
Jewelry of the Apocalypse

Many years ago, a catastrophic plague engulfed the world changing it forever. Society was built anew in its wake. George, a remnant of the old world with a passion for eating, ventures beyond the ruins of the past to uncover the mystery of the world’s collapse. Along his travels, George comes across a pair of mercenaries, Blaire and Rupert. The opportunist and their counterpart the big muscle. Together they uncover the dirty secrets of cults and kings alike. All the while, a mysterious shadow lurks behind our heroes. Just who is K.M.? Why is George hearing voices? What is the true power of the Heart of Evolution? Will George ever find meat in a can?

Hotsauce_Bacon · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 14 [DED ED II]

It wasn't that hard to find the place he had seen. There were enough signs in the vision that he had so that he could track it down.

"Damn, can't believe it took me an hour to find this pile of shit…" George sighed as he stood in front of it.

The mismatched plating on the door seemed half-hazardly put together. The way the metal curled and bent looked akin to a metalsmith novice's first demonstration. The welding was clumped and messy. George could feel the roughness of it just by looking at it.

And yet George reached out his hand anyway. The metal itself was quite smooth, which meant that it hadn't been made recently.

You'd think that whoever lived here would do a better job...

Momentarily forgetting the extension of his nails, George ran his hands over the painted section of the door, a screech resonated from where the door connected with his nails.

George recoiled in pain at the sudden noise. Quickly he covered his ears with his palms but the damage was already done. The door's screech crawled into George's eardrum like an angry centipede, scratching and biting at the inside of his ears.

Teeth clenched, he stumbled backward. The dirt beneath him swirled around his feet as they kicked into the air. He could barely hear himself think as he screamed.

"Fuck! why is everything so loud?!" he asked slowly removed his hands from his ears. I still have no idea what's happening to me, but it seems that my ears are more sensitive because of it... George looked back at his hands. The nails now sported cracks and the hair on his hands moved less fluidly. I guess there's a time limit or something. I should be more careful then...

George faced the door once more. "Let's try this one more time..." He felt his conviction flow through him as a stepped forward only to be stopped. Where the metal door once stood, steadfast and unmoving, a tall menacing figure impeded his path instead.

Wait...why is everything dark? what the hell? why did I..... close my eyes?

Even though he couldn't see the figure, George knew that they were staring at him. He could tell that they were an animal of some kind. Bear? Lion? He wasn't sure. The smell of beef confused him until a single word came his lips. Frankly he wasn't even aware that he had said anything.

"Rupert, is that you?"

Chapter 14 [DED ED II] end.