
Job transfer for all: I can add unlimited mana

Global changes have occurred, the world has turned into a game, and strange monsters are raging all over the world. To become stronger and to resist disasters. Everyone is changing classes and moving up their ranks like crazy. Some people become wizards in their first transformation, while others become professional thunder warriors in their second transformation. But Ling Zhan did the opposite. First, he chose a non-professional class and added the blue bar to all attribute points. “It's crazy. I don't have a class. All I have are low-level skills before I change classes. How can I fight in the later stages? What's the use of the blue bars? It can't increase combat effectiveness. It's really funny...” However, when the battle occurs, Level 3 Thunder Warrior: “I'm shocked, non-professionals are so strong?” A certain third-level Elf Queen: “Infinite blue bars, invincible in one-on-one combat, No. 1 in team battles, how can we fight like this?”

FALCON_N · Games
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140 Chs

Chapter 126: Heavenly Mandate School Robe! Haston Academy.

Chapter 126: Heavenly Mandate School Robe! Haston Academy.



Fortunately, the embarrassing shout was quickly stopped by the deans.


Then, Zhou Hongfu began his long-winded speech.


Whether in Ling Zhan's past life or present life, it seems that all leaders like to give long and tedious speeches on important occasions.


The key is that these speeches are also very boring.


They are nothing more than elaborating on the school's philosophy and encouraging students to work hard, and so on...


At this moment.


The ten geniuses on the main stage were all dressed in the unique school uniforms of Tianyan Academy.


Tianyan, derived from the phrase "The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and Man evades one," means that students should understand their destiny and defy it.


The school motto is "Know your destiny and defy your destiny."


It encourages students not to succumb to fate and to bravely walk their own path of destiny.


In fact, in the freshman manual, the school refers to each student as a "person of destiny."


At this moment, Ling Zhan and the others were wearing uniforms that perfectly embodied the meaning of the Great Dao and destiny.


The cloth was light and elegant, flowing freely.


The interplay of black and white resembled the Yin and Yang of the Great Dao.


And the person wearing it represented the "one."


The "one" is destiny.


The entire robe set was clearly only two ink colors, black and white, but it did not give a sense of monotony.


Instead, it made people feel that these robes contained the profound mysteries of the heavens and earth—incredibly profound.


The other nine geniuses put on their robes, making them look even more outstanding with their already exceptional temperament.


But Ling Zhan stood out in particular.


His slender 1.9-meter-tall figure, although not particularly muscular, exuded a suffocating sense of oppressive power.


His long hair tied behind his head, with a streak of white hair dyed in, matched perfectly with his uniform.


His chiseled handsome features, deep purple eyes as profound as a deep pool, and that indifferent and aloof expression.


Like a fallen immortal descended into the mortal world.


Many girls below couldn't help but feel fluttery, like little deer in a frenzy.


At this moment, it seemed they had all forgotten Ling Zhan's nickname, "the girls' enemy."


And when Zhou Hongfu finished his speech, and asked Han Qiao to prepare to lead the team out.


The girls for the first time wished that the old dean would be more long-winded so they could see Ling Zhan a bit longer.


"Alright, I hope you all will strive for excellence in the exchange competition and bring glory to the school!"


"Let's go!"


After Zhou Hongfu finished his speech, he nodded gently and then looked at a teacher beside him.


That teacher then touched the ground with his hand.




In an instant.


A huge array of traces lit up on the main stage, and the dazzling light made everyone unable to resist.


This was not a magic array, but a super long-distance teleportation array unique to spirit array masters.


The organizer of this event is Haston Academy, located in Mingzhu City, Shen Zhou Province.


Due to the Great Catastrophe, the game map has become a reality.


This led to major changes in the world map, so the distance between Dongling Province and Shen Zhou Province has become extremely far. Even if you take a plane, it would take several days to arrive.


Therefore, it is necessary to use the super long-distance teleportation array of the spirit array masters.


