
Job transfer for all: I can add unlimited mana

Global changes have occurred, the world has turned into a game, and strange monsters are raging all over the world. To become stronger and to resist disasters. Everyone is changing classes and moving up their ranks like crazy. Some people become wizards in their first transformation, while others become professional thunder warriors in their second transformation. But Ling Zhan did the opposite. First, he chose a non-professional class and added the blue bar to all attribute points. “It's crazy. I don't have a class. All I have are low-level skills before I change classes. How can I fight in the later stages? What's the use of the blue bars? It can't increase combat effectiveness. It's really funny...” However, when the battle occurs, Level 3 Thunder Warrior: “I'm shocked, non-professionals are so strong?” A certain third-level Elf Queen: “Infinite blue bars, invincible in one-on-one combat, No. 1 in team battles, how can we fight like this?”

FALCON_N · Games
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138 Chs

Chapter 125: Exploiting Weaknesses! Embarrassing Expedition.

Chapter 125: Exploiting Weaknesses! Embarrassing Expedition.



I didn't want to agree either, but they offered too much!


At this moment.


This sentence reflects Ling Zhan's inner thoughts.


One by one, they asked for S-grade forging materials and enchanting materials as conditions.


And Charlotte, this little girl, who would have thought that she was actually a semi-god-level forging master!?


Even in the Tianyan Academy, there is only one god-level forging master!


And it is said that to invite this god-level forging master to work, you must first make an appointment, and then pay over 100,000 Tianyan List points.


There is only one semi-god-level forging master, and to request their services once, it costs 50,000 points, also requiring an appointment.


This is enough to illustrate how sought-after a high-level secondary profession is.


The S-grade forging materials and enchanting materials certainly tempt Ling Zhan.


But he values this little girl's semi-god-level secondary profession more.




Within this half-month, you can request her forging services an unlimited number of times!


"A generous offer is hard to refuse, truly hard to refuse."


Ling Zhan's usually cold face unexpectedly revealed a rare, warm smile of being completely at ease.


Moreover, he broke his own record and walked up to Charlotte, affectionately giving this little girl a head pat.


Looking at him, it seemed as though he was patting not a cute little girl, but a shining treasure.


What's even more astonishing is that this guy even said gently to Charlotte:


"Charlotte, are you interested in becoming my forging machi... Cough! No, are you interested in enrolling in a year-long training course?"


"With my one-on-one training guidance, I guarantee that you will be able to handle any profession of the same level with ease in the future."


Charlotte: "..."


The crowd of geniuses: "..."


What is a sudden change in attitude?


This is a sudden change in attitude!


At this moment.


The geniuses finally realized that they seemed to have found Ling Zhan's weakness.


That is, as long as the benefits are sufficient, he can agree to most conditions.






In the next half-month.


Ling Zhan also stopped attending classes as usual.


Instead, he conducted special training for these nine geniuses inside the simulated secret realm.


The deans and teachers were pleased with this development.


They didn't think that Ling Zhan was deliberately showing off and taking away their job opportunities.


Moreover, each teacher's teaching was indeed limited.


For example, a teacher who is a third-tier mage can only teach about the use of mage skills and the theoretical combat tactics of mages against various professions.


However, practical combat experience, once conveyed orally, can only change from 'experience' to 'theory'.


But Ling Zhan is different.


Although his current strength is indeed not as good as these teachers'.


But what he teaches is very comprehensive, and his practical combat level surpasses all his peers.


When teaching a mage, Ling Zhan can not only teach about the use and combination of skills but also fight against the mage using skills from various professions.


No matter how much practical combat theory there is, it is still just theory.


But Ling Zhan teaches only practical combat!


And the nine geniuses can freely choose any profession they want to duel against.


If you want to duel against a thief, Ling Zhan will transform into a thief.


If you want to duel against a Yin-Yang Master, Ling Zhan can transform into a Yin-Yang Master.


And so on...


