
Jaune Arc and the Fields of Valour

Jaune had never been a hero and yet he found himself in a situation that certainly a hero would find himself in. The universe had once again pushed him to the edge of his seat and this time he was to become a 'Walker'. An entity who walks through the Gates and the Fields of Valour exploiting its fruits. But before that... '06 : 23 : 59 : 59 Wave 1 : 0/100 Please survive the Trial Grounds to prove that you are worthy enough to inherit the title of the Walker. If you lose, you die.' ... This has got to be a joke... right? ------ Notes: 1. AU Universe, may have crossover in future. 2. Has elements from other anime. 3. OCC Jaune. 4. Harem. 5. Lemons... a.k.a Smut. (....maybe?) 6. A big fat disclaimer below. So don't sue me. DISCLAIMER! I do not own RWBY or ANY of its character or elements. What I own is my own plot, my own elements and my OCs. Thankyou. Enjoy Reading~~~

Kain_J_Demon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Vol. 1 – Reset | Ch. 5 - Fight


A sleepy Jaune was standing in the middle of the combat arena stifling his yawns as Glynda stood on a podium and looked at the class that was staring at Jaune with curiosity.

Ozpin was certain that Jaune had changed and from his behaviour that was certain that mentally he had. Glynda was now tasked to see if Jaune developed any skill to support his bravado or not.

Fixing her glasses she watched as Jaune casually spun his sword absentmindedly while stifling another yawn.


'This guy...' Taking a breath she addressed the class. "As Mr Arc has finally made his mind to become a model student I feel that we are obliged to give him a chance to prove himself."

'...This woman.' Jaune was dumbfounded.

"Any volunteers to test Mr Arc's new resolve?" Glynda asked and surely many hands shot up and the fastest among them was without a doubt, Cardin Winchester. Glynda ignored him and looked around. There are many willing to whoop Jaune's ass. Team CRDL, TEAM RWBY, Even Nora from his previous team had raised her hands enthusiastically.

Ren had closed his eyes as if meditating but he was skillfully ignoring the whole thing. Pyrrha Nikos, the woman herself had decided to ignore Jaune's existence and found the ceiling more interesting.

"Hmmm? Sizue Kawasaki from Team PRSN. Are you volunteering to be Mr Arc's opponent?" Glynda raised her eyebrows in surprise as a raven-haired beauty stood up and smiled sweetly in Jaune's direction.

"Yes, of course. I would like to see just whom I have replaced." Shizue smiled. Her words caught Jaune's attention who stopped yawning for once and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

'Replaced?... Oh?!' Jaune hummed to himself in understanding as Shizue gracefully entered the Combat Arena. Shizue is a beautiful woman with oriental features, silky raven hair tied into a high ponytail, a princess-like beautiful face with seductive violet eyes and red lips. She has a buxom body which she hides behind a modified black kimono with red accents, combat tights and black boots.

"Yes, as you may have assumed. I am Shizue Kawasaki, your replacement and the new leader of Team JNPR now named Team PRSN." Shizue smiled bowing lightly before retrieving her katana. "I want to see just what kind of person I am replacing."

(A/N: It's spelt Pristine. Also, Shizue is based on Akeno Himejima from DxD. My fav waifu.)

"Not a great one lady." Jaune shrugged twirling his sword while stifling another yawn. "So if you had any kind of expectations please allow me to squash them ahead of time."

"Well, I will allow your actions to do the same." Shizue smiled as she took a stance. "And I'm pretty sure I won't be disappointed."

'Damn... Another troublesome woman.' Jaune complained in his head but his expression morphed into a smirk which was mirrored by Shizue.

"Both combatants ready?... Fight!"

That was all the cue Shizue needed and in an instant, she had crossed the gap between her and Jaune.

Her admission into beacon was very late and she was afraid that they wouldn't let her in but to her pleasant surprise, some runt had been exposed for cheating his way in and had been suspended. So after a day or two as a new student she was assigned to the estranged Team JNPR as their new leader and was personally tasked with bringing the team together by Ozpin which was easy for because of her charming nature and it helped that Pyrrha, Nora and Ren were good people too. They were just a bit distraught.

