
Jobless Transportation - The Honored One

Pre-Awakened Gojo Satoru Transported Into The Six-Faced World. Or... Gojo Satoru In Mushoku Tensei. Enough said. Don't worry, he's still OP without being Awakened, as he is nevertheless Gojo Satoru. I'll do my best to do him Justice and perhaps expand upon him as he is Teen Gojo in a new world or in better terms: "Not a fully developed Character" just yet. For the sake of not making any false expectations here's a rundown of how this fic goes: This is a Slow Cook Story. A Slice of lifeish fic with a functional Plot. This is basically Teen Gojo's vacation/adventure through the wide and expansive world of Mushoku Tensei. With original plotlines, OC's appear often in addition to the Extremely Important Canon Characters who are important to the overall plot and events that cascade and will eventually intertwine. To give a rough outline of the percentage between Slice Of Life and Intense even Dark plot/action/serious moments would be... On average 70% for Slice of Life and 30% for the latter. This of course would change as we get deeper into important events and plotlines where the percentage could skewer in favor of Intense Plot stuff. Like 100% of only that. In summary - Slice of Life is a major part and covers the gaps between the more intense and plot-relevant stuff. Hope this clarifies your worries! Do take note, I wrote this fic to relax from my more serious main fic. So do take it with a grain of salt and try to enjoy this if you can :P This is a Fanfiction, As such, I own nothing. Not the cover. I don't own Jobless Reincarnation/Mushoku Tensei nor do I own Jujutsu Kaisen. The credit goes to the respective creators and kudos to them for creating such fantastical works. If you haven't. Go read the originals and support the creators. They're better than this I promise! Cover supplied by the kind Wudi_Tianxia! Updates are under no schedule, they are limited only by my motivation to write. However due to the nature of this fic being short chapters: 1k-3k Words Per chapter or more if I'm feeling fancy, chapters should be coming out rather quickly.

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Panic Of Mortality And Of The Divine (Rewritten)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Err, Novel Spoilers - Duh)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

At Satoru's nonchalant claim, the tense atmosphere became utterly suffocating.

The sight in front of them, Satoru's claim, and the evidence he sprinkled on them along their travel, all veiled expertly in an air of humor and cheer.

This is no lie.

Gojo Satoru is the perpetrator of this spectacle.

The dumbfounded trio's minds began to race - Questions ran through their head.

What was the purpose of this?

Why didn't he tell them he killed the dragon in the first place?

What is... he?

Is this... A warning?

A trap?!

The first to react and steel himself was surprisingly Alistair.

Naive and trusting he may be, but he was a former aristocrat, He didn't want to believe it as Satoru's appearance and demeanor exuded joy and tomfoolery.

But his type of people had existed in all manners of court.

He acts a fool but is a manipulative monster in disguise.

His strength is a subtle hint at that, perhaps taking cruel amusement in throwing obvious hints at the fact he is dangerous and laughing on the inside at them being so foolish and naive to continue following him into what is obviously a trap designed to kill them at the difference in their power.

Alistair hated those types of people, they ran amok in court and in politics.

So sick of it he was, that he threw that life away for a simpler one, of the sword and adventure.

And Alistair has been made a fool once again, falling prey and befriending that exact type.

He must act.

"RELNA! ERIS! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" He yelled as he backed away swiftly from Satoru, his sword now drawn.

At his command, Eris and Relna having reached similar conclusions at Satoru's intentions followed Alistair's command without hesitation, their nerves steeled and swords drawn as they stood by Alistair's side.

Three swordsmen, their swords drawn and ready to be unleashed upon the man standing in front of them.

'If we fight together, we should be able to defeat him... The problem is that Barrier and however he crushed the Snow Dragon' Alistair gulped with slight nervousness, his eyes narrowed steely at Satoru.

Relna's expression was one of nervous determination, whilst Eris's was uncharacteristically the same, having experienced firsthand Satoru's seemingly indestructible barrier.

But make no mistake, their skill will not wane as a result of their emotional state.

At the weird and expected reaction, Satoru responded with a disappointed sigh, "I do your job and this is the treatment I get? Boo~" A thumbs-down sent in their direction as he booed at them.

This... Nonchalant and easygoing reaction did not do any favors to their nerves, Eris's demeanor exuded aggression as she was seconds away from attacking Satoru once again.

But can you blame her?

