
Jaune Arc and the Fields of Valour

Jaune had never been a hero and yet he found himself in a situation that certainly a hero would find himself in. The universe had once again pushed him to the edge of his seat and this time he was to become a 'Walker'. An entity who walks through the Gates and the Fields of Valour exploiting its fruits. But before that... '06 : 23 : 59 : 59 Wave 1 : 0/100 Please survive the Trial Grounds to prove that you are worthy enough to inherit the title of the Walker. If you lose, you die.' ... This has got to be a joke... right? ------ Notes: 1. AU Universe, may have crossover in future. 2. Has elements from other anime. 3. OCC Jaune. 4. Harem. 5. Lemons... a.k.a Smut. (....maybe?) 6. A big fat disclaimer below. So don't sue me. DISCLAIMER! I do not own RWBY or ANY of its character or elements. What I own is my own plot, my own elements and my OCs. Thankyou. Enjoy Reading~~~

Kain_J_Demon · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Daily Life Of An 'Average' Jaune

Vol. 1 Reset | Ch 3. Daily Life Of An 'Average' Jaune


*Whack!* *Whack!*


*Whack!* *Whack!* *Whack!*

In a secluded part of the Emerald forest was Jaune. Sweat glistened on his shirtless body as he breathed out before proceeding to dish out punishment onto the heavy punching bag in front of him.

It had been two weeks since he had been kicked out from his team and had become a Walker. Ozpin had sensed that there was something peculiar about Jaune that wasn't there before and with his infinite kindness and wisdom gave him another chance to redeem and prove himself.

He was assigned a huge room just for himself and he was in fact Beacon's first single-cell team in a long time.

But Jaune could care less about it.

Jaune had tried attending the classes but had come to hate it quickly enough. The glares and gazes of his classmates and the bias that the teachers had against him made him hate being anywhere near the classes.

So he decided to just ditch the classes altogether and just focus on exploring his powers as a walker and growing stronger.

Jaune had never been a heavy sleeper but he also wasn't an early morning person. But now he had changed in more than one way.

He would wake up at 5' sharp and would freshen up till 5:20. After drinking a big cup of water he would get out of the house and run laps around the Emerald forest without using any magic spell or aura to aid him further.

After running laps, he would perform the workout routines that he had gathered from the memories of Frank Castle and Bruce Wayne.

Each session was gruelling and Jaune had to put himself through it again and again. While it was painful and daunting but the results were obvious as Jaune had gained defined and durable muscles.

At 10:30 he would allow himself to take a break where he would go clean up and grab something to eat. By 11:30 he would once again enter the forest this time to practice and refine the combat skills and ability he had retained when he relived the lives of Bruce Wayne and Frank Castle.

If it was any other person they would either be braindead or would be facing a strong case of split personality disorder with just how much shit Jaune's brain had been put through during the time he was synchronising with the memory shards.

Jaune respected both the men very much. Both men were very much human and without any supernatural power had managed to knock down some High-Diety type existences with just their fists, wits and guts.

Both men were monsters when it came to Combat. Be it armed or unarmed it was as if that they both were designed for the sole purpose of destroying individuals.

Jaune had managed to retain most of their skills and Zen and Zenith modifying his body played a large role in it. But thankfully Jaune didn't retain any of their personality traits. It was mainly because he didn't agree with their philosophy.

Bruce Wayne was a wolf among men no doubt. But it doesn't change the fact that he was a delusional fool who believed that everyone is redeemable. He thought that Joker was redeemable and it resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people. All the pain and suffering only because he refused to pull the trigger.

Even without knowing Joker or meeting him personally (fortunately), Jaune knew that the psychopathic clown was beyond any saving. He deserved nothing but a well deserved, cold death.

Joker may have been a victim of the 'evil '/society but it isn't any excuse to murder anyone... Let alone hundreds.

Jaune wasn't an ignorant fool.

Nor was he an opportunist and hypocritical person like Frank Castle. While Jaune respected the man for his achievements and the feats that he had accomplished but that didn't mean that liked everything about the man.

The man was quite opposite of Bruce when it came to certain philosophies. He thought everyone was damnable and beyond redemption. The man was incredibly narrow-minded and would stoop to the lowest level just to eliminate his targets.

Jaune didn't care though honestly. Both men had lived their lives and they'd have to live with what they have done and there was nothing Jaune could do about it. What he could do was make the best out of both men's experiences and mould himself to be better than them both combined.

After practising his skills till 2' in the noon he would grab a quick lunch and then dive into the Fields to put his skills into action. Jaune would spend extended periods doing nothing but non-stop fighting and as the time is diluted in the Fields he never bothered to keep track of time.

Whenever he would reach a safe area he would experiment with his skills and would try to find all sorts of ways to apply them.

By the time he would come out it would be around 6-7 pm. With enough time at hand, he would either play games or go around the city to shop or for sightseeing.

School homework?

It was just bullshit to him at this point so he didn't even bother with it anymore.

"Fuuuu..." Breathing out once again Jaune seamlessly switched from one style to other and continued attacking the punching bag without any mercy. He went ham for 20 more minutes without a break.

Throwing out a last devastating punch Jaune stepped back and sat on the grass.

Panting he tried to control his breathing while taking a sip from his bottle. Jaune leaned back smiling while enjoying the breeze and how it felt against his body.

Having calmed down he got and put the punching bag back into his inventory. Putting on a loose T-Shirt began walking back to his room.

