
jjk my cursed technique is [gamer]

waking up in the body of mark zenin the mc will now traverse the world of jjk while solving mystery about hidden characters and himself with fading memories [story will be slow at the start 30-60chapters before the main story even begins or is mentioned] {ps: the names I will use are English such as Mark or emma}

Cursedking · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

clearing my first ID

upon clicking YES space seemed to distort as the building that i was in and torain surrounding my residence vanished,and in its place appeared tall high rise buildings that seemed to be falling apart and under them was rubble from the falling buildings with destroyed or broken vehicles all around, upon close observation it seemed that the new terrain that i was in was a destroyed city, but after looking at the terrain something felt of as if the air was or humid, but pushing that thought to the back of my head i looked around as i let out a sigh as i started to think about how it will be hard to find enemies in this large space. 

as i was about to take my first step to go look for undead to level up, i activated cursed energy detection, upon doing so i realized what made the air feel different than the real world, though i was not able to use it till i was five it was always there so my body subcostally always recognized it even though i could not use or perceive it, even though i could sense it from my body the air seemed to be vacant of it. that being cursed energy. 

realizing that the environment around me had no cursed energy, i hurried to activate ID escape but before doing so a system promote came. 

[the environment has been detected to have mana do you wish to change the energy source to cursed energy 

 {YES} {NO}] 

upon seeing the promote one emotion filled me rage but in a instant i calm down due to the effect of [gamers mind] but through this experience i learned one thing, may it be gaining one through reincarnation,transmigration,a family relic from the past etc a system will always be its host biggest opp, with a heavy sigh i clicked yes. 

Up on doing so a huge wave of curse energy enter the city and in a instant the cursed energy settled and lessened, realizing that I have access back to the cursed energy from the environment I activate cursed energy detection, upon doing so I could sense multiple enemies, the closest ones being 200 meters away behind a building. 

 Up a realizing the location of the closest Undeads I summon demon dog white, upon being summoned it's laid down for me too go on its back, after going on it's back it stood up and started run into the location of the undeads while I held on to its fur trying to keep myself stable on its back. 

In a instant demon dog white cleared 200 meters reaching in front of the undead,after reaching the undead i got of demon dog white as i ordered it to not move since i was planing to fight the undeads in front of me alone to yest my current strength and gain some batte experience while fighting the five undead in front of me. 

scenseing my presence the five undead rushed to me, seeing this i activated cursed energy renforcement to the max of my ability as i awaited there assault, upon reaching 5 meters in front of me i started to take action as with a full power punch i crushed the the head of the first undead to rach me with a punch. 

[you have gained 100 exspreace for killing a basic undead] 

[you have leveled up]x2 

ignoring the system promote i continued my onslaught using my hand to sever the heads of the next two zombies to approach me. 

[you have gained 200 experience for killing basic undead]x2 


[you have leveled up] 

seeing that there was only 2 undead left i took a leap back as i activated observe. 

[species:basic undead 





Strength :11

Defense :7

Agility :3





after taking a look at the stats of the undead i realized how i was able to kill the other three so easily,completing my observation i rushed back into the undead that was on there way to me and held both of their heads before crushing them against each other. 

[you gained 200 experience for killing basic undead]x2 

[you have leveled up] 

after finishing killing the last two undead in the area i turn to see demon dog white sitting while licking its lips, realizing its intention i summoned demon dog black and allowed them to devour the remains of the undead,after the two of them finished their meal i was greeted with a surprising system promote. 

[level of ten shadows technique has increased]x4 

seeing the increase in the level of the ten shadows technique i felt very relived, after all over the years of my training in different areas the ten shadows technique and projection sorcery never leveled up, after all that time i guessed that they must be used in a battle situation and i guessed i was right. 

after the level up of the ten shadows i checked the amount of cursed energy i had left which showed 230cp meaning that throughout the battle i used 300cp,realizing that the cause was my cursed energy reinforcement that i was using at the max, so i turned of cursed energy reinforcement and decided to use my divine dogs for the rest of the period of the time in the ID, since they only use 10 cp every ten minutes,with my made up i used the demon dog white to clear the rest of the ID. 

(1 hour later) 

for the past hour demon dog white has been going around the city killing undead, which increased my level along with the level of the ten shadow technique, while i meditated to regenerate my cursed energy with demon dog black guarding my body, opening my eyes i was greeted by a system promote. 

