

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Episode 43

At that moment, Jihan was putting a sticker on Minseong's forehead.

When someone said who had the sense of the other world, a quiet idiot was the culprit.

[Yooyeon: Stop moving.]

[Jihan: ??? (confused)]

[Yooyeon: Put down the sticker and raise your hand.]

A criminal arrested on the spot. Jihan, who had his sticker taken away, tried to complain of injustice, but Yuyeon was strong.

[Yooyeon: Bro, stickers are prohibited.]

[Jihan: I won't put it on my forehead.]

Ji-han tries to appease once more. But even the seeds don't work. The cat lost everything and became helpless.

The rabbit and wolf that appeared in front of him started randomly putting stickers on the cat's face. Jihan has become a great sketchbook.

The scene changes.

-Whisper in my ear, then

shine a light my world shines

Jihan's rap part begins by moving from end to end of the route. A cameraman wearing a Steadicam was seen moving along with his movements.

The screen continues to briefly show the members' choreography and then switches again. Two people appeared standing in front of a cute toy house.

[Yooyeon: Welcome to Days' Doll House~]

[White Night: This is an elementary school in an English village. It is said that it is actually a place where young people study.]

[Yooyeon: Oh really? So there was a desk and a chair over there.]

Yeon-yeon pointed to the doll house and attempted a skit, saying that we would go inside in a moment.

Byakuya accepted it without notice.

[White Night: That's right. There's no one around right now, so I went outside for a moment.]

The sunfish was looking at the toy with curious eyes while answering. He slowly stretched out his hand.

Just before they reached, Yeon-yeon, who had been watching quietly from the side, surprised Baek-ya by tapping her arm.

[Yooyeon: Whoa!]

[Baekya: Smash!]

The hand was hastily withdrawn with a scream. Byakuya moved away from the prop. I realized it was a joke later, but the reality was that all I could do was glare.

The hamster threatened, biting its lower lip tightly. But the wild animal didn't even blink.

- Take me away.

Want me

You want me too

The chorus melody came out and the scene changed to group choreography again.

Baekya, standing in the center, was performing her part while looking at the camera. Baekya's voice could be heard clearly among the sound sources echoing throughout the filming set.

Baekya, who has difficulty lip-syncing, actually sang her own part throughout filming. So far, he has never once strayed from his voice.

- It's okay if I run out of breath.

Jimmy's house has been lowered to suit the members' eye level. Yulmu, standing in front of him, was lip-syncing her part and filming her personal cut.

The screen goes over.

Now the member standing in front of the camera is Minseong. The way he made gestures and facial expressions that matched the lyrics was quite professional.

The song continued without interruption.

The members' appearances briefly pass by one by one. Before you know it, you've passed the second verse refrain and reached the chord section of the vocal line.

- I am the knight who protects you

Don't be afraid, fall asleep in my arms

Just before the climax of White Night's high-pitched part, the music cut off and Cheong appeared.

[Cheong: This group dance is really great!]

[Yulmu: Especially the wave riding choreography in the intro is a work of art.]

[Cheong: Surfing~]

Jihan stands next to the two people who are talking, nodding.

[Cheong: Jihan, say something too!]

[Jihan: I will work hard.]

And as soon as the screen changed, the climax of the song occurred.

-I wa-aa-ant

Explosive power.

But the face is calm.

The corners of the mouth rise and the bridge of the nose wrinkles cutely every time the high note goes up one notch.

As Baek Ya finished with a cool expression and stood still while staring at the camera, applause erupted from the staff.

[White Night: Oh, no… . thank you!]

Baekya was embarrassed and bowed down, not knowing what to do.

The screen went dark for a moment.

In the brightened video again, there was Days who had changed his outfit.

The members gathered in the space that appeared as the living room in the music video. When Yulmu appeared wearing a shower gown, everyone made a fuss.

[Minseong: Hey~]

[Cheong: You! The clothes are too sexy!]

[Yulmu: What's so dirty about this?]

Yulmu approached Cheong and opened her shower gown like a barbarian man. Of course, Yulmu was wearing clothes under her gown, but the response was better than expected.

[Cheong: Argh!]

[Yulmu: Puhaha!]

Yulmu was happy when Cheong closed his eyes and screamed.

At that time, Jihan quietly approached him, opened his gown, and tightened the waist strap. It meant to shut up.

[Yulmu: Oooh! I feel like I'm going to throw up... .]

[Jihan: No. You are okay.]

The ENFP, with a slightly tired face, says he feels like his intestines are all tied up and ties the ribbon again. As the scene progressed, the song played again.

- My day ends with me dreaming of you.

