
Jester from Abyss

--------------------------------- A Demon, Monster, he goes by many names with many faces. But one thing is common which is a wicked smile etched into all faces. He could be your friend, your enemy, someone you never know, but these are just tools for him to exploit you. "Tell me a joke and you might just survive" says an ominous voice. "Time's up, now you die" Follow the journey of James as he unfolds chaos. (the image used is not my own creation but of Riot games) ---------------------------------

Bru_Blue_DoDo · Others
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8 Chs



James runs far away from Oria's territory, with an exhausted body and cuts all over him. Despite of no creature in his sight, he looks a bit paranoid with darting eyes searching everywhere. It is like he expects an ambush but is unable to understand why there isn't one yet. The other 7 demons he sensed before are nowhere to be seen now.

[James POV]

'Where are they? Why can't I sense them now? It's as if their whole being was erased from existence suddenly or they were able to use stealth like me.'

'I have come so far away, yet I can still feel strong fluctuations from her territory. A fight for territory might have happened because although rare, demons are very greedy for things.

Their greed also knows no bounds as some can form greed because of materialistic things like wealth, food, territory, and even an army of imps or monsters while others can form addiction due to consumption of souls and the flesh of humans.'

I see a cave nearby and dash towards it to finally have some rest. I hear something moving from the right corner of the cave. I look at that place, only to see a whole group of centipedes walking over the skull of a small creature. The bones seem to be of an infant demon and from the missing bones and broken jaw I am sure it was a gruesome fight.

"Finally some snacks to pass the time."

I walk towards them while picking them up from the tail and gulping with a happy stomach craving for more.


a transparent screen comes into my view.


Level: 7

Exp: 100/6500

Name: James

Race: ????Devil

Class: (+)

HP: 56/75

MP: 260/450

Str: 26

Dex: 31

Int: 34

Wis: 29

Inventory: (+)

Skills: (+)

Spells: (+)

Bloodline: (+)


'Finally the class option is available but what is this bloodline?'

As if answering my answers two new panels open in front of me.



• Guardian

• Mage

• Berserker

• Anti-Mage

• Mutant

Class allows the user to increase the proficiency of class specific skills and gain unique abilities related to the selected class.

The amount of stats distribution is also altered to better suit the preferred class and bloodline type.

After enough levels the user can choose a different class or merge the classes to create a versatile class.



• Frost Demon (60% compatible with race)

• Fire Demon (80% compatible with race)

• Illusion Demon (70% compatible with race)

• Chimera (0% compatible with race)

Bloodline is one of the main factors in determining the rank and potential of a demon.

Although a combination of bloodline is viable but can cause damage to the body or even destruction of bloodlines. Compatibility of bloodline and race is crucial, incompatible bloodlines cause the potential of the race to decrease. Compatible bloodlines can increase the overall power and unique traits are given due to varying bloodlines.


'So much information'

I look at the bloodline options and think about the options.

'Fire demons are totally sh*t, powerful in the abyss but are terrible at countering other demons and environments.'

'I don't want to become a battle maniac without a brain so the chimera option is a no-go.'

'Frost demons are by far the weakest, I can't help but remember the pathetic frost demon I fought in Oria's territory'

Without thinking more I select the option of "Illusion Demon".

'Hmm weird, why don't I feel anything?'

Damn it why did I jinx it,

Suddenly I feel throbbing pain in my head with severe itching in my eyes. I try to stay conscious only to see my body twisting in weird forms and angles. The pain becomes unbearable and I fall unconscious.

'And darkness, complete darkness and what do I see there? light? A flying demon? But why is his head and limbs twisted?'

The being is standing straight but his head is twisted and not visible. I try to follow, only to notice that I don't have a body.

Something snaps and I see in horror that the being is no longer in front of me. Something comes in my view and no it's not darkness.

A twisted head comes into my view talking in a weird voice.

"Hey…Hey….I found something."

"Want some candy?"

Surprised I stare at his pupilless eyes and mangle head.

"They are looking for you"

With this creepy message, he twists and disappears from my view.

'What kind of creature did I awaken?'

I try to look nearby and gradually I gain my sense of touch back. Something comes into the palm of my hand and I try to push it away only to hear a *snap.

Finally, I gain my eyesight and watch the surroundings in amusement.

'Everything is so defined and clear, I can even see minor details and intricate designs of these centipedes.'

I look at the wall and notice a fully broken skull with its lower jaw missing. My hand is holding the half-broken jaw.

'I feel powerful, clear-headed, and a bit hungry?'

Looking at the pile of centipedes I cannot help but smile.

"Thank you for the meal"

While munching on my snacks I open the Status panel.


Level: 7

Exp: 100/6500

Name: James

Race: ????Devil

Bloodline: Illusion Demon

Class: (+)

HP: 120/120

MP: 5/500

Str: 30

Dex: 45

Int: 50

Wis: 38

Inventory: (+)

Skills: (+)

Spells: (+)

[Caution: refrain from using Mana until full recovery]


The class Options seem to have changed as now only Mage, Anti mage and mutant options are there with the Apostle (Hidden) option available.

I try to select the anti-mage but a red screen comes in my view.

[Low compatibility with the Race and Bloodline, Advised to select the hidden class Apostle]

'It seems like I don't get to choose.'

A description comes into my view and I am now intrigued.

"Select Class: Apostle"


Who is the creature? What happened in Oria's territory?

Stay tuned to find answers.

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