
Jester from Abyss

--------------------------------- A Demon, Monster, he goes by many names with many faces. But one thing is common which is a wicked smile etched into all faces. He could be your friend, your enemy, someone you never know, but these are just tools for him to exploit you. "Tell me a joke and you might just survive" says an ominous voice. "Time's up, now you die" Follow the journey of James as he unfolds chaos. (the image used is not my own creation but of Riot games) ---------------------------------

Bru_Blue_DoDo · Others
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8 Chs



In a secluded castle, one unknown being is seen smashing things on his table. The being has big horns and armour made of unknown materials with the addition of bones of different types embedded to make them either menacing or for protection, still being a mystery.

In front of him are four beings, three demons and one monster. All four are kneeling and shivering due to the raw demonic energy radiating from the being. Suddenly like the sound of thunder three words are uttered, causing panic in everyone.

"Prepare for War"

[Unknown POV]

'Damn you Oria, I should have wiped off your territory. Perhaps I have been too leninent and that caused this huge loss.'

'I was this close to completing the ritual !

I would have finally become a Demon lord. But as they say ambition killed the Dodo, I was backstabbed by my own general.'

He accepted being seduced by Oria and wanted to make ammends but as if I will allow that.

I disassembled his body, gave him a painful slow death and used his bones to 'upgrade' my armour.

His whole species I wiped from my territory and I will destroy them wherever I find them.

'The worst of all?

Now I'm stuck with this stupid map function which is only helpful as a type of radar. No spacial space, no strength boost, no contract with the elder devil.'

Even thinking about my losses, I start fuming with rage.

'You will see my wrath Oria'

I look forward and think about a map. A new panel opens in front of me with me being marked with a big red dot. My followers are also marked with red while unknown territory is in a white fog. I zoom out using my figers and notice the pink dot and small dots present a good miles ahead of my territory.

'Since she is still in her territory, I will wipe them out together'.

With a great amount of rage I start walking ahead while putting on my battle helmet.

"Prepare for War"

"We are goint to conquer Oria's territory today"

With trembling bodies, my generals stand up and start to gather the troops.

A huge army is gathered in front of me, made up of mid to low ranks. These are all the demons and monsters who belong to my territory. Most of them serve me, while others are prizes from old wars. Some are forced to accept my terms and their lives are also in my hands.

"Today, we will claim Oria's territory. She has plagued this territory with her puny presence and I will follow her example kindly, by razing down everything she built. You all are free to devour and collect their souls."

Like the words of encouragement they are, loud shouts and screams come out of the large crowd. War means a chance at ranking up for these low ranks. And I for one have a knack for those who become successful at finally ranking up.

My generals come forward and face the armies.

"For EROTH!!"

This causes a loud wave of my name to spread throughout my territory.

'For I Eroth will utterly destroy my enemies, wherever I find them.'

And so the battle commences, with the cannon fodder fighting at front while the mid ranks rampage in between. Almost all the high rank generals are fighting in the sky. Only one is seen overseeing the fights and using AOE spells to cause massive destruction to Oria's territory.

Suddenly the ground becomes unstable and from Oria's territory one of the high rank demons is seen using spells. This now becomes a battle of mages where both spam spells, both defensive and offensive. They don't actually care about the cannon fodder as Many of their spells hit them 'accidentally'. They are quick to eat any souls they get their hands on. A light snack of a kind in this exhausting War.

Far away inside the Castle of Oria, something totally different is taking place. Oria is sitting on her throne unfazed while Eroth comes in front of her. His demonic pressure being immense causing the walls of the castle to tremble. Even the throne is shaking, yet there is only a hint of smile in Oria's face.

"I didn't think Eroth would get mad about some stupid assasinations. Or is it that the timing was bad for it? Perhaps you were weak due to being in labour?"

[Eroth's POV]

'This B*tch, she is mocking me in my face.'

"Your death has come Oria, tell me the reason why you attacked me?

We have been neighbours for more than 2 years, I even helped you once in destroying your enemy 'Thrall'."

"Abyss is no place for weakness Eroth, For I also won my fair share of wars in order to become a Pseudo Rank.

And as for my reason?

Who knows?

Maybe it was for fun or maybe someone told me about your little plans"

She says this with a twisted wicked smile.

'Damn it! She planned all this!

Who is helping her?'

With Swift steps, I sprint in front of her. Finally I see her shocked face and yeah I'm gonna lay waste to her whole being.

I grab her neck and slowly increase my grip. I can see her becoming breathless as she tries to free herself but I can't let her go now, how could I? With each passing second, my grip tightens and now I can even hear her bones rattling due to the immense pressure.

Suddenly she stops struggling and smiles at me.

'I have a bad feeling about this.'

"One caught, one more to hunt"

With these words a weird sight is seen as the head, hands and legs of Oria twist into a weird shape. Her claws break off and her skin becomes black. Her eyes pop out of her sockets and now are hollow.

With swift action I throw her away.

"What have you done to yourself Oria?"

"Oh dear I'm not Oria, I am so much more than you could fathom."

"Accept Quest"

With these words she jumps towards me and I also sprint towards her.


Hopefully this gives some background info on the origins of the panel and why James never got a system or such.

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