I only fancy burgers with no tomatoes. (they just take all the flavor away I'm sorry). I'm also writing a few fanfics check it out if ya want. Number 1 Gojo and Todo Aoi Glazer
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Vale's no longer a Monarchy even if it's called a Kingdom. It has a council and no one holds supreme power (even if Ozpin holds the most he's still limited)
i get your point, so I'll clarify: Ozpin's lost a lot of authority, specifically his role as head of security, this is also a scene to showcase that he's not outside of consequences himself being the LITERAL responsible adult over these weapon-wielding monster-slaying teens. His only authority is being the Headmaster of Beacon, a crime scene is no longer under his jurisdiction it's as simple as that. Illegal bloodwork and DNA tests are, in hindsight not too big of a deal considering it's more of a precaution and IF ALEX WERE NORMAL would have resulted in nothing much/empty. This is doubly so when Alex wasn't actually resisting or asking to leave or pressing his rights. He probably doesn't know his rights lmao
The logic is that they shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. Blake could have been alive or far away but alive (hypothetically speaking)
The funny thing is if Alex lets his Aura loose around unsecured Dust it'll go boom. Haven't thought of a scene where it'll happen, but it'll happen at some point lmao
How they react to that is an important plot point, like real important, but you can try and piece it together by thinking about what the average population of a collapsing world would do coupled with the System's own intentions. Is all i'm saying thus far, it'll be revealed within time.
On the contrary, killing isn't that taboo. Vale even has death sentences. It's a mixture of a few things, but put yourself in the shoes of your average Vale Police dude, or someone who was heavily involved in investigating what happened in the Mountain like Onyx had. Emphasis on NOT PERSONALLY KNOWING ALEX. Follow the logic and worries and you'll get your answer.