He will make everyone experience the oppression of that profession!


Then, he will teach everyone some practical combat techniques to deal with that profession.


After more than ten days.


The nine geniuses have truly acknowledged and admired Ling Zhan.


And they have begun to pray for the freshmen from other academies.


Han Qiao even lightly smiled at the other teachers and said, "I feel like I'm the most relaxed team leader in the history of the freshman exchange competition."


The other teachers all agreed.


Now all the training guidance has been handed over to Ling Zhan.


The dean was just waiting to lift the championship trophy for the exchange competition.




On the day before departure.


These nine geniuses were full of confidence and once again challenged Ling Zhan.


They wanted to confirm how much they had improved in these past ten days before setting off.


Mainly because their complete inability to fight back against Ling Zhan before had left a shadow on their minds.


And after more than ten days of special training.


They didn't even hope to defeat the abnormal Ling Zhan.


At the very least, they hoped not to be defeated instantly.


At this moment.


Ji Wuming said in a deep voice, "Ling Zhan, we hope you can truly use all your strength, let us see once again the gap between us!"


The expressions of the other geniuses were equally serious.


Ling Zhan asked, "Are you sure?"


"Of course!"


The nine geniuses said in unison.




Ling Zhan nodded.




He rolled up his sleeves and pants.




He unlocked the shackles on his wrists and ankles.


With a light toss.




The earth under the arena was actually dented by the four shackles!


The next moment.


Ling Zhan's body seemed to have lifted some kind of seal.


A vast and terrifying force poured out!


The vast magical fluctuations even spread out from Ling Zhan's body!


In the past half month.


Did you think that only these nine geniuses improved?


All the effects of the Ten Thousand Demons Breaking the Boundary Pill have been completely absorbed by Ling Zhan.


Coupled with the successful forging of the Thousand Machines Ring, his inherent attributes have increased from 30 to 100!


That terrifying power that was about to overflow the body, and the magical fluctuations spreading due to the excessively high 'wisdom' attribute.


It's like a mountain that covers the sky and the sun, with a thud, pressing down on everyone's head.


Everyone: "..."


"How can this little guy's four-dimensional attributes be so terrifying?"


Han Qiao and the other teachers in the audience felt this fluctuation, their expressions suddenly changed.


Isn't this a bit too much like a supermodel?


Even the second- and third-year second-tier students don't have this kind of exaggeration!


They were supposed to not be able to keep up with the attribute points of non-specialist wanderers, right?


Where's the not-keeping-up?


"We concede, we concede!"


At this moment.


The geniuses on the stage decisively raised their hands to concede.


They are nothing compared to that!






The next morning.


The ten geniuses gathered at Tianyan Square, ready for the departure ceremony.


The five deans and various professors all attended, expressing their importance of this event.


The annual freshman exchange competition is a very important honor event for major academies.


Countless young people watch the live broadcasts on TV and computers.


These children will all go to college in the future.


So, these live broadcasts will leave a deep impression on them.


The Champion Academy represents the strong teaching and educational strength.


At the same time, it is also a facade for the academy.


In the future, when these children are admitted to college, they will naturally be more inclined to choose the champion academy.




For these national live broadcast college events, every academy attaches great importance to them.


At this moment.


The ten geniuses stood on the main stage.


The freshmen below were also in a frenzy.


"Ling Zhan, you scoundrel! You must bring back the championship!"


"Remember to blind the eyes of students from other academies!"


"Ling God, Ling God! The most divine in the world!"


"The God of Deceit! Invincible in all directions!"


These freshmen shouted awkward slogans with smiles on their faces.


Obviously, they were deliberately annoying Ling Zhan.


After all, Ling Zhan has caused a lot of trouble recently.


The other nine geniuses looked at Ling Zhan with playful eyes.


While Ling Zhan stood on the main stage, his mouth twitching and his toes gripping tightly.


Damn, so awkward!


I really want to dig out a three-bedroom apartment...



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