This man, Gojo Satoru is only relaying a laidback and relaxed aura

No killing intent, no threatening or intention.


There is no danger.

Or so he seems, and that is exactly why he is dangerous and Eris held herself back from adhering to her natural instincts and teachings of the Sword God - A sword style of aggression and initiation.

There is enough evidence to back up the futility and risk of attacking the enigmatic Satoru.

Alistair, having lost his patience at Satoru's words questioned in desperation and rage, "Cut the crap Gojo! What do you want!? Did you truly bring us here to embarrass and kill us?"

'I can't believe I fell prey to someone like this! Again!' Alistair, further infuriated at being fooled by Satoru, chastised himself.

"Kill you? Why would I need to do all this to kill you?" Satoru questioned in genuine curiosity, his head tilted in their direction.

"You played around with us, intending to embarrass us and kill us once we reach the Dragon and discover the differences in our strength and skills nya," Relna replied with narrowed eyes, hatred radiating from her tone.

"Uwa~ I think there's a misunderstanding here!" Satoru said with a good-natured amusement his hands held up in surrender.

At the gesture and words, a slight hope danced around their eyes, but it was quickly snuffed out as the more pragmatic and logical thoughts concluded otherwise.

"Why you-" Eris growled as she was about to unleash a whole onslaught of insults, only to be interrupted by the now calmer but still serious Alistair.

"Then explain yourself. What is the purpose behind this? Couldn't you have just told us you killed this Snow Dragon? Who are you? What are you?" Alistair demanded his eyes stabbing metaphorical daggers at Satoru.

Those metaphorical daggers seemed to be blocked by a metaphorical Infinity as Satoru seemed unperturbed, his easygoing and amused expression firm in place as he responded, "Why lead you here and not tell you~? Hmm... Why would I tell you? Are you stupid? How'd you get proof the Dragon was slain? Would you believe me if I said I killed it?" Satoru explained, his tone amused and mocking at their stupidity.

At that, the trio began to ponder Satoru's words.

Would they truly have believed him if he said he killed the Dragon?

Seeing is one thing.

But killing it?

Sure, he has a powerful Barrier.

Though he has not had the chance to display his strength these days they've traveled.

Powerful defense does not equate to powerful offense.

Strong offense is the key factor, especially in the fight against a Scaly and Tough Snow Dragon.

So the automatic and logical assumption would be "No".

An expression of realization crossed their faces as Satoru commented with a giggle, "See? Your idiots~!" Barely holding himself back from laughing.

An embarrassed and sheepish look began to form on all their faces except Eris, who kept her pride and dignity with her as they all sheathed their swords.

'So... I wasn't wrong about him after all? He was just that Strong?' Alistair, at the dumb realization, began to regain confidence and trust in Satoru.

Satoru's dumb and confident statement of him being the "Strongest", flew past their head just as it arrived, farfetched and absurd claim as it was.

However, with each revelation they are met with about Satoru. Now more than ever with whatever he did to that poor Dragon and Hill.

Evidence has begun to stack up towards the claim being not so farfetched as they had dismissed it as.

Whilst similar thoughts crossed the trio's minds, Relna began with an apology to Satoru, "Gojo, sorry nya! We thought you tricked us!" A sheepish and apologetic expression on her face as she began to step closer to Satoru.

'I did trick you though? Oh well! Works for me~!' Satoru thought in momentary bewilderment, only to accept it as it is, carefree.

"Yeah Gojo, sorry... I-I just have a bad experience with people who behave, uncannily similarly to you." Alistair chimed in with his own apology, also approaching Satoru with an apologetic and sheepish expression.

"Don't worry about it~!" Satoru responded with a thumbs-up at the approach.

Eris, having understood that their initial assumption of Satoru was never actually wrong, only their basis of his strength was wrong, went and began to collect proof of the Snow Dragon's defeat, going into the hole in the hill and grabbing shattered scales.

Her opinion of Satoru's strength and worth rose with every shattered scale she picked up.

Another assumption of hers came up wrong at that - Satoru wasn't JUST Dangerous.

He was Extremely Dangerous.

On the plus side, he didn't seem to exercise that title against them, yet.

As the atmosphere began to clear up, Satoru exclaimed, "But I'm glad you asked!" Satoru pointed suddenly at Alistair, who responded in surprise at the suddenness and direct and cheerful tone of Satoru.