She was rather interested in this Jaune character. From what she had heard he wasn't a great guy. A clumsy boy and a half baked warrior and apparently, a fraud too. There were all sorts of biases against him but she never got to meet him since after he was made a single man cell he had never attended a class except for that one which she had missed.

Today earlier when she laid her eyes on Jaune for the first time she was pleasantly surprised by what greeted her.

A tall, blonde man with a chiselled face was covered by his messy bangs. Cold sapphire eyes seemed to gleam with baffling disinterest. The way he was dressed and the way he carried himself. His disposition to everyone and everything around him spoke volumes about him.

This wasn't just a rude runt running his mouth, but a man who had known himself well and is aware of his worth more than anyone else.

There was more to him than what meets the eye.


"I was right." Shizue smiled as Jaune casually raised his sword and blocked her strike.


"To be able to block a strike from a Kawasaki. You need a considerable amount of strength and more if it's I, Shizue Kawasaki. The heir of Kawasaki clan." Shizue smirked. "Aren't you hiding something Arc-san?"

"What are you talking about?" Jaune smiled disarming but his actions said otherwise. Shizue was forced to adjust her footing as with a flick of his wrist Jaune had deflected her strike and even pushed her back with enough strength to catch her off-guard.

Glynda's eyes widened as Jaune twirled his sword skillfully and crouched low before dashing towards Shizue in a maddened manner. The speed at which he was rushing wasn't something the old Jaune would be capable of. He slashed at Shizue which forced her to duck down and even roll sideways as Jaune's punch connected the land on which she was standing and created a small crater.

"What the?!"

"Is this Jaune?!"

"Holy Shit! What is happening?!"

"Jaune..." Pyrrha muttered in shock which was mirrored by almost everyone. The speed, the strength, this wasn't the Jaune she knew. She had heard from Ruby how they had found Jaune in the emerald forest and how much he had changed. Not just his demeanour but even his skills. The fact that he had caught Ozpin off-guard spoke volumes of his new gained skill. But she had refused to believe it. Jaune had deceived them all before, unless she saw it she wouldn't believe it. But now there was no denying it.

"You need to up your game a bit if you want to touch me Arc-san." Shizue grinned as she got to her speed. "Or is that the extent of your skill?"

Jaune just smiled with a quick burst he was in front of her hacking at Shizue who was matching every blow for blow while grinning like a maniac.

"Is this enough?" Jaune asked grinning like a loon as he clashed his sword with Shizue's katana. Shizue had a matching grin and easily blocked his attacks.

"Aa-ah! I think you can do better than this Jauney-boy." Shizue grinned mockingly trying to rile Jaune up who just chuckled mirthlessly.

"Please lady, I don't want to hurt you," Jaune said which caused Shizue to lose all of her humour and narrow her eyes. She may be fun and easygoing at times but she hated it when people especially men looked down on her.

"Oh? It seems I will have to be the one to do it to you then." She said grimly.

"Hmm?" Jaune raised his eyebrows.

"Discharge!" Jaune was forced to retreat a Shizue discharged a huge amount of lightning.

He raised his sword to defend against an overhead strike but felt his hand become numb as Shizue had laced her katana with lightning which paralysed his hand.

Jumping backwards to avoid a hail of lightning Jaune landed with practised ease and surged his arm with aura cancelling the paralysing effect. Gripping the sword, he took a step back and braced himself as not even a moment later Shizue was in his face trying to smite him and she was relentless as she chained multiple combos putting Jaune on defence for a brief moment.

"What got you so hyped? Why the hostility?" Jaune asked unable to understand why she was being so aggressive.

"Ufufu. I don't need a reason to smite a person like you. Just be a good boy and lay down for me." Shizue kicked Jaune in the abdomen kicking him back before raising her hands and directing large amounts of lighting towards him which connected and created an explosion.

"Ms Kawasaki! That was too much!" Glynda stood up and shouted in worry.

Shizue too realised what she had done as she began to panic.

"No-I... Oh my go-"

The panic came to a halt as the dust settled down and Jaune emerged from it. His hair was blown back exposing his face morphed into an indifferent look but the irritation in his eyes was evident as looked down to his bleeding right arm.

