

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Episode 36

The time is now, summer. It was probably around this time last year.

She went to the ID office building with her friend, who was a younger friend of AIM, and stayed in the seat next to her friend, complaining about taking pictures of idols when it was so hot.

There was no other reason. She was just fooled by the offer to buy chicken.

All he had to do was stand in front of a tripod with a camcorder while his friend took pictures.

Absolutely shit.

When I arrived at the scene, I saw quite a few people like me. He's similar to me in that he wanders around and can't concentrate.

They said they had created a K-POP street in Gangnam, but it happened to be in front of ID's headquarters, so it seemed like celebrities were there to promote it.

After a while, the front door opened and a younger man accompanied by a bodyguard appeared.

- Lecture!!!!

A fan's loud voice and shouts pouring out. Homma and reporters' flashes exploded like firecrackers everywhere.

"Wow, ears."

Still, she came this far, so she stuck her head out with the thought of taking a look at the famous AIM in person.

But is this really fate?

Like a salmon swimming up the river, a brown head caught my eye trying to run back through this crazy crowd.

"… … "What is he?"

"Now, just a moment. "Let me pass by, hehe!"

The moment when the sun of virtue that will never set in her life rises.

It was a white night phenomenon.

* * *

[Boy group "Summer King War" first runner is DASE, comeback showcase]

Comeback D-1.

In the late afternoon, Days' comeback showcase and press conference was held at a hotel in Samseong-dong.

Days appears with an introduction by the host. The members stood in the designated formation and greeted the leader's slogan.

As they asked each person to take turns introducing themselves, the microphone turned to Yulmu, who was standing at the edge.

"hello. "This is Days Yulmu."

Starting with a low pitched voice, Jihan, Baekya, Minseong, Yuyeon, and Cheong finished their greetings in that order.

Photo time follows immediately.

A shower of flash rain poured down on Sun Days as they gathered in the center, and then Minseong picked up the microphone as the host asked for introductions and thoughts on this first mini-album.

"For this mini album WANT ME, we tried to capture the diverse charms of our six Days members as much as possible."

He also added that he was very nervous as it was his first comeback after his debut, and in fact, he was still shaking. He added that he had worked hard to prepare, so he hoped people would enjoy it.

"Yes, thank you, Minseong. But the makeup now is very unique. "Can I ask what the concept is?"

Shiny stickers attached to the members' faces. Cheong answered this question.

"It's a doll concept. We just left the factory. "The fans can play with us now."

'… … Playing with it?'

I'm sure that wasn't the message the company wrote.

When Baekya was nervous, Yuyeon, who was next to him, gently pulled on his microphone and added an explanation.

"It meant that playing with dolls was the concept. "You will know what Cheong meant at midnight today."

"yes. Thank you both for your kind responses."

The moderator's questions continue.

"So, before introducing the song, how were the Days people doing? "Can I hear what you're up to?"

This time Jihan picked up the microphone.

"Thankfully, we got to film our first reality show. Thanks to this, I was able to build a lot of good times and memories with the members, and I think I mostly spent the rest of my time in the practice room."

Several reporters quickly typed with satisfied faces at the neat answer.

Next, when asked to introduce the song, the microphone was handed over to Baekya.

"This comeback's title song, WANT ME, is a pop dance song that mixes tropical house and hip-hop, and is an impressive song with an exciting and refreshing sound."

I did it without stuttering.

After finishing his prepared remarks without mistakes, Baekya took a short breath and lowered the microphone.

"Days is aiming for the summer king position this summer. So, who is the member who best suits this title song?"

Byakuya was taken aback by the host's impromptu question.

'Who should I hand the microphone over to? Or are you asking me?'

My mind was turning white, but Minseong took it for me and answered naturally.

"I can confidently say that it is midnight."

"Byakuya~ In what way?"

"First of all, pink hair suits you best. "The facial expressions and gestures when performing the chorus part are really refreshing."

At Minseong's answer, Baekya's face heated up as if it was about to explode.

Yulmu raises the microphone as if she has been waiting for the question of whether she can see the new remnant that will join Bitumul Heart.

"You can see the peach juice exploding on stage."