"Who am I? Gojo Satoru! What am I? The Strongest and The Handsomest!" He announced with a pose, lowering his shades to reveal his "Demon Eyes", throwing yet another wink at Eris who turned at Satoru's declaration with a deadpan.

And for once, at the weird turn of events, some lightheartedness was really needed, an odd acceptance of his antics at that.

A small smile formed on both Alistair's and Relna's faces at Satoru's shenanigans.

Though a sweatdrop followed soon after as they had the same thought running in their head.

'...This is the man who killed a Snow Dragon on his lonesome?' 

For a while Satoru was continuously posing, changing pose each time as if he were a model, whilst Alistair and Relna giggled at his behavior, awaiting for Eris to collect the evidence they needed.

Finally, Eris with a neutral expression arrived beside Relna and Alistair, her bag filled with scales.

"Oh~? Decided to come take a closer look?" Satoru purred at her, winking at her with those bewitching eyes, speeding up his posing.

A look of utter disgust and repulsion crossed her face as she passed by Satoru, announcing, "Let's go back to town Relna, Alistair."

""Right/Let's go."" Relna and Alistair nodded, breaking out of their zoo observation of Satoru and following Eris.

Not a word was said to Satoru as he continued posing to literally no one, the trio already a fair distance away.

Only for him to shout, "HUH?! WHAT ABOUT ME?!"

-Scene Change-

The Void World - a pure white world of nothingness, pure, empty.

Or so it is supposed to be, as in this very world a single entity calls it home, whether through choice is another matter.

Is it a man?

Is it a creature?

Hard to tell, but to describe is that it has the shape of a man, and its whole body - white like the void it resides in. Its face is a blank white grin.

This individual is known to few.

But to those who know him, he is:

Hitogami - The Human God.

Currently, Hitogami is enjoying Rudeus's struggles from afar, at first a nuisance to him, but the loser found his uses.

"Now then, let's see if anything changed..." Hitogami announced tiredly, getting up from the white floor.

One of Hitogami's primary abilities is Future Sight. The most powerful one in existence.

Most of the time, Hitogami looks at the futures of individuals and uses it to his advantage, whether for his sadistic pleasures or practical usage.

Now, after giving his Apostles a few directions and changing a few events, Hitogami on occasion checks his own Future if its outcome has changed.

He has been doing so incessantly as of late.


Because as of right now, Hitogami's future has always been either getting Killed by Orsted teaming up with that loser's descendant and that otherworlder or Sealed by them.

With each intricate move Hitogami makes, he checks whether the unpleasant outcome has changed.

At that, Hitogami channeled his Future Sight and began to seer into his own future:

-Future Vision-

A familiar white void of the Void World, Hitogami's transient body floating around as he opened his eyes to the Future Vision.

He took a look at the location where he normally resides in the Void World only to widen his eyes at the... New Future?

'Wha-WHO IS THAT?' Hitogami yelled in his mind as he observed the completely unfamiliar and wildly different scene.

In front of him -

There was no Orsted.

There was no descendant of the Loser.

There was no sight of that familiar otherworlder.

No... This was a different scene.

At the white void, Hitogami lying on the floor in defeat, a foot-stomping on his head, crushing it.

The void, scarred with the results of an intense battle.

The owner of the foot was a tall man with snow-white hair and a sadistic and gleeful expression, his clothing on the arms, legs, and chest all gone.

Blood, loads of it, was spilled on the ground allegedly belonging to this white-haired man.

And yet the man looked unfazed, uninjured as if he healed it all effortlessly.

But what stood out in the man's image, were the eyes.

Hitogami's eyes widened at the infinite expanse residing in those Bright Blue eyes.

Those were not any Magic or Demon eyes he had ever seen or heard of.


That's the first thing that rang in Hitogami's mind as he saw his future self laid on the floor in defeat, at the mercy of this... Gleeful man's foot.

He decided to observe this situation pragmatically, gain as much information as he could on the... The new headache he has to deal with.

"Well~ That was disappointing! After all I went through to get here, this was the best you could offer?" The White-haired man mocked in disappointment, increasing the pressure his foot was placing on Future Hitogami's skull.

Future Hitogami tried to cover the skull protectively with what remained of his Battle Aura only for it to be crushed immediately, "Hup Hup Hup! You lost! Take it like a man!", The man's foot glowed blue as it easily shattered the meager Battle Aura Future Hitogami put up.

