

At the Hakim headquarters, Railer arrives as the soldiers kneel to him as he walks past. Walking into the infirmary, he places his weapons on the table and informs the blacksmith they need sharpening and takes a new set of Sai twins. When the blacksmith tells Railer it will take some time to have them done, Railer does not take too kindly to this and impales him through the gut.


Railer: I don't like to be kept waiting, blacksmith. You, of all people, should know this. I told you if you defied me again, it would be your life, did I not?

Railer rips his weapon out as the blacksmith falls to the ground, dead. Railer orders for his body to be disposed of and he needs a new blacksmith, one that will listen and not talk back. Next, Railer goes to the data room and finds that they are making advances, but not as fast as he would like. His right-hand man, Saddiq al-Hasen, informs him that prepartions are being made to attack the base just outside the outskirts. Railer smiles to him while giving him an assuring pat on the shoulder, informing him that is why he keeps him around because he and Railer are alike. 

Back at the base, Brody and his platoon, under the command of Franks, all board the two helicopters and prepare to lift off as Eric tells Brody he hopes he's right about this and to get back safely. Brody nods to him as they both shake hands and lift off. They will fly a few miles off course to remain unspotted and land there, but it will be a walk to reach the headquarters. Scanning their surroundings, keeping their weapons drawn and their eyes peeled, the team moves forward while checking for any hidden explosives or trip wires. They keep the chatter low and the comms quiet as they scan the area with their night vision goggles. They spot no sign of movement from anywhere and everything seems way too quiet.


Brody Kelly: I got nothing on detection. It's dead out here, dude.


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: Keep the chatter low, staff sergeant. They know we're coming and likely know we are here.


Cpl. Kevin Pecker: This is fucking fishy, man. 

The platoon keeps moving south towards the headquarters when Franks suddenly stops and holds his fist up to stop everyone. Franks points to his eyes and up at the mountain side. There, they spot at least four enemies keeping watch. Lance Corporal Tent moves up with his sniper rifle and lays flat on the ground as does everyone else. He lines up his shot with the wind and fires to take out two in a single shot. The other two look around when Tent fires a second round that kills them.


Lance Cpl. Aaron Tent: Tangos down.

2nd Lt. Adam Franks: Great fucking shooting, Tent.


Lance Cpl. Aaron Tent: I've got the power. 

Before they can move further, an explosion suddenly goes off and Franks instantly knows it was their ride out of there. He tries the pilot, but gets static, further proving his theory. 


Brody Kelly: Lieutenant, please don't tell me-


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: Yeah. 

Franks attempts to radio back to base, but again gets nothing except static. He tries again and still gets nothing. Looking at his platoon as they look at him for answers, but Franks just goes silent, knowing they are stranded behind enemy lines and no way of getting back.

Back at the base, General Morshower tries to get ahold of the platoon, but like Franks, all he gets is static. He becomes increasingly worried when their chopper suddenly disappears from the radar. 


General Morshower: Do we have any kind of contact Lieutenant Franks and his men?


U.S. Army Sargaent: We're trying everything we can, general. We can't seem to get any kind of communication.


General Morshower: Where the hell are you, Franks?

Franks rallies his platoon to inform them of the bad news but are not aware they are being watched by Railer from a faraway distance, looking through an advanced scope on his sniper rifle.


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: Listen, I don't know what happened back there, but one thing I do know is that we are not going to fucking die out here. There's a radio tower ten miles south of here. We have to get through here and keep moving. I know we are in the enemy's backyard; we will keep our heads down and our eyes peeled. I'm sure General Morshower is likely aware that we have not made any radio contact in the last ten minutes, so we have some flares, and we can use them to let them know where we are. Use your bullets and ammo wisely. We are very limited. Let's move, marines.