

Back state side, Jericho sits in his hideout as studies the pictures and information on Railer as well as Hakim. He finds where the military base is located and the headquarters for Hakim and discovers what is about to happen. At nightfall, Jericho makes his way to a toy warehouse where illegal weapons are also being stored to be shipped and traded. With very few guards, Jericho is able to move around without being noticed until he is forced to knock one out, drag him away and steal his ID card to gain entry inside. Once there, he enters one of the storage rooms and begins to ransack it, stealing assault rifles, submachine guns, handguns, grenades, tracking rocket launchers, C4s and other firepower he will need for his mission along with plenty of ammo. He later returns back to his hideout with the weapons having used a moving truck to transport them.

Back in Afghanistan, the platoon has stopped for the night to rest. Ameyo Jurgo and Shaun Jasper have been tasked with keeping watch. 


Cpl. Ameyo Jurgo: I don't like this. Being out in the open. I mean, here we are with our pants down and asses hanging out. 


Private 1st Class Shaun Jasper: This is what we signed up for, corporal. 


Cpl. Ameyo Jurgo: We didn't sign up to be stranded in some Middle Eastern dessert, private. 

Down below, Brody looks at a picture he has kept of him and Michelle they took the night he proposed and smiles.


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: Keep your head up, staff sergeant. 


Brody Kelly: We've only been engaged for two days, lieutenant. I promised her I would make it back to her.


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: And you will, Brody. I make that promise to you. My wife, she's pregnant with our second child. A boy. Due at any time now. 


Brody Kelly: Seems like we both we need to keep our promises, Franks.


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: As soon as we can hitch a ride out of this God forsaken place.

The two men stop a moment when they start to hear what sounds like a helicopter. Soon, everyone else hears it.


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: Talk to me, Jasper!


Private 1st Class Shaun Jasper: Hard to tell! Too dark.

Shaun puts on his night vision goggles and looks out to see two approaching helicopters.


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: One of ours?


Private 1st Class Shaun Jasper: Affirmative!

Just then, their radios work again, and the pilot calls in for them, which Franks responds.


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: Damn good to hear from you, eagle one. Pop a flare!

Jurgo shoots a flare into the sky, which is seen by Railer as a sinister smile comes across his face. The helicopters find the squad of soldiers and begin to lower a ladder down to them.


Pilot: Let's get these kids home.

Suddenly, a distant light is seen in the distance and at first, it's mistaken as a star, but it's too late as the light is a missile and heading right for them.

Pilot: Shit. INCOMING!

The missile strikes one of the helicopters and destroys it, killing everyone on board as it crashes to the ground in a fiery explosion while the second helicopter flies off and the pilot tries to discover where it came from, but it soon becomes under heavy fire, taking repeated blows by bullets! The pilot yells they are taking heavy fire and soon smoke comes out from the propellers and begins to spin out of control. The co-pilot and two gunners leap from the doomed aircraft as it too crashes to the ground. Franks and his team runs towards it to aid the wounded. Brody tends to the injured co-pilot while Franks, Guerrero and Lansing rush to the helicopter and the others tend to the two gunners. Collingsworth, Jenkins and Pecker keep their weapons trained on the surrounding areas while Railer has his eyes on the entire scene and finally gives the order to move in.