It's convenient, fast, and saves time and effort.


Mages below the third tier cannot build such super-long-distance teleportation magic arrays.


Moreover, due to the scarcity of experience resources, powerful third-tier professionals are extremely rare, and not everyone is qualified to advance to the third tier.


The array opened.


Han Qiao, accompanied by several assistant teachers and the ten geniuses, officially entered the array.


The next moment.


Dazzling light shone brightly.


Everyone's figures completely disappeared into the array.






Shen Zhou Province.


Mingzhu City.


Haston Academy.




In a certain part of the vast square, an extremely dazzling light suddenly lit up, and intense spatial fluctuations slowly spread.


On the square, two teachers had been waiting here for a long time.


Sensing this spatial fluctuation, the two teachers took a step forward and instantly moved to the teleportation point.


"It's the Tianyan Academy's team."


Seeing the iconic Tai Chi Yin Yang diagram at the teleportation array, the two teachers immediately recognized the identity of the arrivals.


The various academies had already discussed in advance when to teleport and when to arrive.


To teleport from the outside into the academy, one must have the academy's permission.


Teleportation requests without the academy's consent would be directly blocked by the academy's protective array.


Ten seconds passed.


More than ten figures appeared at the teleportation point.


What caught the eyes of the two teachers were the black and white school robes that embodied the laws of Yin and Yang of heaven and earth.


"Dean Han, hello!"


"We've heard so much about you!"


The two teachers from Haston Academy greeted them with smiles on their faces.


Han Qiao and several assistant teachers also exchanged polite greetings with the other side.


Although there is fierce competition between academies, surface politeness is also necessary.


After a brief exchange of pleasantries.


The two teachers asked two members of Haston Academy's student union to take the students to the dormitory area first.


As for Han Qiao and the other teachers, they went to meet with the leaders of Haston Academy first.


The attitude of the two male students from Haston Academy was initially arrogant.


Here, it is necessary to mention the background of Haston Academy.


It is a joint venture between the Free Federation and the Dragon Kingdom.


Everyone has only two impressions of this academy: arrogance and wealth.


Haston Academy has the most secret realm instances in the Dragon Kingdom.


It also has the most real-world resource secret realms.


Moreover, the treatment of students in this academy can be said to be extremely generous.


Student accommodation, meals, daily expenses, forging, enchantments, etc.


All free of charge.


Of course, students have to gather the materials for forging and enchantments themselves, but the academy provides master-level secondary professions to serve students free of charge.


Also, the daily curriculum of this academy includes a special course on aristocratic etiquette, which is also a compulsory course.




Under long-term influence.


The students of this academy are all self-proclaimed elegant, pay attention to etiquette, and have high self-esteem.


This can be seen by the two members of the Haston Academy student union in front of us.


Their school uniforms are flashy, but they are also wearing ties, resembling formal attire.


When walking, their posture is arrogant with a hint of elegance, and their eyes are contemptuous.


Perhaps because they have just entered the academy or are freshmen, although they have been taking aristocratic etiquette classes for a month, their temperament has not yet been cultivated.


So it looks a bit awkward.


Like a young man wearing a suit and tie but still fidgeting awkwardly.


No matter how you look at it, it feels awkward.


The original attitude of these two male students from Haston Academy was somewhat arrogant.


But when they saw Zhu Yaoguang, Anna, and Xi Ya, the three beauties in the team.


Their attitude changed completely.


They became very polite and started to lead the way.


Indeed, beauties always receive special treatment.


Ling Zhan, on the other hand, silently surveyed the environment of the academy.


This academy has a bit of a grudge against him.


Initially, the admissions office of this academy even boasted that Ling Zhan, a non-specialist wanderer, was not qualified to apply.


It's impossible for Ling Zhan not to hold a grudge in his heart.


He's not a saint.


So, he decided.


In the future freshman exchange competition, he will pay special attention to the freshmen of Haston Academy.


Expressing his strong desire for friendship and peace.



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