[all basic enemies have been slain, a boss monster will be summended within 40 meters of your location in 10 seconds} 

seeing the system promote i deactivated the ten shadows techniques since i intended to the fight the boos one on one,thought the inner jujutsu sorcerer in me wanted to three v one, but i pushed that thought to the back of my head as the boss monster appeared about 20 meters in front of me. 

in front of me was a 8 foot tall undead with green decaying skin with long noodle like arms, looking at the undead i decided to use observe on it before we fought. 

[species:basic undead {boss}





Strength :20

Defense :14

Agility :15




skills:poison blood, minor physical resistance ] 

looking at the stats and skills of the boss i activated cursed energy reinforcement at my maximum output before rushing towards the boss intendinding to kill it in one punch, but as soon as i was in rang to hit it in the head and crush its skull,it started to swing its noodle like hands like a weep. 

seeing this i leaped backwards while dogging its attacks after reaching a safe distance , i once again i rushed forward and like before the boss tried to attack me with its noddle like hands using them like weeps but unlike before when it caught me of guard and i had retreat i continued to rush forward douging its attacks , using its strength against it since the closer i got to the undead the less force and speed the weeps will have and before it could change its strategy of attack i had already reached in front of it to attack with an uppercut destroying its head and killing it. 

[you have slain the boss] 


[all rewards have been doubled as a first time clear reward] 

[you have received 6000 experience] 

[you have received 200,0000 ¥] 

[you have received a medium storage rune {upgradeable}] {automatically implanted }

[you have received random basic skill book]x2 

[all rewards have been placed into medium storage rune] 

[your level has increased]x7 

after reading the notification a runic tattoo appeared on my hand,seeing this i used observe to see its information. 

[ medium runic tattoo: a tattoo that has a connection to a subspace, subspace has a storage capacity of 200 cubic meters,living organisms cannot be put inside{can be upgraded}(cant be seen by others onless the user wishes)] 

seeing the rewards that i received i used ID escape, after which i returned to my room,after returning i went to sit on my bed to take a look at my stats. 

[NAME: mark zennin

Age: 10

Level: 20

Class 1 : gamer

Cursed technique : gamer

Cp: 530

Hp : 260


Strength : 63

Defense :47

Agility : 57




Free stats : 110{5 points per level} 


lucky encounter minor 


observe: level 21/100 

Cursed energy manipulation level: 63/100

Cursed energy detection basic: level 46/100

Cursed energy reinforcement basic: level 35/100 

Gamers mind: lv max

???????????:lv max

Minor luck boost : lv max 

meditation:level 47(10% per level)

Ten shadows technique: level 17/100] 

seeing my free status points i decided to distribute them to the stats that was in the most need of improvement. 

[NAME: mark zennin

Age: 10

Level: 20

Class 1 : gamer

Cursed technique : gamer

Cp: 1630

Hp : 260


Strength : 63

Defense :47

Agility : 57




Free stats : 0


lucky encounter minor 


observe: level 21/100 

Cursed energy manipulation level: 63/100

Cursed energy detection basic: level 46/100

Cursed energy reinforcement basic: level 35/100 

Gamers mind: lv max

???????????:lv max

Minor luck boost : lv max 

meditation:level 47(10% per level)

Ten shadows technique: level 17/100] 

after putting all my points in intelligence a pleasant sensation filled my body,before disappearing abruptly.after the feeling left i started to think 

the reason i increased intelligence only was because the thing i lacked most was cursed energy, in the end all the other stats could be trained to increase, except cursed energy,but since it is the most important part of being a jujutsu sorcerer, it would be suicide to not increase it. 

while thinking a system promote that i was waiting for came. 

[your intelligence has surpassed 100 you have unlocked the trait basic high speed passive cursed energy regeneration] 

[ basic high speed passive cursed energy regeneration: regenerates cursed energy passively at a high rate{rgens 5cp every second}] 

after looking at my new trit i decided to go and start my daily traig since not even a minute has past in the real world. 


what do you think about the chapter and can you spot the change i made to the stats page


[NAME: mark zennin

Age: 10

Level: 20

Class 1 : gamer

Cursed technique : gamer

Cp: 1630

Hp : 260


Strength : 63

Defense :47

Agility : 57




Free stats : 110{5 points per level} 


lucky encounter minor{plus 1 more} 


observe: level 21/100 

Cursed energy manipulation level: 63/100

Cursed energy detection basic: level 46/100

Cursed energy reinforcement basic: level 35/100 

Gamers mind: lv max

???????????:lv max

Minor luck boost : lv max 

meditation:level 47(10% per level)

Ten shadows technique: level 17/100] 

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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