Jaune's self-imposed solitude gave him enough time to think about his decisions, his relationship and just about his life in general. Jaune had always been below average in life thus far. Average in looks, no particular specialities or differentiating skills, awkward to talk to and just clumsy and unsure personality.

"I was thoroughly a certified dipshit," Jaune commented sarcastically.

His relationship with his family wasn't great. To his parents he was just a 'boy' in the bunch of 'oh so great and beautiful daughters' they sired.

"Just an unexpected byproduct of too much s*x." Jaune shook his head. "It's a miracle of they kept me around as long as they did."

Pretty sure the skit he pulled off on the campus was no doubt narrated to his family by none other than Ozpin and Jaune didn't even need to read the messages he received from his family to know that he was disowned for being a disgrace to the Arc family.

"Well deception is a skill, it wasn't my fault I was busted while practising." Jaune shrugged.

With how he was it would have been the biggest magic if he was able to get a girl and get laid. He never had been in any relationship with any girl. And being surrounded by so many hormonal girls growing up made it even awkward for him to interact with the female species.

The only closure he had was with Pyrrha and Ruby and the time he joined that one class told him enough just how interested they are in him now.

"The amount of interest and affection they have for me now is how much one'd have for a disease-ridden beggar dipped in the gutter who is sprawled out on the side of dirt road..."


"If measured with a number pretty sure it would be in triple digits... Just in negative."

Jesus Christ! The people get it!

His team was the closest thing to a family he had and now that he was stripped of all the warmth he had Jaune was forced to face the harsh cold.

And maybe the saddest part was that the cold did not bother him anymore.

"Humans... Well, Ya know... They adapt."

Sad shit indeed.


"Damn... Am I overworking myself? Why do I feel sleepy?" Jaune stretched as he tried to get rid of the wave of sleepiness that he was suddenly hit with.

"You seem to be enjoying skipping classes, Mr Arc." A stern voice rang out and Jaune's sleep just vanished in an instant.

"Oh man, just on the right time to ruin my good mood. Congrats professor, you be doing good there." Jaune clapped sarcastically.

Standing in front of his room was the beautiful Glynda Goodwitch in her uptight glory. Her usual mask of indifference was replaced by that of irritation as she rapidly tapped her feet.

"I am not in a good mood, Mr Arc."

"I'm not either, all thanks to you."

"I don't have time to play your little games."

"Fuck off then." (A/N: Damn son!")

"Excuse me?!"

"No." Jaune deadpanned. "Kindly take your beautiful butt out of my way and seat it somewhere else where it doesn't stick into the daily life of an average Joe."


"With due respect... just let me sleep."


"And as you all may be aware by now of the danger Grimm pose towards our existe-"

Glynda pushed open the door of the classroom startling Professor Port and the students.

"Sorry to disturb you, professor. My... Ward had lost his way so I had to escort him here. Please excuse his tardiness, I assure you he won't be late again." Glynda said fixing her glasses while giving an exhausted Jaune a sideways glare.

"Oh? Look who decided to take a break from idle delinquency and grace us with his presence. Jaune Arc in flesh people." Professor Port chuckled heartily mocking Jaune who ignored him and began to look around for an empty seat away from all his ex-acquaintance who he skillfully ignored. Finding one he began walking towards it. "What were you doing all this time my boy?"

"It doesn't fuckin' concern you..." Jaune had apparently forgotten how to turn off the filter and cared little for what flew out of his mouth. The class was in shock at the blatant disregard of courtesy or respect. "...still it was something awesome and worthwhile."

Professor Port's eyebrows twitched in irritation.

"Oh? What better than studying and attending classes? Was it forging fake mark sheets and manuscripts?"

That was a low blow.

"Pfff-That's child's play now. It was bigger, better and more nefarious than that." Jaune chuckled. "But don't worry Mr Mustache, I won't do something as bad as blowing your house up and not leaving you a window to jump out of... Still, be careful."

...But the amount of fucks Jaune gave is the number of power stones you lot are giving away this story. Zero.

(A/N: Please give me some :/ )

Seating himself in a chair Jaune leaned on the desk while supporting his chin with his palms and smiled at the class.

"Kindly piss off and do your work."

The class went on smoothly after that.

Jaune's change in behaviour surprised everyone. It was a complete 180 from the Jaune they knew.

Jaune was clumsy but sweet, funny but awkward. This guy was uncaring of anything and had no regard for anyone. Not only his personality but even his appearance had changed. This Jaune was wild and unruly. Long unkempt hair falling over his face, big baggy shirt and a jacket that he only put on his shoulder for appears sake as the sleeves hung lifelessly.

He had also grown noticeably tall and while was hard to make out he had got buffed if the brief glimpse of his muscular hands were any indication to go by.

All in all, neither the students nor the professor knew how to deal with the new Jaune.

Classes flew by one after another and Jaune was fighting a losing battle. The sleep which Glynda had pushed back, came back with a vengeance and Jaune decided to give in. Jaune can now be seen in the back with his head down, snoring quietly. He had been like that for two classes and was blissfully unaware of the glare that Glynda was giving him.


The sleeping, unreacting Jaune seemed to piss Glynda off more than usual as both of her eyebrows twitched violently in rage.

"You... You little shit... JAUNE ARC!!!!"


*Twitch* *Twitch*



"...Umm? Good morning... What?"

"... Please just come down."