Cheong clapped his hands and nodded yes, and Jihan held back his laughter and patted Baekya's back.

The MC slowly moves on to the conclusion, saying that this is a confidence that he cannot help but look forward to.

"Well, I talked to the Days people. "I would like to hear about your future activity plans and aspirations."

At the last question, the members' eyes turn to Minseong. The leader's microphone is heard.

"yes. "We worked really hard to prepare our first mini-album WANT ME, so I hope you love it a lot."

Minseong says that starting with this activity, all plans are set until the end of this year.

"I think the <Play > activity was so hectic because it was my first time doing everything, but I expect that we will have more opportunities to see each other more often this time. I will do my best. Watch me."

The press conference that lasted about an hour ended with a group greeting from Days saying thank you.

[Days Showcase, 'Doll doll' returns with 6 people and 6 color dolls]

[Days White Night, peach juice expected to explode on stage]

[ID's best rookie ever is back!]

[Comeback Days "It will be an album that brings us closer to our fans"]

Articles with friendly titles poured in.

If you click on the article, you can see a photo of Days with the same clothes and hair. Occasionally, photos were posted showing members re-attaching stickers that had fallen off onto each other's faces.

- Oh, there are 4 crazy hours left.

- The sticker bastard is doing a good job^^ Yeah, keep falling like that!

- Is the juice crazy hahaha It's official now that it's a midnight peach.

- WANT ME music video pre-released at midnight, music released at 6 p.m., YouTube live at 8 p.m.

└ When midnight comes, I have to run from the official homepage.

- Are you surprised by it? You say that because we know how to play.

And midnight.

As soon as Days' music video was released, the official website changed.

* * *



The page is refreshed as soon as it turns to 0:00. Soon after midnight, the fans' behavior was divided into two groups.

First, Boksong from the music video group.

"Shit crazy."

The thumbnail shows them standing side by side, holding each other's hands and looking straight ahead, just like they did at the press conference. The curse came out without passing through my brain due to the fresh shock.

Meanwhile, another person is very excited for similar reasons. This time, it was the best of the home team.

"Aaaah! what's this?! crazy! Dog crazy! "It must have really turned!"

The game intro with a kitschy design is revealed when you press F5. A white hand-drawn lace on a bright yellow background surrounded the border of the screen.

[♥Days' Dressing Room♥]

The first thing that caught my eye was the cute sign, and mini-sized Days were stuck everywhere like stickers.

The closet in the middle, which has been there since the teaser, is wide open. The newly added button was activated at the bottom right.

When you hover the cursor over the game method, a pin is inserted into the heart-shaped needle holder and the mouse is hovered over.


Please coordinate your days beautifully♡

1. Select a member of your choice.

2. Decorate yourself beautifully using the prepared clothes, accessories, and hairstyle.

3. Share the saved image on social media with a simple outfit concept and hashtag (required).

#dayswearroom #WANTME

4. The winner will receive a CD autographed by Days.


▶ Start the game

There has never been an idol like this before. Is it just a concept, or is ID also serious about Days?

My plan to just check the changed homepage and watch the music video was canceled a long time ago. Babssang, who pressed the start game button, was once again impressed by the changed screen.

[Please select a member!]

Six picture frames hanging on a yellow background. It was an ID photo of Days with pink hair and a white t-shirt.

Babssang chose the midnight sun without any hesitation. Except for him, the other members' frames disappeared and 3D characters in basic clothes appeared on the screen.

White skin and round eyes. The character with pink hair looked exactly like Byakuya.

"Ugh. "You're so cute."

Babssang complained of heart pain due to the shocking cuteness.

After quickly scanning the UI, the first thing she did was click on the head-shaped icon. As soon as the icon is activated, hairstyles are spread across the wardrobe.

There were a variety of styles to choose from, including straight hair, permed hair, and comma hair.

A midnight sun character whose head shape changes when you press it. Our Baekya didn't have any hair that didn't suit her.

"This is pretty, that is pretty, but what should I do?"

It was clear that most fans who entered the dressing room were probably suffering from the same concerns.

After careful consideration, Babssam chose curly hair that slightly exposed her forehead.

Finally got to the next step. This time it was a costume.