
JJK: Ascent Of A Demonic God

this is my first time writing so there might be mega plot holes as the story goes on and I’m just winging it as I write (Au Worlds). EVERYTHING IN THIS FICTION IS FICTIONAL SUCH AS CITIES COUNTRYS PEOPLE ETC AND ARE NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY! I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING EXCEPT FOR MY OCS

AdolfVeinSilver · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 (Unedited)

In the forest of unending titans a military operation is currently going on

"ARE YOU SCARED I KNOW YOUR SCARED HELL EVEN IM SCARED BUT THIS IS FOR YOUR FAMILIES THE INNOCENT CHILDREN AND THE COUNTRY!!" A majestic man wearing military attire said with vigor courage and confidence

'Sigh Captain John is making this shit sound so good and cool meanwhile were all just fucking sacrifices to satisfy the hunger of the titans so they can stay in this forest' a man of what looks like 18 years of age with a above average face in a military outfit thought

He then looks around to see his 'comrades' with a face full of confidence pride and courage

Well you wanna know how I know that we're all just sacrifices instead of brave soldiers fighting for our country well I'm a reincarnator and this world was a anime and comic in my past life and this was a flashback showing how the protagonists father died

'I just wish I had a cheat or something I don't wanna die I only came to this world a week ago and then I got thrown into this fuck fest because I was in the way in front of a fucking young master' the man thought

"Hey little Cain why do you look so down cheer up we're going to fight and suppress the giants so that everybody can sleep in peace" a tough bald muscular man that has a face that can make children cry said

"It's nothing I just hope I can return safely an-" the man now known as Cain said before he was interrupted by a ding

"W-What was that" Cain said surprised

"What are you talking about Cain boy are you hallucinating" the tough bald muscular man said

Cain was about to speak but in the corner of his eye he saw a holographic screen

[Hello Host I Am The Gamer System]

"What are you the one who brought me here" Cain said in a questioning tone

[Yes I Am The One Who brought You Here]

"Then where were you at the beginning when I was about to die at the hands of the young masters guards" he said in a cold and questioning tone

[Dont worry host we are soul bound so if you die I die with you and to answer your question I was sleeping because of insufficient energy because of bringing you here]

"Hmm I'm going to believe you for now but do I have a gift package"

[yes you do here you get gamers mind gamers body and max level disguise]

"Okay I hope this is enough to escape back to the country" he says as he finally gains a little confidence to survive and maybe become a strongman


On the top of a tree there is a titan looking into the distance where he sees an army

"Ah fucking finally they came i was getting impatient" our protagonist the titan said

'well this just confirms that I made the correct choice this is that world and this also confirms the timeline and I can also get the power to transform back into my human form and get the ability to change between races' he thought

"Now let the games begin" he said as he donned a bloodthirsty grin


In the middle of the void there's a being so gigantic that nobody would be able to discern it's race with unimaginable power emanating from it suddenly opens it's eyes and speaks

"Oh they're finally starting the attack on my past self this will be fun" he said intrigued at first then he donned the same bloodthirsty smile that the titan displayed

"Reiner Haven you devil you shall not be able to ascend you have done too many evil deeds" a being who displayed the same level of power as the gigantic being with an uncountable number of wings on their back with female features said

"Ah come on don't sound all high and mighty you fucking hypocrite" the gigantic being now known as Reiner haven said

'Ah it's finally happening everything is in place now I just need little me to perform well and it's time'

The heavenly being attacks starting a battle that last what feels like a eternity

But that's a story for another time