He had managed to deflect the attack but his arm had almost been burnt in the process. Looking at his bleeding arm he was once again made aware that while he may have gotten powerful he wasn't invincible.

"At least not yet." Jaune muttered before closing his eyes. 'It is time to put my skills into work.'

Breathing in he began pumping mana.

'Rune Magic : Restore.' Jaune chanted as a golden glow engulfed his body and in an instant, he had been seemingly healed to prime condition.

While the chant may have been simple and the consumption was meagre but the effort that Jaune put into creating this spell was enormous. Jaune had to create a log, a programme for this spell. He had to learn the runes, the codes, the affinity, the aspects and then structure the runes perfectly for the spell to work without a hitch.

Restore worked on simple logic. Jaune targets his damaged body in the present and then target a time in past where his body had been in an optimal condition which in turn not only heals his wound but also cancels any ill effects and restores his depleted reserves.

(A/N: I know I came up with this... But its OP man)

The optimal condition had been predetermined when he constructed the spell. It was a lot of work but Jaune was glad it had paid off.

Shizue was shocked to see this development not only had his wounds been healed but his Aura had also been replenished somehow.

"You hurt me. Well done... I guess I will have to repay the favour now." Cracking his neck Jaune smiled coldly while dropping his school blazer off. 'Body Enhancement : Boost.'

Flicking his hand he launched his sword in Shizue's direction as a projectile. Shizue hastily raised her katana to deflect the sword upwards. Jaune appeared above her in an instant grabbing the sword and slashing downward with such strength that Shizue who raised her sword to block was forced to knees due the crushing force.

Gritting her teeth she tried to muster her strength and push him back and was thrown off balance as the weight suddenly disappeared. Jaune discarded his sword and instead grabbed Shizue by the neck and ruthlessly threw her across the arena like a ragdoll.

Shizue thrashed on the floor but quickly rolled onto her feet but before she could regain her bearings Jaune had already invaded her guard. It was like he had almost teleported, it was that quick.

Jaune pulled back and landed a devastating punch into her abdomen which sent her flying further into the dirt.

*Cough!* *Cough*

She gritted her teeth as blood spilled from her mouth. Her abdomen was coursing in pain. Any more strength and she would have died for sure.

Jaune appeared in front of her with his hand in his pockets as he looked down at her with an indifferent gaze.

"Is this enough Kawasaki Shizue-san?" Jaune asked Shizue who just grinned back challengingly. Jaune narrowed his eyes as he raised his hand into a fist as it began to glow. His sleeves began burning as blue sparks covered his hands but before he could do anything there was three audible noises and three sets of weapons were trained at him in an instant.

"That's enough Jaune Arc." Pyrrha said icily as she aimed Mílo at his neck.

"I think you had enough fun." Ren said indifferently.

"Any further and I might have to break your legs!" Nora chirped enthusiastically but there was an edge in her voice.

Jaune turned to look at them as his eyes glowed almost neon with hostility which caused them to flinch. It was enough for Jaune who ducked under Pyrrha's spear before gripping it and jerking it with such force that it sends Pyrrha into Ren and Nora as he let go of her spear.

Raising his hands Jaune caught his sword as it flew back to him and training it at Shizue's neck.

"Give up." He simply said.

"..." Shizue said nothing as she looked into his eyes. Her violet eyes looked with his glowing sapphire. They stared at each other for a moment before Shizue looked away. "I give up."

Jaune smirked to himself sheathing his sword and began walking away.

"T-The winner is Jaune Arc." Glynda announced coming breaking out of her shock. She quickly rushed to Shizue to check on her injury as Jaune began to walk towards the exit. "Are you okay Ms Kawasaki?! Ms Nikos! Ms Valkyrie! Help me carry your leader to the infirmary.

"Ahh. Thank you." Shizue nodded with a grateful smile as her two female friends helped her up though her eyes were locked onto the retreating form of Jaune. 'Jaune Arc... What an interesting man...'

'A strong, handsome man... Ufufu. This is going to be fun.'