
Jaune Arc SI in the Multiverse (RWBY)

A person transmigrates into Jaune Arc and starts a new journey with Waifu Catalog. First Arc- RWBY World. If you like my work then please support me at- https://www.patreon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs



To say that he was surprised upon coming home and finding an unconscious Cinder Fall wrapped up like a gift package for him would be a huge understatement.

For a second he felt the urge to chastise the three girls who were grinning like a loon.

He knew that Cinder Fall was weaker than any one of them but that was no reason for them to go off and attack her without even informing him about it.

Then he realized how much that made him sound like a control freak.

Neo, Melanie, and Miltia were big girls who could defeat just about any agent Salem could send after them on their own. And despite his own feelings, he had trust in the fact that they'll be able to take care of themselves.

So, instead of chastising them for their action, he smiled and pulled them along with Pyrrha in a group hug.

"I don't know if I say this often enough. But I'm really glad that I have all of you in my life." He said.

He felt their arms tighten around him and felt Pyrrha and Neo's breasts burying his arms between them.

Well… Neo's breasts might be a tad bit too small to properly bury his arms within them but that didn't stop him from enjoying the feel of them around his arm or the smell of their perfume now that they were all so close to him.

Yes. This was perfect.

Then he remembered the life he had taken only yesterday and his mood plummeted once again.

He tugged at his girls and they broke the hug.

Pyrrha gave him a worried look, the twins looked a bit disappointed while Neo pouted at him before she gave him and a stink eye and stomped on his foot before she huffed and left the room.

He chuckled at her antics before he looked at the unconscious Cinder Fall in front of him.

Well… might as well get this over with.


"So you're telling me that you not only took down Cinder Fall. But that you also took out the White Fang grunts in the area, took out Roman Torchwick… and stole all of their dust." He said as he looked at the Storage Room which was absolutely filled to the brim with Dust.

Most of it was industrial-grade dust but the sheer quantity of it was baffling to him.

He stared at it for a long moment before he turned to the three girls "It seems like you've had a busy night."

The twins nodded in agreement while Neo puffed up her small chest.

Then his smile dimmed as he looked at Neo "And you captured Roman Torchwick and sent him to the prison in those Atlas ships?"

Neo frowned, a wave of sadness coming from her through the Shroud connection and she nodded.

"We told her about Salem." Miltia said "We informed her that Roman might be in danger once Salem finds out that Cinder is missing. She might even suspect him of betraying Cinder. But since he was captured in the raid as well, he won't be a suspect and will be able to remain unharmed."

Ahh… So in order to protect Roman from Salem, Neo betrayed him and sent him to prison in order to get Salem's attention on herself.

This… this was a bit too similar to the Sasuke-Itachi plot where one person betrays the other and hurts them badly in order to keep them safe.


He moved toward Neo and pulled the tiny girl in a hug.

Neo didn't protest against the hug and even leaned into his embrace.

They remained like that for a long moment before Neo finally separated from him.

He could see some tears forming in her eyes as she sniffed and glared at him.

Then she buried her fist in the stomach.

He coughed and fell on his knees. "What was that about?" he asked.

She continued to glare at him like this was something that he should already know. Then she huffed and walked away.

He hoped that this won't become a reoccurring theme between them.

But considering the fact that she had just betrayed her long-time friend, mentor, and partner, he could understand why she was in such a bad mood.

Plus, the punch might have hurt and he was sure that it did some internal damage to him but his aura healed all that within a few seconds.

He got up and dusted his knees before looking at Melanie and Miltia. "Do you two have any complaints as well?"

They shook their heads and he nodded.

"Very well. Because I have a mission for you two. And Neo if she's interested. Actually, take her with you on this mission as well. It'll take her mind off of Roman and give her a chance to mourn for him as well."

"What's the mission?" Miltia asked.

"It's simple really." He said "You're going after Raven Branwen and Vernal."

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