
Jaune Arc SI in the Multiverse (RWBY)

A person transmigrates into Jaune Arc and starts a new journey with Waifu Catalog. First Arc- RWBY World. If you like my work then please support me at- https://www.patreon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs




"This is horrible. Someone. Please kill me and put me out of my misery."

Only the sounds of giggling reached his ears. These heartless monsters.

"It's not that bad Jaune." Ruby said midst her giggles.

"Yeah, you simple-minded Brute. If you had taken my offer to teach you back then, then you wouldn't be in your current situation." Weiss said with a huff.

"Oh don't mind him, Weiss. He's just being overdramatic." Pyrrha said.

"You too Pyrrha. Now I've truly been abandoned." He moaned in imagined pain.

The sound of Ruby's giggles intensified and Pyrrha's chuckles and Weiss' subdued laughter joined in as well.

"You girls suck."

"Do we Jaune?" Pyrrha asked suggestively.

"Ew... Pyrrha! Ruby." Weiss said as pointed at the youngest member of their team.

"Oh sorry," Pyrrha said and she did sound genuinely apologetic as well.

It was their duty as a team to protect Ruby's innocence after all.

"What about me?" Ruby asked in confusion, not truly understanding the innuendo but then pouted as no one explained anything to her.

"You see Ruby." He said, "When a boy and a girl loooove each other sooo- oww." He was promptly hit with two pillows from both Weiss and Pyrrha. "I'm just kidding."

"You better be. I won't have you corrupting Ruby." Weiss said before she sniffed and went back to her work.

"The 1st term exam is still a few weeks away Jaune." Pyrrha said "And you're not that bad. I'm sure you'll pass them with ease."

He sighed. He knew that he'll pass those exams even with how far behind he was. But he was just so bored from all the studying that he felt like doing silly things like this to sustain himself.

"Maybe you can ask Velvet to teach you Jaune." Ruby said "She did offer to teach you if you have any problems. And she is our senior by one year."

Oh, poor innocent Ruby. You really don't know why Velvet offered to 'teach' me, do you?

Not that there was anything wrong with Velvet. He just didn't want to respond to her crush and give her false hope.

He didn't want to lead her on, not when he already had his hands full with four girls.

At that moment his Scroll buzzed and he discreetly took it out without making it obvious.

Weiss would start lecturing him if she found that he was using his scroll during their 'study time'.

He unlocked the screen and saw that he had received a message from Melanie.

He felt a smile form on his lips as he opened the message and saw five words written on it along with an attached image.

'Found a lair of Apathy'

Apathy were a type of Grimm that lived in Dark places.

From what little he knew, Apathy were both the strongest and the weakest Grimm out there.

Strongest because of their unique ability called 'Scream' which allows them to drain the will of their prey. Repeated attacks weaken a target to the point of falling asleep while in combat or even cause their deaths while unconscious.

The reason he called them the weakest Grimm was because without the ability to 'Scream', they were physically one of the weakest Grimm out there.

And thanks to his Soul and Mind Defense, their 'Screams' will probably not work on either him or his Shroud Bounded Waifus.

Which meant that those that pack of Apathy was going to be easy prey for him.

Once he gets there after his studies that his.

He typed a response in his Scroll, telling the two girls that he'll arrive there in an hour.

Melanie replied with a Thumbs up and he put the scroll back in his pocket, grateful that Weiss had not noticed his indiscretion.

He stared at the books in front of him and sighed before he thought about how much Melanie and Miltia had helped him in the past few weeks.

With their skills and enhanced strength, it hadn't taken them long to complete a few dangerous(for normal Hunters) missions and get their Hunter's license.

After that, they would go out to Hunt Grimm every day.

And whenever they ran across a Grimm that he had not yet killed, they would call for him and wait so that he could come and kill them, increasing his Progress Bar by a small percentage with each kill.

The Goliath he killed had given him +3% in the Progress Bar but the rest of the Grimm- Bringel, Creep, Deathstalker, Boarbatusk, Griffon, King Taijitu and Nevermore only gave him 2% each.

He also gained 2% for surviving two more months in Remnant and 5% for getting a New Weapon as well as 6% for capturing Melanie, Miltia and Neo.

He also got 2% for 'Kicking Roman's Ass' and 1% for Visiting 'Tukson's Book Trade' Shop, taking his progress bar to a total of 59%.

He turned toward Pyrrha nudged her with the Psychic connection given to him by the Shroud. She looked at him and he mouthed 'Melanie'.

She understood his meaning and gave a slight nod.

Pyrrha didn't need to do it but whenever the Twins called him to hunt down a Grimm, she would tag along with him.

She didn't need to as he and both the Twins were pretty strong. But he could understand her worry for him.

He might be strong but he was still the weakest member of their group, followed him the twins who were both slightly stronger than him and Neo who could defeat both the twins on her own.

And finally at the top of the food chain was Pyrrha who could defeat all four of them together on her own.

Yeah, all his girls might be at the 6th tier but there was a large gap between a weak and strong 6th tier.

A gap that grows even larger once you reach the 7th tier.

As he was now, he was at the top of the 5th tier.

In his Dragon Mecha form, he was at the 6th tier and at his full dragon form, he was probably at the high 6th tier or low 7th tier.

He nodded back at Pyrrha and went back to his studies, wondering how many points the Apathy would give him. Probably only 2% but he could always hope.

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