"D-Don't kill me! The World will be destroyed if you do!" Future Hitogami pleaded, his voice friendly and full of concern.

At that, the pressure began to increase on Future Hitogami's skull, eliciting a pained gasp from him, "Stop bluffing~ We both know that's a desperate lie." The White-haired man mocked, his sadistic and gleeful smile widening, a glow emitted from his eyes at his declaration, though hidden deeply beneath it, a subdued and reluctant determination.

Then, the man lowered himself down to where Future Hitogami's ear was.

He whispered, his tone downright freezing, his eyes murderous, and his smile turned into a frown, "It's time for you to pay for all you've done."

At that, both Future Hitogami and Present Hitogami gained an expression rare on their face... Fear.

The man's expression transitioned back into a gleeful and sadistic smile as he began to place more and more pressure on Future Hitogami's skull, as Future Hitogami couldn't help but cry out in agony, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

Until, a crack echoed through the empty void, as the man's expression turned wicked as he uttered a final word to Future Hitogami, "Splat~" He said with glee as he put the last bit of pressure needed to make Future Hitogami's head explode in a bloody gore, covering the void's white floor with blood.

"Well what do you know, God's do bleed red~!" The White-haired man announced cheerily to himself.

Present Hitogami, only had a few moments left of this vision at the death of his future self.

But the fear and bewilderment on his face is all that you need to see in order to conclude what's on his mind.

Hysteria and pandemonium are what went on in Present Hitogami's mind:



A moment later, composure met the ancient being as he tried to think pragmatically on the matter, trying to find a solution to the new puzzle in front of him.

'Dangerous... Dangerous... I have to find him - he looks to be around 20 years old, this future is way down the line, I have time to figu-' Just as Present Hitogami thought that, he sensed...

Is someone looking at him?

Present Hitogami shook off his thoughts as he looked at the man a decent distance away from him... Staring straight at him?!

"Do send me my regards~!" The man waved cheerfully at the floating Hitogami, his glowing blue eyes piercing through Hitogami.

Fear was once again instilled into Hitogami as he canceled his future sight, all in the name of getting away from that... Monster.

-Future Vision End-

Hitogami broke out of the vision, a tinge of fear ingrained in his heart, but it was quickly snuffed out as he took in what he had discovered.

"This future happens only 15 years after my previous vision... In terms of time to deal with it, it's the more favorable outcome from the last visions... However, What is he? This... Is unaccounted for, and illogical. Is he like that Loser?" Hitogami analyzed in quick succession.

And a frustrated look crossed his face, "Whatever he is... He was determined to end the world just to kill me."

"DAMN IT! I'VE NEVER EVEN SEEN THIS MAN?! WHY WOULD HE WANT TO KILL ME?! AND TO LOSE TO HIM ALONE?! DAMNABLE OTHERWORLDER!" Hitogami roared in rage, throwing a tantrum at things just not going his way.

An unknown amount of time passes by and Hitogami calms down, determination crossing his face at avoiding even this future.

"No matter... I'll deal with him as well." He uttered in a quiet rage.

Because there are none that know better than Hitogami - That the Future is never set in stone.

-Back To The Future-

Future Satoru let out a reluctant and agonized sigh, as he sensed the world beginning to end. He stood above the corpse of his Nemesis and took a deeper look, seeing a source of Divine Energy.

He approached to grab it, a smirk of irony and amusement on his face, and then...

-Future End-

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hey guys! How are you doing?

I have to admit, I'm pretty damn proud of how this chapter turned out, I do hope it was up to standard and enjoyable as I think it is!

Hope the reactions were realistic and logical, as that is an important thing for me. At least the none comedic ones XD

Also, the explanation of his background won't be in this chapter, they'll ask about it in the obligatory time-skipped travel to town, of course, Gojo won't reveal jackshit for the sake of messin with them.

To those asking how Future Gojo only discovered that Hitogami bled red after defeating him... He made him use all his resources that's all, hurting him only later. Don't nitpick dammit!

Anyways! Did I portray Teen Gojo well in this chapter? I'd appreciate feedback on this on each chapter! As this is the most critical part of the fic! Yeah! Feedback!

Have a nice day!

-Author Note End-


Gimmie Gimmie Reviews! We need em rating boys and gals!

Pretty please?

If not... I'll sick Gojo on ya. He bites. I promise.

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