With the last verse, the members were seen with their arms around each other's shoulders, and then it became completely dark.

The screen returns to the studio.

"Wow, I enjoyed it."

The younger members and members clapped their hands.

"How many days did you film?"

"Three days."

Jihan answered.

The younger man expressed his hard work and words of praise to Days, saying that he had worked very hard. He continued his progress.

"Is there an episode that wasn't shown in the video that you really want to share with your fans?"

As soon as the younger man finished speaking, one person's hand was raised.


It was Byakuya who regained his composure while the behind-the-scenes video aired.

"Actually, I didn't know, but when I raised the high notes, my hands also went up together."

"that's right. "You are."

Yuyeon pretended to understand Baek Ya's words.

"The director said it would be good if I kept my hands still, but since this is an unconscious behavior that I don't know, it doesn't work out as I wanted."

Baekya scratched his eyebrows as if embarrassed.

"So the members helped me a lot while filming."

At first, I tried tying my hands, and the members even held my hands outside of the camera angle.

"Baekya is small but really strong."

"I'm not small?"

A sunfish that gets excited at the moment.

"Okay. Sorry."

After a quick apology, Byakuya returned to the story and continued.

"But in the end it didn't work out."

The younger man who was listening lowered his head.

"I think I know what scene you're talking about."

He said that he remembered the endlessly rising high notes because they were impressive, and added teasingly.

"Both hands came out."

"Haha. "The director said it would be better to put both hands together as if praying."

However, Baek Ya was so nervous that he squeezed his hand too tightly.

"Every time I raised a note, it put a strain on my hands, so my fingertips turned red for a while."

"Is it because of the blood?"


When the younger person burst out laughing, saying it was such a cute episode, the members also laughed along.

"Didn't you even raise your hand for a moment to tell the blood that was collected to go down again?"

"huh. "You saw my palm then."

Baekya agreed to Yulmu's words.

"I would have stood out more because my skin was white. "There is one friend like that among our members."

The younger person picked up the cue card again with an appropriate ending. Now it was time to end the live broadcast.

"It's already been so long. How was everyone today?"

As the younger man looked at Days, leader Minseong spoke his thoughts first.

"It was our first time doing a reality show and our first time doing a live broadcast like this, but I think we were able to finish it without making any mistakes thanks to the good guidance from our senior. thank you."

Even though he was inactive, he was the first leader to take care of his senior who came to our aid every month.

"I am truly grateful."

Jihan responded by saying that it was an honor to be with him.

"How were others today?"

Yulmu made eye contact with the younger man and parted his lips.

"Yes, today was a lot of fun~ On the other hand, I'm so sad that the reality show is the last broadcast."

Yulmu clenches her fists and says she will work harder to film season 2.

Jihan also started his luck.

"Even though we only met through chat, it really felt like we were together for two hours."

Jihan passed the baton by saying thank you for giving your precious time for our Days. Next in the sitting composition was White Night's turn.

'It shouldn't end like this... !'

The sunfish's heart began to beat rapidly. It wasn't long until the end of the broadcast, but the mission was still in progress. It was a moment when a moment of repentance was needed.

Baekya, who had been biting his lip out of nervousness, opened his mouth.

"yes! "What are your thoughts?"

White Night was taking a break to think about it.

"uh… But weren't we just talking while the owner went to eat... ?"

The sunfish cast aggro.

White Night's comment that reminds those who have forgotten the concept of the day.

"I think I should go back to my seat since he'll be back soon… ."

- Oh, that's right, this was their doll concept, right?

- I forgot about it too haha.

- I have to go back to my seat before the owner comes... I'm really breaking my head.

- At this level, it might not be overly immersive, but it might be a real doll... Actually, the face doesn't make sense, does it?

- I am sincere about the concept of my white coat.

The members' reactions were no different from those of the fans.

"and… oh my god."

"You completely repack."

Yuyeon and Cheong gave a slow round of applause towards Baekya, saying that they respected her. The tips of Baekya's ears turned red at the members' praise.

"Aren't your ears popping?"

When Minseong tried to touch Baekya's ear, he quickly covered it and wedged it.

"Hey, you looked at it wrong... ! And how can a doll turn red?!"

The corners of my eyes rose slightly at the sarcastic line spoken while covering my ears with both hands.

"You bastard… "Are you really serious?"

Yulmu looked at Baekya with an moved face. I was recognized by someone who didn't want to be recognized.

Then a status window appears in front of you.

[<Concept Artisan of this Area (1)> Completed!]

[Level up! [Lv.9 → Lv.10]

[Quest reward is paid: 1 star point]

[Level-up reward is given: 1 star point]