knocked them all out at the price of getting four shots in your body? Are you satisfied with that?" She asked me with an unreadable expression.

Hearing her question, I did not hesitate and promptly answered with a serious look as I stared into her eyes. "Yes, Mom, I'm very pleased about that, since I was able to save a life today." I said while remembering the little boy.

She said nothing and stared at me for a few more seconds, but I remained firm, without wavering.

She sighed deeply before giving me a hug and saying in a very low voice "I'm proud of you." If I didn't have super hearing, it would have been impossible to hear what she said, but I was happy to hear that she was also supporting me in my decision, just like my father.

"Thanks for the support, Mom." I said while I hugged her back.

"But we're gonna have a very long talk about this here." She said this while she was running her finger through one of the bullet holes in my jacket. It just made me want to learn from Remy how to fight even more.

Now with the support of my parents, I can finally become a superhero, maybe people will even know me as "Superboy" someday or... something else?


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