
jjk my cursed technique is [gamer]

waking up in the body of mark zenin the mc will now traverse the world of jjk while solving mystery about hidden characters and himself with fading memories [story will be slow at the start 30-60chapters before the main story even begins or is mentioned] {ps: the names I will use are English such as Mark or emma}

Cursedking · Anime & Comics
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sims to easy [edit]

{two years later} 

in a dimly lit room one can see a boy lying on his bed going to sleep as he started to reminisce about the past two year 

for the past two years i have been taking combat classes in my private residence, oddly enough though the lesson was thought by a grade one sorcerer from the zennin family maki,myi and emma was also there to help in my training which made us all grow closer. 

the first month of training was simply studying different weapons and fighting styles from books, then for the second to fifth month i was put through multiple physical exercises with special meals that would help with muscle growth and flexibility or so i was told. throughout all that i was still practicing using cursed energy which when paired with my regarus physical training i was able to make rapid improvements in cursed energy manipulation,detection and reinforcement also gaining the [meditation] skill. 

when the sixth week came maki,myi and emma started to come under the orders of the patriarch to train with me and that is also when the real combat classes stared. at that time i was asked what weapon or fighting style from the books i read i would like to learn. and after being asked this i simply said i would like to learn.bow arts,swordsmanship, dual swordsmanship,nunchucks arts, dagger arts,scythe arts, spearmanship,and basic hand to hand combat. after hearing my response the instructor asked if i was sure that i wanted to learn all those different fighting styles which i simply nodede to with a heavy sigh he asked the others. 

 myi said she wanted to learn basic hand to hand combat while emma said she wanted to learn dow arts and swordsmanship but unlike the other two maki chose to learn all that i did with the addition of multiple martial arts, with all of us choosing power fighting styles to learn the instructor simed to ask the patriarch to hire more instructors since the day after we chose over combat classes three grade 2 sorcerers came to teach the three girls with that settled time pasted as we started to train and the girls and i became closer. 

 {currant day} 

two day ago the training ended with that, the instructors with maki and myi left leaving only emma that went back to her composed self but in the end it was fun to spend time with them and gain these skills. 

[mediation lv 47/100:when meditating the speed of cured energy regaration increase by increases by 10% per level (curant increase of cured energy regeneration 470%)

[asura arts lv 7/100:the fusion of 6 or more combat arts, when holding a object considered a weapon in all of your hands attack power increases by 10X. grants the sub skill proficiency shear. (all learn combat arts will be assimilated into asura arts)

conditions to learn: 1must master 6 or more weapons to the level of basic

2:must have witnessed the process of reincarnation

3:must have a love for combat] 

[Cursed energy manipulation level 63/100] 

[Cursed energy detection basic level 46/100] 

[Cursed energy reinforcement basic level 35/100] 

looking at the skills i gained and the improvements i made physically since i now stood at 5'2 with an athletic build even though i was only 10 and even in my cursed energy i smiled as i closed my eyes and embraced the land that is sleep, with excitement in my heart for my birthday tomorrow. 

 (POV CHANGE nabiota) 

traditional japanese styled house one can see nabiota talking to the instructor talking to the instructor that trained mark. after sipping his tea nabiota spoke. 

nabioto''so what do you think about him'' 

With a sigh the instructor answered 

instructor'' he is incredibly talented in combat and cursed energy manipulation, during the time of our training while he was told to rest a few times I saw him practicing cursed energy manipulation. looking closely I could see it was on a level even about mine and frankly speaking sir it may even be above yours, though far some reason I can't see the limits of his cursed energy. I can tell from the way he's cursed energy moves that he definitely has a cursed energy trait, but I can't say for certain that is the reason why I can't see the depth of his cursed energy. but the main topic I want to talk about is his demon dogs, though I only saw it once or twice during my time as his instructor I could tell that they are definitely special grade which I am sure is not normal for any 10 Shadows user'' 

 hearing these nabioto started to laugh as he pulled out a id card with a picture of mark from his pocket and handed it to the instructor before spoke 

nabioto'' so what do you think does he meet the requirements after all i pulled a lot the strings to get this, so i'd like to know from a fellow grade one sorcerer and long time friend should I give him now or is it to early'' 

after hearing this the instructor looking at the card that nabioto gave him grinded before he spoke 

instructor'' I don't disagree with this action but if you do this I will not back naoya patriarch but Mark since it will the more logical choice for the betterment of the zennin family, and I am sure that many of the others will do the same after realizing marks talen, so the true question is if you are okay with your son lose his lead spot as patriarch candidate of the clan'' 

after thinking for a few moments nabioto let out a sigh 

nabioto''if naoya cant keep up with a child then he does not deserve the wright to be the petrarch'' 

after saying this the instructor nodded before nabioto disappeared and reappeared with two bottle of scotch as the instructor puled out 2 cups from what seemed like the air. 

 (pov change mark) 

next day 

getting up from my bed i was greeted by system notifications 

[you have survived till the age of ten you have received: 

ID create skill max 

ID escape skill max 

perk system unlocked 

one skill rank up card(?????? rank)] 

after receiving my rewards i checked all of there description excluding the new system since information regarding it was sent to my brain 

[ID create max: allows the user to create instant dungeons to level up and grow, time ratio can be changed with max being 1000:1, each dungeon has a easy;normal;hard and nightmare mode upon defeating the boos of each mode for the first time extra rewards will be given based on the mode, previous mode must be defeated to challenge the next] 


[ID escape max:allows the user to destroy dungeons that they create, when in danger or fighting regular enemies or bosses the skill cannot be used]

[skill rank up card (??? rank):allows the user to increase the rank of any skill under the grandmaster rank to the same level of a rank above] 

looking at the rewards i received a system notifications 

[ your luck have surpassed 100 you have received the perk lucky encounter minor] 

[lucky encounter minor:increases the chance of having lucky encounters and uncovering treasures a little] 

after looking at the all that i received i decided to take a look at my stats 

[NAME: mark zennin

Age: 10

Level: 1

Class 1 : gamer

Cursed technique : gamer

Cp: 530

Hp : 260


Strength : 63

Defense :47

Agility : 57




Free stats : 10 


lucky encounter minor 


observe: level 21/100 

Cursed energy manipulation level: 63/100

Cursed energy detection basic: level 46/100

Cursed energy reinforcement basic: level 35/100 

Gamers mind: lv max

???????????:lv max

Minor luck boost : lv max 

meditation:level 47(10% per level)

Ten shadows technique: level 1/100] 

while looking at my stats i started to wander how long it would take me to be considerded a special grade wile doing so i heared knocking on the door knowimg it is mostlikly emma with a birthday cake sent from the pariach i got of my bed and went to the door. 

upon opening the door emma took a slight bow befor giving a small thin case and saying congratulations before leaving. 

wondering what had just transpired i opened the case to see that a id card with my picture onit and under the pictur {SPECIAL GRADE} was written looking at this may things croosed my mined but only one thin i coulud say. 

''this feels a little to easy" 

after saying this i looked at the card before going back to my room and locking my door after doing so i put the id card on my bed before.using ID create upon doing so only one dungeon was shown. 

[basic undead dungeon 


do you wish to enter 

{YES} {NO}] 

without a hint of hesitation i clicked yes 


what do you think about the new way that i put dialog comment ok 

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