
JJK: Ascent Of A Demonic God

this is my first time writing so there might be mega plot holes as the story goes on and I’m just winging it as I write (Au Worlds). EVERYTHING IN THIS FICTION IS FICTIONAL SUCH AS CITIES COUNTRYS PEOPLE ETC AND ARE NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY! I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING EXCEPT FOR MY OCS

AdolfVeinSilver · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

In the middle of a forest, there appears a hole in space with a color of unexplainable origin, and out of the hole, a boy of about 15 years of age with a somewhat hunched back, tanned skin, a chubby belly, and black hair, along with a below-average face, drops onto the ground.

"O-Ouch, where am I? I was just in my room playing the new 'Get a Harem of Femboys 3000,' and now I'm in a forest. That doesn't make sense," the boy said in a loud and questioning voice before realizing something.

"Wait, I was mysteriously transported to a forest. Is this a different world? Maybe an anime world? Hehehehe, anime girls and femboys wait for this protagonist to-"

Before the boy could finish his obnoxious statements, a titan of a creature appeared and grabbed him.


But the boy's pleas were for naught as the titan ate him.

After the titan ate him, everything came to a halt as time stopped. There was a sound.


As the words abruptly appeared, time seemed to stop, and then everything started to rewind until it stopped when the boy first appeared.

"Wait, wait, how am I still alive? Wasn't I eaten?" he spoke in fear while looking around. He finally found something: a hologram that said, "Temporal time save. But I didn't save anything. How did it go back? Never mind, at least I'm still alive, and I got a cheat."

He said and then got a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Ha! That fucking titan, I'm going to rip your head off your body! HAHAHAHA!"

While he was laughing, there were loud, earth-shaking footsteps approaching him. He turned around to see the titan right behind him, just staring at him.

"No, no, please, please don't-"

His words were cut short as the titan ate him.


Time rewound again.


His words were cut short as the titan ate him again. This would continue happening for days, but no matter what he did - running, digging into the ground, climbing the trees, or fighting back - it was all for naught. Until he finally snapped.

"Why, why must I suffer this pain again and again? Why must I be the only one who suffers this pain? It's unfair. Everything should feel this pain instead of only me. Since I felt so much pain, I should share it."

He said as his face morphed into that of pure evil. If one were to look at his face at this moment, they would shit themselves and run away in fear. But this state didn't last long before his face changed to pure calmness, a calmness that seemed etched onto his face.

"But ultimately, everything stems up to my weakness. If I weren't weak I wouldn't have been eaten and died so many times, so I shall become the strongest, the strongest in the multiverse, the strongest to ever exist!."

As he said that, the titan appeared and reached out to grab him. But before it could grab him, he dodged and ran to a tree, climbing up so the giant couldn't get him.

"Hmm, let's see. The only way I could see out of this is either I run or I kill the titan. While neither plan is good, they are the only things I can come up with with my limited IQ and knowledge."

He then looked down and surprisingly jumped on the titan's right shoulder. He then said, "Hey there, buddy. You know, you kept eating me, so I should return the favor, right?"

He then started biting the flesh of the titan and swallowed it. As he did that, a screen popped up.

[Titan Race Unlocked. Does Player Transform?]

"W-What the fuck? I thought it only had the ability to return by death. Well, it seems I thought too simply. I will have to look for more functions later. And yes, transform."

As he was talking, the titan swung his hand to his shoulder in an attempt to kill him. But before it could, he transformed, crushing the titan in the process.

He walked over to the titan, who was regenerating, and said, "I can't believe I kept dying to you. It's embarrassing."

He then ate the titan, empowering him in the process.

"Ah, such power is intoxicating. But it seems I can't transform back into a human. No mind, to get power, sacrifices are inevitable. Though if the world I'm in is exactly as I think, then I can get back into a human form," he said. He started walking into the distance.


Is this the beginning of a demon god who reached the peak of the multiverse, or will he just become a loser who failed to reach his goals and become a stepping stone for others? Only time will tell.

this is my first time writing

AdolfVeinSilvercreators' thoughts